Friday, August 30, 2013

Notes from the Universe

A while back I found Mike Dooley and his website.  So I signed up to get "Notes from the Universe".  They're just fun little things that come into the email once a day.  For example, here is today's message:

Erin, wasn't it clever of me to think you up? I mean, come on... 

Never has there walked the face of the earth someone who thinks with your degree of insight. Who loves with your degree of care. Or who feels with your degree of hope. And never has there been such a need for someone with gifts like yours, because at this very moment there are people only you can reach and differences only you can make. 

Your #1 fan,
    The Universe

What an inspiring message to have!  Not all fit me for the day it comes, but sometimes when I'm feeling down, the message seems to really be for me.

What would it be like if we continually "talked" to ourselves this way?  Wouldn't we then have more confidence in what we do?  Don't get me wrong, it's nice to hear compliments from others, but we have to have some self-worth to be able to accept.  So let's try and start working on that every day.

Along with doing your gratitudes,  you should also give  yourself a compliment every morning and evening.  If  you start liking yourself and stuff you do, it soon becomes love and then the right people will come into your life - because  you've made yourself be more confident and loving to yourself.  If you can do it to yourself (often the hardest thing to do) you then also can do it for others.

So .. what is something you can compliment yourself on?  Me, I really like the way I treat my kids.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


First off, I'd like to thank any and all that have been praying or sending healing for my back.  It is greatly appreciated.

I had my appointment yesterday to get an injection to help with the pain.  They got more information out of the hospital than I did about my back.  Apparently I have arthritis in my back at the L5/S1 area and it's making the space for the nerve smaller - hence "pinching" it.

The doctor at the appointment was really nice.  We talked about what was working what wasn't and then he "prescribed" a new pain pill, a TENS unit (electrode therapy), and a back brace.  Then I went into the procedure room to have the epidural done.  First lying on my stomach was very uncomfortable.  The doctor was running just a tad late, so I had to lie there for awhile.  I wish I could describe the pain to people.  Just say it hurt and was bringing me to tears.

He finally came in.  They had this "machine" over me so he could get a good picture of where things were and how it looked.  Now the needle in the back is never pleasant, but pushing the medicine is what hurt me.  From my lower back/but down my leg to the ankle.  Intense pain at first, but then finally less pain.  That made it all worth it.  Finally I was done.  My leg felt weak, but I wasn't in the pain I had been earlier.  Could I still feel some, yes, but not like it has been for the past 2 weeks.

Now, you know it's bad when the doctor tells you that it was really inflamed and then orders you another type of medicine that is to dull the nerves.

Last night, the numbing wore off, but luckily the pain med is doing better than the other one I was on.  I didn't get the restful sleep that I had hoped for, but better than I did the other night.  The only problem I'm having now is that I drove the truck which has manual transmission (clutch/stick) and my back definitely didn't like that.  Plus on top of that, I'm extremely sleepy.  I am assuming it's a side effect of the nerve medicine.  Should make for an interesting day at work!

So I did a tarot card draw today -- you can see the results here:

If  you're a person who has "gifts" and want to learn and practice them, please feel free to stop by   We would love to have you participate in our forum and feel safe to learn about your gifts.

May your day be blessed today!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When life overtakes blogging...

I swear these past couple of weeks have been extremely busy.  My day job is in the busiest time of the year and I've got so much going on it's hard to keep up.  Especially when my sciatic nerve is going nuts and I'm not sleeping.  Makes for interesting days to be sure.

But, I've managed to do my classes, finally get one of the few CBTs I need to upload to our learning area (after failed attempts), and working on helping out on phones as well as the other trainer's materials.

Then there's home.  Marriage is work.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  My husband stays home and "watches" the kids.  Problem is, things are falling through the cracks and I think because of this back trouble I've been having, I finally have had it.  So, there will be some serious conversation going on soon. 

I'd like to think I'm rather easy going.  I understand what it's like to try and take care of 3 kids and be the one at home, but certain necessary things need to get done.  We're beyond that point for him, and so as much as I don't want to be the harpy - it's coming out because it's affecting the kids.

I'd like to write about how much more I've expanded or something new spiritually to share with you, but I've just been too busy.  I have sent out healings and blessings to anyone and everyone who's asked.  I'm still trying to work on my book, so far that hasn't happened.  But I'm hoping for some writing time this week.

I finally also got an appointment tomorrow to hopefully get the nerve pain gone.  I've had back problems since I was 16, but this by far has been the worst I've dealt with.  And personally I feel 5 months is long enough to be dealing with it.  It's affecting me at a personal level with the lack of sleep I'm getting.  That affects my job, my home, my kids.  So it's definitely time.  So here's to hoping what they're doing is going to work!

I can't tell you what it's going to feel like actually being able to lay in bed and have no pain.  Either for relaxing or for sleeping.  Its funny how it's the little things that we end up missing when we can't do it.

So, I will keep you posted on how this week is going -especially tomorrow.  And more than likely if I end up not feeling the pain anymore look for my title on this blog called "Woohoo!"

Friday, August 16, 2013

Turbulent week?

I don't know if everyone felt the same, but it sure has felt like a turbulent week to me.  Ups and downs.. gos and stops.  Signs to say to take action, but when you do, you get stopped up from completing it.

So, I know a person who is working on this major project and one of the workers got hurt.  So I asked them to ask the person if I would be able to try and heal them.  I did finally get word they would let me.  So I worked on it.  Now, apparently a beam of some sort fell on this person's left leg/ankle area.  That's all I knew.  And I knew it because when I concentrated on the area, I actually got a physical representation of it on my own leg.  Yes, you heard me correctly, I had an outline in light red on my leg.  So like with anything, I took a look.  I felt a lot of blood in the area from the swelling and such, so I cleared that out.  I then looked and it felt like 2 fractures (I was told later that was correct) and so I set the intent to heal the bones that were fractured.  I then "wrapped" it up to help with the healing process.

The person contacted me later to tell me all that had transpired.  Apparently the man was supposed to go in for surgery to help set the bones yesterday and when they went to take the xrays -- apparently they were already fixed.  That's amazing even to me.  It's showing me my healing abilities are expanding again.

Yet, for some reason, I am unable to help myself.  Which is very frustrating.  I have been dealing with a pinched nerve (sciatic no less) for going on 4 months now.  The past month I've been going to a chiropractor to help.  Well this week, it's gotten progressively worse.  I'm not sleeping very well and it's very sore.  Sore to the point of certain movement brings me to tears.  Now with my abilities, I can see the issue - somehow the nerve is twisted.  I can't get it to untwist however and so I'm left with pain.  Pain that I can't lie down and get sleep.  The only reason I think this week I got any sleep is because I finally got sick.  Of course, I was able to get over it fairly quickly.  But now I'm really dragging, because work is hectic and I have a long commute every day which compounds the nerve issue.

So, if you have prayers out there.  I could really use some :)  Also, the earth could really use some love as well.  So pick stuff up.  Hug a tree.  Just send love for having a place to live.  All will work.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Card for you today for this week...

This card selection is from Doreen Virtue's Angel Deck.

WOW.  What a card to be drawing :)

What ever you've been working toward, keep it up.  The universe is saying it's going to be successful and abundant for you.

But it's also cautioning not to stop what you're doing, but continue with it and keep the outlook toward the final thing  you want.  Keeping your eye on the prize so to speak.  This is a sign that it will come true.  Have to continue with your steps and all steps in the scheme of things is movement forward, even if they turn out to be wrong ones -- it's movement.  That movement will open other doors of opportunity for you.

I'm also being told that you should daydream more.  Having those visions of what you want will help manifest as well.  Don't worry about how you're going to get there, just be in the moment that you have what you want.  All will be well.

So let me know how this all works for you! :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I took this picture last year.  But I figured since I was talking about finding blessings, I'd put this picture up.  I took it with my phone and I couldn't see what exactly I was taking and so here's this picture.  I kind of like it.  The sun covered in the clouds makes me think of the blessing "balls" I send out to people.  Blessing balls is just love and blessing energy sent to those that I feel may need it from time to time.

So I thought since it looked like a blessing ball to me, I would post it here and imbue the blessing into this picture.  I feel everyone should have a blessing and if  you take the time to come here and read my posts and now look at this picture I have blessed, hopefully that energy will go to you as well if you're willing for it to.

So you might have heard the term Reiki infused pictures -- well this is my blessing one.  May it bring you peace, love, joy, blessings and hopefully all good stuff to you.  You'll have to let me know how it works for you :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Finding Blessings

Every day can be considered a hard day.  There are a lot of stresses in life and little things over time that become bigger and bigger until it just seems one tips you over to having "that kind of day".

You all know what I'm talking about.  Everything is going wrong.  You bang your elbow.. spill coffee.. run into traffic.. get the pattern?

Finding blessings, any blessing, in the day can change that energy around.

First off, when rushing around or getting angry, take a moment and breathe.  Deep calming breaths.  At least 3 of them.  Then think of something that truly makes you grateful for being alive.  Maybe that coffee that spilled on you.  Remember the aroma of the freshly brewed cup.  That first sip of warmth as it spreads throughout your body.

Or maybe it's watching a beautiful sunrise, while drinking the coffee.  Watching the world come to light while the world is still sleeping.

It doesn't have to take much to look for blessings.  Heck, every morning I wake up and say "Hey I'm breathing!  Thank you God for allowing me to have another day!"  Even the mornings when I'm feeling my age or sick.  Still means I'm alive :)

Some of my blessings is that I have a roof over my head, food for myself and my kids, a car that works, a job to go to in order to pay the bills.  I also like looking at nature.  Sometimes a beautiful flower can remind me that you don't need "things" to make it special.  My children give me "weeds" as flowers all the time.  I make sure to put them in water -because they thought it pretty and wanted me to have it.  Little things like that bring your spirit back to a giving place and feeling better place.

If you're still having a hard time, find that piece of music that never fails to put you in that good mood.  Or maybe it's a clip from a movie -- you tube is great for watching those.  It doesn't have to take long to get out of that negative vibration and back into the positive one.

So how is your day going?  What blessing have you found today?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Feeling a bit ahhh

Last night I was in pain from my pinched nerve and didn't get much sleep.  Needless to say I didn't make it to work today.

I went to my chiropractor appointment and was in really bad shape.  He's trying to tell me not to aggravate it, but he also knows I have little ones - and so that's not always possible.

I get driving home, stop by to pick up dinner and get home and literally just sit down, when I look at my eldest.  She was snotty last night and running a fever - so I kept her home today.  Well she looked worse and this after taking a good long nap.

So off we go to the urgent care.  Looks like the start of ear infection.  So I go and pick up her medicine.  Then home for us to eat.  Then I take all 3 kids up to the top floor.  Soon I smell something.  So I go get wipes and by the time I get back up, my youngest was sitting in a bin and her diaper had moved and so we had what I deemed a poop emergency.  I didn't know that and so I sat her on my lap -- yeah me!

I'm going through a lot of emotional things right now and this lack of sleep and pain is not helping my emotions.  I tend to get a bit ahhh.  I'm trying desperately to keep peace and love in my mind, but it doesn't always help.  So hopefully sleep will help.

Now, my youngest had an MRI done in June on her brain.  Plus blood work done.  The doctor called and gave the results to my husband.  However, had I been on the phone, I would have been asking more questions.  Well I waited for the results, since they said they would send them.  Didn't get them.  I then waited past the 6 weeks they said the blood work would be back.  I called last week, but doctor wasn't in.

Finally today, I get an email that answered my questions, with basically nothing.  She doesn't "fit" any categories so they don't know what to tell me other than she'll probably be delayed.  Ok.. another AHH moment.

So I think bed is soon to be on my horizon and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I did a pull from Doreen Virtue's Archangel deck and came up with the following card:

Comfort:  Archangel Azarel: "I'm with you in your time of need, helping you heart to heal."

So this card is kind of right on time for me.  There's a person I know who just lost their spouse and it's been difficult for them.  I know through time, the pain will fade enough to remember the good times.  But it's the path to get there that can be difficult.

To often we sit with our own pain for so long, it because habit.  That's never good to dwell that long in pain.  When that happens, we then get involved with other things to try and bring us up .. and like an addiction can get out of hand quickly.. because it brings us out of the funk just long enough and so like a drug of sorts - we want to not feel bad, so we keep going after that.  Soon what little used to bring us out.. now takes more and more.. soon our life could be out of control.

Grief is a natural process.  It can take as long and as little time that is needed for the individual.  No one is the same and shouldn't be held to the same standards as someone else.  People should also realize that just because the person is still going on with their life, doesn't mean they're over it.  It means they're dealing with life.  Some days will be better than others.  The main focus is that they are moving forward.  And we as caring individuals should be there for them.

I know how hard it is as a person who's lost someone.  I also know how hard it is to "be there" for someone who is going through a loss.  Sometimes it's just nice to offer a hug and ear or take them out for a drink where they can say anything and everything they're feeling.  You never know if you're going to be that one individual that just by being there will actually help.  For me, when I lost Sarah, was my friend.  She lives a few hours away is a single mom and she took time off of work to be there for me.  Meant the world to me.  I had my parents around and some people from church, but to have her do that for me .. I let the grief out.

So let's be compassionate to others and give them comfort in what ever form we can do for them. I am forever grateful for the friends I have that help me out on a daily basis.  Who can you give comfort to today?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dreams to Reality?

How many of you have had a dream that felt so real that when you woke up you could recall everything about it?  That it was so real that you either didn't want to wake up from it, because real life can't compare?

Most of my dreams, that I remember, usually have really weird aspects to them. Like Aliens attacking the area I (grew up) lived in and somehow only I knew the combination to get through the Neon glowing blocks they had planted for bombs.

Yea.. told you.. when I dream they are doosies :D  Is it sad I still remember most of the dream that I had when I was 12 and I'm now 44?

This time it's different for me.  I've been working on doing positive affirmations.. letting go of self-limiting beliefs.. working on concentrating on raising my vibration to get me to where I want to be.  Abundance.  And what's funny is that being the control freak I am, I've had to learn to let go of that.

Now I'm 6 weeks into the program.  Around my 4th week, someone came into my life.  A someone that could actually make all my dreams come true.  I start having "visions" of snippets of our time together and so I've been quickly writing them down, thought they are so vivid I can recall at anytime.

Looking back at my positive affirmations I had written down in my movie that I watch twice a day.  I'm now seeing the hows.  This person literally can make them happen.

I'm all about fate, but I'm also a bit of a realist.  So I'm trying desperately to keep the faith that this will work out how I've "seen" -- only time will tell.  So will you stick around to see if it does? :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Roller coasters

You know as a child, I used to love roller coasters.  I hated that initial climb (I'm afraid of heights), but once we got going on speed -- LOVED them.  Loved the way it made my insides feel and the rush of the air around me.

Now, I'm not saying I was a dare-devil child by any means.  Hardly.  But now as an adult I sit back and wonder what it was that made it the thing to do and want to do.

Because now, I know there can be technical issues and the thought of that happening to me or to my children.. I get nightmares.

So, in saying that I don't like roller coasters now - why do my emotions like to be one?  Or am I absorbing emotions of others?  I don't know the answer, but can I get off now please?

I'm sure it's all part of the process of becoming more spiritual, but I'd like a break.  Plateaus are good.  I mean you wouldn't continue to climb up a mountain without breaks. 

Guess, I need to try and find time today to do a good meditation.  It's been a busy week so far and won't let up.  Maybe then I'll feel a bit grounded and back to business as usual.

Well, since we're talking emotions - how are all of you ?  Hopefully full of light and love.  Blessings to all of you!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sooo.. sorry...

Been neglecting the blog lately.  Been concentrating on getting old stuff out my house and feeling a bit more in control.  Spent Saturday doing a  lot of things around the house.  Including pitching a ton of stuff we had stored in one of the rooms.  Of course it would be better if I could get rid of 1/2 the stuff my husband is keeping a hold of.

Me, unless it has some special memory - like the box of stuff of my deceased daughter - and it has no useful purpose (i.e. old TV or computer no longer used) - time to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, I didn't get it all done.  But it's at least better and some stuff is now out of the house.  Still have way too much to go.  I was trying to make use of the time of it being rainy and cool to attack the house.  I only have one day a weekend to try and get stuff accomplished - so it makes it hard.

And then we had church day, which also turned into church night - bible school began.  Between the two, I got more laundry done - but I still need to go and get the last load out of the dryer - luckily they are mainly towels.

I'm working on my course.. I didn't get to do all the stuff I normally do but I managed to get it done today.  I am working on opening myself up to all that God/Universe wants to give to me.  One of the hardest things I'm having to deal with is letting go of the "how".  It's not up to me to say how this needs to come to me.  What it means is by letting the how go and just be open, really wondrous things come to you.  Sometimes things you would have never imagined would.

Like right now, I have something else going on I didn't expect.  However, it's getting to the point that it could meet every one of my positive affirmations I have put out there.  That I have been repeating and watching over and over.  I've released some of the self-doubting beliefs .. still have some to do.

And even if this thing doesn't actually come to fruition - it's been amazing seeing how God/Universe has orchestrated it.  Because it didn't come out how I "planned", but it's got all the makings of what I've been asking for.  One piece is being open about my spirituality.  And I did that this weekend with some church folks.  I can't believe I did and how much easier it's getting to talk about it.

Well, I am very sorry I have neglected you..and I hope you have been having some inspiring times as well.  If you have - drop me a note and tell me!

Friday, August 2, 2013


I ran across this song this morning:

Phil Wickham


To the one whose dreams have fallen all apart
And all you're left with is a tired and broken heart
I can tell by your eyes you think you're on your own
But you're not alone
Have you heard of the One who can calm the raging seas
Give sight to the blind, pull the lame up to their feet
With a love so strong it never lets you go
No you're not alone

You will be safe in His arms. You will be safe in His arms
The hands that hold the world are holding your heart
This is the promise He made, He will be with you always
When everything is falling apart, you will be safe in His arms

Did you know that the voice that brings the dead to life
Is the very same voice that calls you now to rise
So hear Him now, He's calling you home. You will never be alone

You will be safe in His arms. You will be safe in His arms
The hands that hold the world are holding your heart
This is the promise He made, He will be with you always
When everything is falling apart, you will be safe in His arms

Cause these are the hands that built the mountains, the hands that calm the sea
These are the arms that hold the lame and they are holding you and me
These are the hands that heal the leper pull the lame up to their feet
These are the arms were nailed to the cross to break our chains and set us free

You will be safe in His arms. You will be safe in His arms
The hands that hold the world are holding your heart
This is the promise He made, He will be with you always
When everything is falling apart, you will be safe in His arms
You will be safe
You will be safe
When everything is falling apart, you will be safe in His arms

This song presents itself to me today.  I have experienced the love of God in my life and it's a feeling not easily explained to share, other than it's a type you never felt before.  Why not let go and let God?  Not that you don't take action, but sitting in a quandary as to what to do, will keep you there and going over and over and never moving forward, never moving back.  So today and everyday, I trust in him to help me get what I want easily and freely.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Didn't get much sleep last night due to the pinched nerve pain.  So I'm a bit down today.  I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I am missing the child I lost.

Sarah had Trisomy 18, which is a chromosomal defect that causes not only developmental issues, but also birth defects.  In Sarah's case, it meant a cleft lip/palate, heart issue and esophagus that didn't attach to the stomach.

We got 2 beautiful days with her.  She made every goal I set out for her.  She is important enough to me that I'm writing a book where she is included.  Because I think people need to know more about the types of situations that I've been through and how what I've had to go through can help.

I'm very blessed for the living children I do have.  They are my joys as well.

The other two parts of my book are about my other 2 girls.  Each with their own medical issues that we have to deal with.  I do this because people need to know that not all issues are seen.  We should be treating everyone with love and kindness.  Especially children.  

So, even though I'm blue and missing my one, I am joyful that my others are currently healthy and growing well.  Even if they do drive me a bit nuts with all their energy when because of lack of sleep I don't have much.

So what do you have to be grateful for today?  You see mine <3