Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Going through tough times?

How many of us are or haven't already been there done that?  I know I've had my fair share and yesterday, my youngest had her "assessment" done.  She's almost 3 and I knew she was delayed, but she's really delayed.  It's been a battle to try and get her where she needs to be.  I would love to say that my husband is on board and pushing her to excel, but he's not really.  He's so busy thinking of she won't attend kindergarten until she's 7.  She won't be able to make it in the real world, so he's found a nunnery for her.  And if that wasn't bad enough, he says all this kind of stuff in front of her.  When he does, I lean over and tell her I expect her to be great and do what she can.  I push her as much as I can.  But since I work full time outside of the house, it's hard for me to push her how I would if I was home.  I do what I can though.  But after hearing how far behind she is from the "norm".. <sigh>

So I do what I always do, take a moment to live in the moment, whether it be sad, angry or happy and then move on.  I will work on what I can with her and get her the help she needs.  It's all I can do.

So I drew a card for today and got:

Oh how appropriate!  Today, where I live we are getting snow.  So much snow, that they've closed a lot of things down.  How better to be carefree than to get out in the snow and play with my kids?

The card says:

Carefree is living life as it was meant to be… easy, carefree and playful!

It is time to put away your problems for a while. Enjoy life and have some fun! Drop your ‘self-importance’, and end your need to take things so seriously. Humor and playfulness will release you from the heaviness of your situation.

Celebrate the joy of being alive! Open your arms to welcome the youthful energy that is filled with wonder, joy and curiosity. Open yourself to the fun that feeds your soul. Let it revive and refresh you!

Relax your mind, body and soul. Smile, and see the humor in your situation. Rise above the issue that has been weighing you down, and imagine yourself flying free in the open sky above.

Imagine if millions of people around the world were laughing, singing, creating, loving, celebrating, dancing and playing. There wouldn’t be time for problems, hurt, revenge, resentments or worry… if we all participated!

So how are you going to implement this card today?

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