Thursday, November 7, 2013

Easy Going to MOMSTER!

I really am kind of an easy going person for the most part.  I think I've gotten more so since becoming spiritual - as I try not to let "life" get me down and/or angry.  I'm not saying things don't still do that but I'm thankful that it's not as often.  As much as I like rollercoasters, I really hated the up/down I was doing with the emotional one.  Nothing tires you out like being sad/angry all the time and then up with the joyous the next moment to back down again.

So forgive me if I like the calm/peaceful me that I've become.  Although, people around me keep trying to ruin it for me.  I seriously believe some of the people around me are so negative that it keeps me from manifesting the things I want easily.  I want to become this picture:

Money is here to help us do our best work in the world. Money helps us live our passion and purpose and be of service in our truest possible way. Thank you money!
I want the money to help me become the best that I can possibly be.  As worrying about the money keeps me on a lower vibration.

Any how.. so I'm pretty easy going.  Rude and unkind people might get me a bit upset, but I try to solve the issues with love.  But what will get me really going is when people (and kids) treat my kids poorly.  Then I become MOMSTER!

For example,  my eldest has a heart, kidney and spine issue.  We got the heart fixed and the kidney we were just watching and so at the same hospital we decided to use the spine doctors.  Well, needless to say, the Dr. there didn't like me asking questions about anything.  I thought I might have come on too strong, so I gave it time.  But when the doctor kept ordering procedures for her and didn't take into consideration her heart and kidney condition, then I got mad.  I changed doctors.

So last night we had parent teacher conferences.  My daughter due to conditions gets a 504 in place each year to address her physical concerns.  Last year she had a wonderful PE teacher who kind of graded on a curve with her.  She realized she couldn't do some of the things that the other kids could do.  Well this year, we have a new PE teacher.  I happened to look at the portal stuff and saw that the PE teacher was giving her a C+ in gym.  So I looked at the details.  This last section they did was on track.  She got 28 out of 40.  I really wanted to ask her what she was grading on.  Because if she was grading her just like the other kids, I was going to go MOMSTER on her.  But she had left by the time we had our conference.  I still plan on asking.  There is no way you can grade my child who has physical limitations along with others that do not.  Now, if it's about she's not on task -- and that's why she was graded lower, fine.  But if she tells me that she wasn't running "timely" or came in dead last etc.  Then we will have words.

So I felt a bit defeated that I didn't get my answers last night, which made me kind of cranky.  But I'm trying hard to get out of that mood because it does absolutely nothing for me other than keep me at that vibration.  And that vibration doesn't give me the money I'm looking for, so higher vibrations here I come!

How about you?  Do you feel the monster come out of you at times or are you a bit more controlled with it?

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