Monday, April 28, 2014
Card for Monday, April 28, 2014
Your Card - “Ten of Michael” - It’s finally over! A situation has ended, and you are finally free. You probably saw this time coming and have been welcoming it. New opportunities for happiness will now follow.
I love this card. I was a dancer (ballet) long ago and I love what this represents. The ending of a great performance. Being graceful in the ending and letting it go and knowing it was there for your own spiritual growth. I like to think the illumination of the stage is the light that we're now looking forward to the next chapter of our lives. The swan symbolizes the growth and change. That's the whole point of being here on earth. To live and grow. Learn lessons that we need to learn.
The dark blue color of this card to me represents new beginning and the light blue of the card represents peace and calmness. There's nothing else you need to learn and so you're ready to move on to hte next thing which is going to be greater thing for you.
Take the moment to reflect on what has been but be open to what is coming and be happy for it.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Card for Friday, April 25, 2014
Your Card - “You’re Being Helped” - “Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see results yet.”
I love this card. It's a message that even though we've asked for help and haven't seen results yet, doesn't mean that it's not coming. This is a message to keep faith with your path and the things that you wanted and the assistance that you asked for is there. They are busy trying to make sure everything is in place for the best assistance is going to be there for you. Often you probably don't recognize it at first, because it wasn't exactly what you asked for. But they are really good in that they give you what you ACTUALLY NEED. Keep that in mind.
This card often reminds me of the picture of a duck swimming on the surface of the water. Looking very calm and serene. Then you get a picture of what going on underneath the surface -- chaos, little legs going very very fast to get them where they need to be.
So don't give up hope just before the results come. Take deep breaths, keep trudging forward and know it IS coming!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Life is better....!FpVnQ
OK. I was trying to come up with a worthy blog post and was having issues until I remembered seeing the above link yesterday. If you're older and not really tech savvy you probably won't get a lot of the contexts to it, but if you are somewhat tech savvy and know people that aren't, you probably will laugh your butt off!
I was so lucky that I tend to laugh silently anyway - especially when I'm laughing hard, because I read it at work and was really rolling in my chair.
Laughter helps release endorphins and thus help melt stress away. It's also one of those things that helps when you might be in a bit of a mood. Find a good TV show or movie that YOU think is funny so you can help change your perspective. Or maybe a YouTube of a comedy routine you really love and makes you laugh.
My day started off OK today. I did my gratitudes for the morning while I was busy trying to wake up (and not wanting to). I noticed I was running behind. Ever have one of those days? Most people then get worried that they're going to be late, yell at other drivers for driving so slow, whip around cars and really cause a potential of creating accidents.
Ever see Office Space? Beginning of the movie, the guy seems to always be in the lane that doesn't move. So you see him get an opening to the one that is moving and then as soon as he gets in that lane, it stops. And this keeps going on and on.
I used to be that way. I'm lucky in that I have a flexible start time. But when I became more spiritual and know that the angels are looking out for me I don't stress on getting here "on time". I just breathe.. put on some happy music and jam. I figure if I'm meant to get there on time, I will. If I'm not, I won't. So today, I left a lot later than I normally do and even though it appeared traffic was bad I didn't let it stress me. Know what? I ended up being 5 mins late. It could have been 30-50 minutes and probably would have been had I been stressed about it.
One of the other things I've been slightly stressing about is money. This time of year for me gets to be tight as I have 3 kids with birthdays and Easter within 2 months. It's always worse when Easter falls closer to the birthdays. Did I forget to mention an anniversary and my birthday and my husband's birthday in there? So I see a lot of different number schemas from the angels. These are number patterns. 101, 111, 202, 222, 303, 313, 333.. etc. Well this morning it was 808. Looking at a website I use for number patterns - 808 was something along the lines of watching my money a bit more closely. So me being me said well then help me by giving me some extra coming in.
Now, I've been playing the lottery (no winners.. not even a number usually) and have even asked them "Show me the money!" and angels like to be practical jokers sometimes. So after the show me the money rant - I got a nickle outside of my truck the next morning. So after asking again, I thought I'd see something similar. However, I was floored. I got an order from my website ( . So now, tonight I will be working on that order and have now brought a little more money to me. May not be a lot, but we all have to start somewhere.
So when you get a moment. Stop worrying. Start Laughing and loosening up and having some fun. You'll never know what it can bring you ...
Card for Thurs April 24, 2014
Your Card - “Strength” - This card comes to you because you need to know that you’re stronger than you realize. You can definitely handle your current situation. However, instead of “powering through it,” you’re better off with an approach of compassion, kindness, and gentleness. The strength that this situation calls for comes from the softness of a spiritual core.
Today's card tells us to be strong. Whether that be for ourselves or for others. I do know that true strength lies in compassion and forgiveness of others. Now, maybe this is me talking and not anyone else, but I also don't believe that it should mean we compromise what we believe in while forgiving someone.
Sometimes the forgiveness comes in moving on from the situation. Remember the turn the other cheek? I've been in a place many times before where screaming at a person to do things time and time again never worked. Even being nice about it didn't work. So instead of making yourself sick in figuring out what to do to get them to do what you think they should, sometimes you just have to walk away and not worry about it.
I like this card, because there's a rainbow in the back which to me means hopes and promises of a new 'order'. There are also doves which represent peace and the world lies at our feet.
So who needs strength today? Know that regardless of the situation, there are those of us (God, Angels and me) who are behind you 100%.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Cards for Wed April 23, 2014
Your Card - “Walk Away” - Leave the unhealthy situation, and enjoy the new doors that open as a result!
Your Card - “The Wheel” - Exciting changes are coming! The Wheel spins with the power of life and turns to bring you prosperous new opportunities. If you’ve been finding it difficult to get your plans off the ground, that will change now! Sudden movement forward is likely.
I decided to pull a couple of cards today. I feel like the energy that we've been dealing with on the blood moon and now the cardinal cross that is coming, has really messed with everyone's energy. It just feels like all the hidden stuff has come to the top and many don't know how to deal with it. So a lot of bad behaviors, harsh words, etc have been coming to the forefront of many people's lives. So, it's interesting that we got the cards walk away and the wheel.
Walk away, to me, can be taken a bunch of different ways, not just the most obvious. However, if that's your situation then their are telling you it's not worth fighting again for. This card to me reminds me of the bible verse of turning the other cheek. Most people assume someone got hit and so they turn the face to the other side so that one too could be hit. But what if both of these is just saying it's time to move on. Have you ever thought that by moving on that you are no longer enabling them to have a hold on you with their behavior? That you're rising above it and they may have to join you or be left. It's never an easy decision to do this kind of things -- trust me, I left an mentally abusive husband.
But when we decide that these people or behaviors no longer have a hold over our lives, the second card comes into play. Whatever was holding you back that you finally have decided to let go of, means good energy comes into play around you and what do you think of a wheel? That it moves. And depending on the type of wheel, some only move forward. Moving forward getting new beginnings and a chance for happiness. Who wouldn't want that? So if you're working on something that is a passion for you, then be ready because it's coming ... :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Card for Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Your Card - “Six of Earth” - Abundance is on the way. The Universe loves a grateful heart and rewards gratitude with more abundance. You may be the recipient of this bounty, or you may be the giver. Gifts may be monetary or take some other form, such as an opportunity, advice, and so forth.
Guess the word for today would be grateful. What can you be grateful for? Most people think gratefulness has to be something really big. It doesn't. Being grateful for being here another day, for the rain or sun, or good traffic is something that puts your mind at ease and your energy in a better vibration.
Being in that better vibration is what helps the "universe" to bring the better things for you. It takes the negative away which hinders good things coming your way.
So, when your morning doesn't start out the way you want. Or if you're running that 15 minutes behind schedule, take a moment, take a deep breath and find somethings to be grateful for. Then ask that even though your late that traffic and your day goes more smoothly for you.
I'm not saying it's easy to do. There are too many days we want to sit and complain about how bad things are -- I do it too. But that only keeps us in that downward spiral and keeps that kind of energy flowing to us.
So like this morning, I'm very tired and my head is hurting. And even though things kept getting in my way this morning and my head got hit again by another loved one, I took a minute to regroup before I got on the road. I didn't have too bad of traffic and considering when I got up this morning wasn't as late as I could have been. So, I know it works. Just really mean it -- not just say the words.
One thing I'm grateful for today, it smelled like spring today. What a day to wake up to -- even if it's rain ;)
Friday, April 18, 2014
Card for Friday, April 18, 2014
Your Card - “Sign From Heaven” - Protea: Your loved ones in spirit are waving hello and giving you reassurance that you’ll be all right.
I was drawn to pull from these cards today. Don't know if it's wishful thinking for Spring, but I go where I'm led.
Interesting that this card came up. A co-worker just lost their grandmother last week. Another co-worker and I were talking about what that kind of loss meant for us and discussing different members in our family that passed. So what a lovely surprise to see that this card came up.
If you have been thinking of someone you have lost, whether recent or otherwise, just know that they're around you as are the angels to give you that much needed boost.
I know I get signs from my loved ones here and there. Like one of my grandmothers -- loved cardinals. So I'll see one here and there when I'm feeling a bit down. Or she always smelled of coconut. So sometimes I'll get that smell and know she's around.
So take a moment remember those loved ones we've lost and those that are still around and appreciate how they have and currently do enrich our lives. Never a bad time to do that. One of the things we can be grateful for.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Cards for Thursday, April 17, 2014
Your Card - “Practice, Practice, Practice” - With daily practice, you can polish your skills and talents and increase your confidence.
Your Card - “Positive Energy” - “Surround yourself with positive people and situations, and avoid negativity.”
I'm sorry I didn't post one for yesterday, I was busy getting some injections in my back for my nerve issue. Kind of drained me of being able to do much yesterday.
Because of this, I drew 2 cards for today to make up for not drawing one yesterday. The first one is all about practicing. If you're working on a project, take the time to make sure it's how you need it to be. If you're like me, writing a book, need to make sure you're doing the writing you need to -- even if it's only 10-15 minutes you can give to the project. In doing so you'll eventually have the whole thing finished.
The 2nd card for today is all about what I call positivity. To often we get surrounded as light workers by negative type people. That can bring you down as well as if you're a light worker you might actually absorb a lot of the negativity. So if you can for today, get around some positive people. These are the people that are happy and usually optimistic.
If you can not get away from the negative people or situation, use shielding to the best of your ability - or ask someone you know that can help you shield. There are many different ways to shield yourself. Some imagine a bubble of white light around you. Others use colored light. Some use actual images of shields around them. You know what? There is no "wrong" way. It's what is helpful to you.
I also suggest having something around that makes you happy. I try and listen to happy music. I also do my gratitudes before I get up in the morning and before I go to bed. Whether you believe it or not, it does help the mindset.
And if you'd like me to send you a blessing ball -- just let me know you want one and any area you'd like me to focus on or just a general one. I'll be more than happy to help!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Card for April 15, 2014
Your Card - “Four of Air” - It’s time to rest. Take a vacation, or just create time to regroup and rejuvenate. Retreat from the world and any stress or concerns. If you’ve been ill, focus upon healing and don’t rush back into action.
I don't know about you and where you live, but today it's raining where I live. Sometimes on those days all I want to do is sleep. I also have 3 younger kids so anytime I can try to fit in a nap I usually do.
I would say this card is here today because we've been pushing along with our life and our spiritual purpose. Even though we need to work toward our goals, we can't forget to take care of ourselves. Periods of rest are needed in all situations. If you're having trouble sleeping, look into some meditations. They often put me to sleep, so there's a good chance they may for you.
I know of people whose minds don't shut off. They are constantly thinking and rethinking things. But that's the nice thing about meditation. Especially guided ones, you get to let those thoughts just drift away and pretty soon your mind quiets. Usually at a quiet mind is where you find rest.
For those of you that are like me in wanting to rush into some decisions, there are often times why it would be good not to do so. And this card says to take your time in making a decision. There's no rush. If someone is rushing you -- then make the decision not to do it. You should always take time if it's a really important one.
So, I don't know about you, but with the sound of the rain I'm about ready to go take a nap...
Monday, April 14, 2014
Card for April 14, 2014
Your Card - “New Beginnings” - You are being called to renew your dedication to your life purpose! Each day of your life has led you to this moment. Now it’s time to review your personal history and make changes that will take you in a different direction. Archangel Jeremiel can help you evaluate the past without harsh judgments. Take up your new destination with joy and confidence.
How appropriate for a Monday, the start of the week, a new beginning. This could refer to many things. Whatever that "thing" is for you, start working at it again. I know for me, I've been hurt or sick or tired and haven't had time to devote to my spiritual work like I had wanted to. I'm now getting the green light to get back up on the horse (so to speak) and get going again.
This is also a card of forgiveness. There maybe a person or a few people in your past that you still haven't truly forgiven. It could even be yourself. Today's the time to let that pain go. Not forgiving them still gives them the power over you. Letting them go and forgiving and putting it behind you will make you feel lighter and allow you to move forward with your life.
So take a moment, forgive, move on and focus on the thing that makes you happy.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Card for Friday, April 11, 2014
Your Card - “The Magician” - You have the magical touch of angels on your side! New projects that you start will be very successful. You have all the resources you need, even if you can’t see them at this time. With Archangel Raziel beside you, additional assistance in the form of guidance, supportive people, or a windfall of abundance will seem to magically appear. Anything is possible!
I love this card. Who doesn't like the thought of magic? You'll see a lot of rainbows around.. you'll see a genie lamp.. you'll even see an angel behind them. It appears that flow is finally coming through us. If you have any doubts, just ask for help. You can even do what I do, which is asking for signs. Now, sometimes you have to be specific in your request, as angels can be helping, but the signs are vague. For example, I kept telling them to show me the money. So one morning I came out to get in my car in the morning to go to work and there on the pad where I park, just outside my door, was a nickel. Not even a dime, which most associate to the angels. That's my angels having fun with me.
I have a friend that seems to manage to get what she needs when she needs it. So say she wants to take a course, somehow it all comes together for her. Now, that's not to say she doesn't do work to work toward it, but it always seems to come together for her.
So this card is telling you it's time to make a go of a project that you might have been working on. The things you need will "magically" come to you when you need it. If they're not, make sure to take time to ask that they do for you. And don't forget the signs that they are coming to your direction.
So, what is it that you're working toward?
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Card for Thursday, April 10, 2014
Your Card - “Eternal Love” - You’ve drawn this card because someone is sending you love at this moment. The first person you think about is the one who’s holding these loving thoughts about you.
Wow, is all I can say. Today is my 10th wedding anniversary. Such an appropriate card for today. But beyond my situation, why not have this card in general. Even if you don't know who might be sending you love, know that God/Angels are definitely sending you some.
Beyond them sending .. you need to be able to receive it. Don't think of yourself as not worthy of it -- you are! Be open and absorb the love inside of you. Self-love is extremely important in self-confidence and having good things come to you.
I know, you're probably thinking, I have a good self-image and I do love me.. but bad things keep happening to me. I have to say I've been there too. But they are usually life lessons and God/Angels are right there with you. To many times we're not aware or too wrapped up in our own misery we forget to ask for their help.
So for today, be in love.. send out your own love and most importantly receive the love that is being sent to you. It can only do you good!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Card for Wednesday April 9, 2014
Your Card - “Three of Fire” - Congratulations, this is your golden time of celebration and success! However, it’s not the moment to rest yet. You need to keep going with the next project. So, step back and review all that you’ve done and then create a blueprint for the future. You need to look at things with an eye to the long term. You probably feel good about how far you’ve come, but no resting on your laurels! It’s important to keep the fire of enthusiasm burning for the heights you might still attain.
What a card to have for the midweek "hump". So appropriate as well considering it is the middle of the week and we still have a couple more days to go until the weekend. So we don't sit on our laurels, we keep trudging along. Trudging.. there's an interesting word. Probably for most, they can really relate to it. But why do we have to trudge? Why can't we wake up with joy in our hearts (remember cards from last week?) and skip or dance along each and every day.
My life lately has been kind of rough. Flu still running through the house, I've been dealing with a migraine or headache that won't go completely away and then last night I found out I have a urinary tract infection. Which doesn't surprise me considering how run down I am. But, as bad as I feel, I'm trying to take a new approach to life here in starting my day "happy". And in doing so, it seems my day goes quite well.
Figure mind over matter. If you constantly say you're sick or tired.. guess what.. you'll feel it all day long. If you say, ok or alright.. you begin to feel that as well. Which is what I'm using. I hope to really get to the point where I say I'm good or great! Because wouldn't that be a wonderful way to feel.. each and every day?
So stay focused on what you want. Things are beginning to happen, but to keep that momentum going, you have to start taking steps for new things to happen to you. All with a little skip or dance to get you going.... :D
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Card for Tues, April 8, 2014
Your Card - “The World” - Congratulations, you’ve done a wonderful job! A project or situation in your life has now come to a happy conclusion, and there is a sense of completion and satisfaction. Your work with Archangel Michael has brought you to a new level of spiritual growth and evolution.
Michael is prominent in this card as a step to say to let go of the past and get going with the future. If you don't know what your future is, you can always ask for help. Now be warned, in my experiences they can be kind of vague, but they will send signs.. they may take you in a direction you didn't think possible or wasn't even in your vision. The good news is with their help you can become a much better person ready to take on the world.
I know I've been trying to figure out what my new role is and today was pushed to pull out my course material for the Akashic Records. I never finished that course and I guess they are telling me it's time to do so.
So don't be afraid for a new step... a new direction... the angels are here to help you along the way so you'll never be alone.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Love and the possibilities
Your Card - “Sacred Pool” - When you look into the mirror, do you like what you see? The Sacred Pool card asks that you focus on self-love and self-esteem. We are all works in progress, so a detached self-examination made with rigorous honesty is called for now. Reflect by the Sacred Pool and be at peace with yourself.
Too often we look into other people and/or things to make us happy. We think the outside source(s) are what is going to make us happier. However as this card says, we need to look deep inside of us and see the divine goodness that makes us "us". Look back to how you may have been in the past and how far you've come since then. Are there things that are still holding us back? Then look for a way that you can fix it.
When you realize how good of a person you are it becomes easier to respect yourself and act in good conscience to attract the same things/people to you. Just know that you are loved and that you are beautiful in your own way. The rewards are ready to come your way, you just have to be ready to receive them.
Card for Monday, April 7, 2014
Your Card - “Ace of Water” - A wonderful new person is coming into your life! This could involve a budding romantic relationship or renewed romance within your current relationship. Positive emotions such as joy, pleasure, and happiness are likely. You may find yourself falling in love.
What a great card to start off our week. It talks about love and positive emotions like happiness and joy! The Water cards here represent emotions. You can see the one person in the forefront, but there is another lurking in the background just waiting to meet us. And what is better than the feeling of falling/being in love? For those of us that may have been having issues in our relationships - whether romantic or platonic, now is when they will start getting better. Now getting better can mean different things. You need to be realistic in looking at the relationship. Often we have to let go of one to let it grow. Whether that be together or apart. It also could mean a new person will come into your life that gets you and because of that makes you happy. The whole point of this card is making you happy and thus being in love with life again. I think many of us lately have been just muddling through life lately and have lost that spark. So be warned, it's coming.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Card for Thus, April 3, 2014
You are entering a new and exciting phase of your life. Believe in yourself and know that you will succeed. Use your faith and commitment to your dreams.
This card goes a bit with being true to yourself earlier this week. Except now, it's saying you're heading into a new adventure! This card had the person looking forward and many good signs all within the card -- rainbows, unicorns, butterflies and storks. And let's not forget the pot of gold at the bottom of his feet.
Take guidance in anyway you get get with the new venture you want to start. Whether that be your own intuition, or someone elses. Know that having the faith that your dreams are about to become reality is on it's way. Keep the faith. Not only keep it, but work toward it. You do have to continue to put effort along the way. This picture isn't of the guy sitting in a chair waiting for it to arrive to him, he's out forging the path to what he wants. But notice the relaxed way he's standing. He's not forcing anything. He's confident about where he's going and enjoying the path along the way.
What can you do to work on this for yourself?
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