Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Ever see in your life, when you step back, what you "focus" on in your life -- usually appears?  For most of us.. we focus on the bills we have to pay or being in debt.  So what are we manifesting?  More of it.  Why?  Because all of our energy is focused on these things.

So of course when I heard that part from the movie "The Secret" -- I really tried stopping thinking (or in my case worrying) about them.  I just really tried to keep a positive attitude that money would be there to pay.

How often do we sit and go on about our relationships?  Or our health (or lack there of)? 

Even as spiritual as I am, I get caught up in those things -- I'm human, so of course it happens.  But usually in the middle of my rant, I realize what I'm doing and try to stop.  Notice I say "try".  Sometimes I am so angry about something going on, that I can't quite turn it off until that anger is gone.  I know when I'm angry - it's usually a good thing if I'm home, because then I can turn that anger into something good - like cleaning.  Don't ask me why, but when I'm angry I clean better :D
Probably, because I'm not sitting there thinking of how much I still need to do.. I just do.

Focus is important in most everything we do.  What can you focus on today to make it better?

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