Your Card - “Express Your Individuality” - Allow your true self to shine because you’re awesome!
So even though I didn't do card pulls on the weekend, I still see a theme following through from last week. Following our heart, finding our joy and now expressing our individuality.
I know for me and it's been pointed out to me by a few people, that I don't allow my true self to shine. Maybe it's because when I did as a kid, I got made ridiculed and such, so over time I've learned to shield the real me from others.
I have been trying to get back to that point before I got pulled into myself. It's hard to do, when you work and have to be a certain way at work, then be a mom and wife, before yourself. So because of all those time constraints, the core me gets pushed under.
I guess I need to and the card is reminding me, that I need to incorporate the real me into the other me(s). Because I do believe that if I let the real me shine, the others will fall into place and I'll be a much happier person.
Besides, who wouldn't want to be happier in who they are and what they're doing, as long as they were true to themselves? How many people do you think you could affect being like that?