Friday, May 10, 2013

One small step

is a start to a popular phrase most anyone should know (moon landing anyone?).  However it's also an important part to Law of Attraction.  Sure, you need to dream about what you want and have passion and joy for what you want, but you can't just sit back and expect it to "just happen".   If you listen to some of these things, you get that impression, but you have to actually start moving yourself into that mindset and put yourself out there for that thing to happen.

So, if you want to win money -- then play the lottery.  It's  your way of telling the universe you're open to it.  If you want to sell a book - you need to get it written.

For some of us with control issues (points to herself) it's hard to let go of that control to let the universe give us what we want.  Too often we want to tell the universe how we want it.  That makes it harder for the universe to make it happen. 

Just make it big with not worrying about the how. I want lots of money so I can do the things I want and need to do.  I trust in the universe to figure out how I'm going to get it.  I want that person that fits me and has these characteristics.  I want time and motivation to finish my book.

So, I want the money.  I want to finish my book.  I want that partner that will be supportive of what I want to do.  I'm going to play the lottery.  I'm going to take at least 20 minutes each day to work on the book - whether I feel like it or not.  I will be open to love.

How can you take a small step to help the universe bring you what  you want?

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