Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Coming out...

of the spiritual closet.  I did that last Saturday evening.  I have a family friend who is fighting brain cancer.  I didn't want to work on her without her permission, so I didn't know how to get a hold of her, without going through others who don't know what I do.  Until last week while on vacation.  She and her family made it to the place where me and my family were as well. 

She has a large family and lots of friends there, and I had problems in that I have 3 small kids I often watch, so it was hard to get a moment to speak to her.  But I finally did.  I told her what I can do.  I told her of my success stories.  I told her I had already seen it and needed to ask for permission to work on it.

It was like a "light" came on.  Before then, she looked so down and I know with all the medicines she's taking, it's been hard on her body.  I know seeing her for the first time, I was sad, because it wasn't her.  She was always the one full of light and energy and love.  She was so dim when she first got there.

After our talk, which included things I didn't know about her family lineage as well as being open to alternative healings, she had hope again.  The light was back on.

I was so happy to give her that hope.  My guides told me I couldn't work on her until I "came out of the closet" so to speak.  I have to say it was hard to do.  My husband thinks I'm nuts.  So not knowing how she felt about the alternative stuff, it was hard to come out and say what I can do.

I got her permission, now was going to be the time to get down to heal her.  We left Sunday to come home and that's usually busy in itself getting everything unpacked etc.  But before I fell asleep, I took another look and the healing took over.  It was fairly similar in how my Dad's healing was, just easier.  Now when I look at her, she's full of light and I see no cancer (or how I see cancer).  We'll have to wait until her next scan to see if I was really successful or not.  Regardless, I'm now working on upping her platelets.  Helping her with processing the medicines better.  Giving her a little more energy.

I really really hope she's cured.  For her and her family's sake.  I know how hard this has been on them.   This is such a great gift God has given me and I'm humbled to be able to do it for people.

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