Monday, June 30, 2014
Card for Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Your Card - “Nine of Raphael” - Make a wish! Now your hopes and dreams become a reality. Financial and material gratification flows to you as a reward for all of your hard work. Worries fade; fears dissolve. Life is magical!
Did you make a conscious decision about the path you were on and now you're on the right one? Well today's card is one of hope. All things you've been worried about are going to almost magically work out. This card is also one of financial gains. So something is coming to you whether you know it or not.
I like to think of this card as the relaxation one. There's a white sandy beach.. nice sunrise/sunset in the background.. colors of the rain bow around.. and a dog who's lying there. What's more relaxing than a beach and having a faithful companion around you? I cam almost hear the waves coming up on the shore. All that's missing to me is the hammock :D
So it' looks like times are working out for you.. the worries are slowly fading.. things are headed for a better direction. This card isn't just for today.. it's going to carry through to next week I feel. So enjoy the positive and hopeful energies while you can!
Card for Monday, June 30, 2014
Your Card - “Seven of Michael” - There is a better course of action available to you! Ask yourself, What am I really trying to accomplish? Think about whether working alone on this project is a good idea. Is your unique point of view providing creative solutions, or is it causing you to miss important details? Go over the details again.
First off I'd like to apologize about not doing cards last week. We had just gotten back from vacation and I came down with a sinus infection. If that wasn't bad enough, I had to go to work because we had training. I barely had time to do much of anything else, let alone have energy. I sometimes think my body likes to make me sick so I slow down. Thankfully I am feeling better, although still a bit tired from the lack of sleep from vacation and being sick, so hopefully that will dissipate in a few days.
So today's card is about caution. Something in your life you really need to take a look at. What's going wrong, is it something that still needs to be done? Or are you so focused on it that you're missing some other important things in your life.
Notice the card images. There is a person walking a path. But the path is dark and dreary. However, if he'd just look around, he'd see another path full of light and interesting scenery. Of course Michael has placed himself near the person to try and give him a nudge to look around. See what it is he's missing.
Just know that the angels are here to help you all you need to do is ask. So which project/path are you on that you shouldn't be?
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Card for Sunday, June 22, 2014
Your Card: “Bone Collector” - When the Bone Collector appears, she is asking you to look closely at your circumstances to see if you’re fully present or reacting out of past conditioning and unconscious expectations.
This card actually cam in reversed. I don't always use cards that do that, but this deck I find that reversed cards aren't harmful, but they do give us information that we need to hear. Like my daughter, I get a lot of "I know" lately and it's just that she doesn't want to hear. The only reason I know this is because the moment I say ok, she'll come to me not moments later asking me exactly what I was trying to tell her.
So this card reversed is basically telling us that we are coming up to another life lesson. She is also warning that if you don't address this lesson that has come up over and over again, that you'll continue to do so until you "get it".
So take a look around and see who or what in your life keeps coming up and address it. It's time and it's necessary -- because if you don't, you'll just be doomed to repeat it again. I don't know about you , but I'm ready to move on.
Card for Saturday, June 21, 2014
Your Card: “Commitment” - Partnerships formed at this time are harmonious and powerful. The Commitment card also indicates the natural evolution of a relationship from its inception to a literal or metaphorical marriage. At the very least, there is a promise of fulfillment in some form.
If you're finding your life especially with work and/or romantic ones have gone through some bumps, this card is here to show you that something good came out of those bumps. Maybe it was a wake up call for the other individual or that the other individual is out of your life or that there is no communication where they're actually hearing you. Regardless of the situation, this card is telling you that it's a good thing.
Card for Friday, June 20, 2014
Your Card: “Golden Palace” - The Golden Palace card represents good fortune, ambitions fulfilled, wealth, and prosperity. It may also indicate emotional fulfillment, as perhaps you’re entering a time of happiness that’s long overdue. The message here is that self-worth isn’t measured by what you have, no matter how abundant your life is. Instead, it comes from what you are, how authentically you’re living your life, and how much love you’re willing to share.
Wow, love this card after seeing yesterday's. It means we've probably gotten out of our own way and am letting the good things come to us finally. I know I really could use this. I know this week here with my kids has been great. We're doing things and interacting. Too often my work life interferes in doing too much with them. So having the time with them is great.
So this card shows to me that I'm living my life correctly. Putting things that matter first. My children. My spiritual life. Writing. All important things.
So for you what is important.. really important..?
Card for Thursday, June 19, 2014
Your Card: “Five of Earth” - You’re too focused upon what you don’t have. A mentality of lack is creating a “lack” reality, through the Law of Attraction. Help is close by, but your pessimism is preventing you from recognizing it. It’s time to reassess your thoughts, the words you use, and your beliefs about money. Stop complaining and accept any assistance that’s offered.
Oh boy, is this card talking to me. Went down to to laundry this weekend and due to a water problem we can't find the source of - we now have mold. So now I'm in panic mode about how to afford this. Or how my back will handle doing things .. getting babysitters.. see where I'm going. I keep forgetting the whole rule for Law of Attraction - breathe and see it already here for you. No effort, just the belief that when you need it.. help will come. And if you have to pay, that the money will be there for you.
Now my sister.. she's a master at this. I've seen her do it a few times. Just when you think she's not going to have it.. bam.. it's there. Now, that's not to say, that you don't have to work for it as well. Or should I say work toward the goal of what you need.
So stop the worrying .. meditate and breathe and watch and believe you'll get what you need when you need it.
Card for Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Your Card: “The Moon” - Everyone experiences times in their lives when they’re afraid or insecure. Sometimes these fears are based on external factors you can see, and sometimes worries stem from irrational or unreal concerns. In both cases it’s important to go within and listen to your intuition as to what to do next. Ask your inner self about the source of your anxiety, and trust your guidance.
We all get times where we are afraid. Just yesterday we were forging ahead trying to keep up and now we're stopping ourselves. Change can be hard for a many individuals to handle, but it's in our best interest to keep moving forward.
If you notice in this picture the angel is all wrapped up, but it's not done to her, she did it herself. She's trying to stop herself from moving on. She's afraid of what might happened. It's easy to get into that mindset.
I know many people call me a strong woman for all of the things I've gone through in my life. But seriously, what would sitting and crying and vegging out accomplish? I took my moment of grief and then moved on. Maybe because of my experiences I've already had, I know things can't get worse.. well they could.. but I know I could deal. I'm also not saying to give yourself a moment. I know how daunting things can be at times. Giving yourself a moment to collect yourself before moving on is ok to do. But you do have to move on. Think of it this way - what wondrous things are you missing by not moving on?
We all get times where we are afraid. Just yesterday we were forging ahead trying to keep up and now we're stopping ourselves. Change can be hard for a many individuals to handle, but it's in our best interest to keep moving forward.
If you notice in this picture the angel is all wrapped up, but it's not done to her, she did it herself. She's trying to stop herself from moving on. She's afraid of what might happened. It's easy to get into that mindset.
I know many people call me a strong woman for all of the things I've gone through in my life. But seriously, what would sitting and crying and vegging out accomplish? I took my moment of grief and then moved on. Maybe because of my experiences I've already had, I know things can't get worse.. well they could.. but I know I could deal. I'm also not saying to give yourself a moment. I know how daunting things can be at times. Giving yourself a moment to collect yourself before moving on is ok to do. But you do have to move on. Think of it this way - what wondrous things are you missing by not moving on?
Card for Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Your Card: “Knight of Air” - SITUATIONS: Events in your life go into high speed! Your plans can now be implemented, and you should see a great deal of activity. Intellect and creativity rule the day, so adopt nontraditional viewpoints. Take the time to consider choices carefully. PEOPLE: An extremely intelligent person who has the ability to act fast and think even faster. A genuine “go-getter” who is unstoppable in support of a cause.
Forward ahead! Just make sure you're able to keep up thinking on your feet. What ever plans you have, take the time to get to it. Be creative in your endeavors, even the little ones. You'll be surprised at what will comes out of them.
Also keep aware of those individuals that you know can think on their feet to give you some inspiration. Never know what will come of collaborating with those individuals. If it's a friend, even better in that you know they'll support you no matter what and give you what it is you need.
It is the day of surprises. Keep a positive outlook and be pleasantly surprised.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Card for Monday, June 16, 2014
Your Card - “Self-Respect” - Archangel Michael is supporting your quest for happiness, health, and abundance by advising you to respect and love yourself. The situation you’re inquiring about has some dysfunctional aspects, which can adversely affect your self-esteem.
This card is complex in my mind. We can be the ones that say we love ourselves, but the net hing you're doing is picking on something about yourself. It's easy to get into that mindset. I know all about putting forth an image. My first marriage was all about images. I was miserable but I couldn't show it. My ex mentally abused me - though I'm pretty sure that he didn't see it that way. And mental abuse is sleezy. Done a little bit at a time and so slight you don't see it. Why would you? This is coming from a person you love and supposedly loves you.
I had a very dark period for a very long time. I can honestly say I went from being very confident in myself to having no self-esteem. So, this card hit home for me, because to this day, I still have those lingering doubts about myself. Or there's stuff about me I don't like. It takes a lot to be totally confident with ourselves.
So don't fall into yours or anyone's trap of not being totally who you are 100%. Stop living your life for anyone but yourself. If you have kids .. for them too. Because isn't the best message for them to be confident in themselves. How can they do that if you're not for yourself. Be your own cheerleader!
So, if you're having trouble, just ask Michael to help you in this transition. He's great at helping people. Plus he's really funny and a bit of a jokester. He'll make you feel ligther just having him around.
Card for Sunday, June 15, 2014
Your Card - “Imagine” - What would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true?
Hmmm... I like this card. This is the Daydreaming card. One of the things to do when manifesting is putting yourself in that moment. Immersing yourself and using all senses to see it.
Usually as a kid daydreaming was much easier to do. I don't know if it's because we were more naive back then or if we just had more time to do it. As an adult and like me especially as a parent we very rarely have time to ourselves. For me about the only time I get is when I'm driving.
So what is your deepest wish? How would you feel if you actually got it? Disbelieving? Well that may be part of the problem of manifesting. You truly have to be in the moment and believe you're good enough to receive it. For most of us, we often are our own worst enemy. Start demanding ot he universe tha tyou are good enough for whatever it is that you want.
Me, well, I love to dance. I'm writing a book that I want to be a best seller and that will put me in the limelight to get on Dancing with the Stars. I hear music and I put myself in that position and see myself having so much fun just being there. I even see myself on Ellen being interviewed. Oprah. Not because I'm a great writer, but because I have a great story to tell. One that I think people need to hear.
So what's your ultimate dream? Adn on top of that, if you did get it.. what would you then want?
Card for Saturday, June 14, 2014
Your Card - “Worthiness” - “Know that you deserve to receive good in all ways.”
How often do we sit and think we aren't worthy of something? I get that way from time to time. But I had an experience -- actually a few that showed me I was. It's those experiences that keep me going. I have days where I'm a bit down .. usually because of lack of sleep and/or being sick/hurting for a period of time.
Usually when I get that way, I try and remember those periods where I feel good. Sometimes it takes just doing little steps to get yourself back in the midnset that you're worthy. I do gratitudes. I'm grateful for...
Five in the morning and Five in the evening. It helps to raise your vibration. And pretty soon your feel good and worthy fo your life.
I have been in a position over and over about where I complain. Whether it be husband, work, sickness. It's very easy to jump into that self-sabotage. And I do mean self-sabotage. By sitting and complaining it keeps us in that mentality and energy. So more of the same keeps coming to you. I know from experience.
It's taken awhile to get myself out of that bad habit. Every time I want to complain I make myself stop and think what I'm doing. If I'm going to complain, I will do it with one person and then I stop. That way I've gotten it off my chest but I'm not reliving it over and over every time I tell another person.
When I'm done, I make sure to say something positive about the situation. That way I turn the negative energy into positive.
So take a moment and build yourself up. Do some gratitudes about YOU. What rocks about you? And if you're really having a problem, ask a friend who can give you some hints.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Card for Friday, June 13, 2014
Your Card - “Ten of Gabriel” - It’s important to live a balanced life! Your determination and sheer will to accomplish the task before you is very admirable, but it’s taking a large toll on you. Ask for help from others. Delegate responsibility to those who can do a good job. Reduce stress for the sake of protecting your health.
OK, who here is taking on way too much? (ummm... that would be me). I truly believe when you don't take time for yourself your body will eventually give out and you'll have to (aka sick). This is one of those lessons that took a long time for me to learn.
I'm pretty much the independent worker that gets the job done. I truly believe that is why it took me so long to go anywhere in my job, because where I used to work, they liked worker bees (which I am). Even at home, I was doing it all. I was working, commuting and then coming home to work on the house and with the kids. Eventually last summer something gave -- my back. So I'm now, trying to lessen the load and actually asking for help.
So don't be like me, where sometimes it takes something major to shake up your life, look around, see who's around that wants to help and let them. It will do you good to share the load. :)
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Card for Thursday, June 12th
Your Card - “Magical Shape Shifter” - When the Magical Map Shifter card arrives, it comes with a mission—to make you aware of the people who come into your life to impact your personal growth. Perhaps you may meet a soul mate whose presence invites you to be the best “you” that you can be, or someone who leads you out of difficulty and into a place of safety or success. Pay attention to those individuals who cross your path today and cause you to reflect on your journey.
Well even though this card has come up for today - I would say it's something really for here until next week sometime. One of those gut instincts I've started listening to.
This is a great card to have. It's time for those changes we've been wishing for. Now for those of you that don't like change, just think of it as making you the best you can be. I also get that a person is going to be involved, whether directly or indirectly. Maybe a job change, maybe a new love interest, you just don't know how this change will appear. Just accept it and be better than where you are currently. Besides.. who doesn't like MAGIC as that's how it will appear to you ;)
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Card for Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Your Card - “Moonlight” - Moonlight beckons. Come, and trust your intuition to lead you into places that may not seem logical. Your hunches will be right on target. Resist “second-guessing” yourself, for your alternative perception is especially sharp right now. You can see beyond the surface of things and truly read between the lines. This is a good time to use oracle cards or other systems of divination to gain information.
I love the look of this card. It's very ethereal and mysterious, which is what most intuition is like in my opinion. The card is telling us not to second-guess our gut feelings. I know people get those feelings and we usually talk ourselves out of it and when it's over we usually are kicking ourself for not taking the opportunity that our gut was telling us to take.
I've gotten very good at listening to mine, most of the time anyway. There is a period of energy going on that elevates us. I know mercury is retrograde right now, so "normal" ways of communicating probably are being misread --people taking things out of context.
But we are coming up to a Friday the 13th and a Full moon!! That's powerful energy right there. Intuition will be at the strongest it's been in a while. Make sure to take advantage of this energy. Don't second guess what's going on. Be confident in what your intuition/gut is telling you.
If you couldn't tell, I love Friday the 13th. My best birthdays have happened on that day. So I can't complain about any Friday the 13th. So I'm going to try and get out with the full moon and recharge myself. I'm not always about the moon, but this one is beckoning me. Of course I'm going to listen.
So, see what happens the next few days and let me know how the intuition thing is going.. or what happened when you danced in the moonlight!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Card for Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Your Card - “Spread Your Wings” - Archangel Ariel: “Don’t hold back right now. The timing is perfect, and you’re ready to soar!”
Nice card to have today. Notice that she's not looking down or behind or anywhere else. She is looking up and forward. Something to think about with yourself. How often do we look down not to interact with people? I saw that a lot yesterday. I had to do a training in an area that I haven't been to in a long time. I was SHOCKED at how many people just ignored basic eye contact. They were looking down or looking anywhere but where I was or other people were.
How are you supposed to make progress with your dreams if you're not willing to interact with people? For all you know the next person that you meet could be the one that could give you that next great job or next best potential partner. It could even be your next best friend. But you'll never know if you don't at least look people in the eyes.
So, let loose a little. Be more spontaneous. Be more friendly. You never know what it could bring to you....
Friday, June 6, 2014
Cards for Friday, Saturday & Sunday June 6-8, 2014
Your Card - “Break Free” - “Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn.”
Your Card - “Nature” - As an Indigo, you’re extremely sensitive, and you can unknowingly absorb negative energy (which then affects you and those around you negatively). This limits your understanding of your amazing life purpose. So the angels ask you to step away temporarily and spend time in nature, connecting with this beautiful planet.
Your Card - “Page of Air” - SITUATIONS: You’ll likely receive new information that presents a challenge or delays. The message may come from someone who speaks bluntly and without thoughtfulness, but don’t take it personally. What’s important is the message, not the messenger. PEOPLE: A youth who’s often intelligent, honest, and endlessly curious. A person who’s analytical, with a brilliant intellect, and who can reveal the truth behind situations.
Well you're probably wondering why I do 3-card reads for the weekend. That's because my life gets very unpredictable on weekends. I never know if I'm going to have time to do the card reads and I feel upset if I don't get to do it. So, it works for me to do it on Friday for the weekend. Oh and a note, I will be on vacation starting next weekend, I will try to get the blog updated with things, but no guarantees :D
So most people use one card to represent a specific day. I asked this time to represent the weekend. What should we be expecting. Well as you can see by the draws, you can expect some delays in things (oh joy!) but take time with these delays to spend time in nature. I know I've been asked to be with my daughter working on her practicing on her new bike she got. Try new things - again for me would be the bike. We've held off getting her one for awhile due to her balance. So, even though I have a TON of things to try and get done this weekend, I will make time for her.
The last card here says delays. But it can also represent someone young who is honest and can reveal truths to you if you listen. I often hear my 8 year old saying things these days that makes me sad, but she's being extremely truthful. Which I want her to be. I don't want her growing up feeling like she has to lie about anything. So far it's working.
And one thing to do is try something new. New things pop up all the time and it's never a bad thing to at least try it. Who knows what interesting paths it may take you down.
So, enjoy your weekend, take time and smell the roses (so to speak)....
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Picking battles
Have you ever had that person that always had to pick your battles with? Well for me, it's always my husband and it's usually always about my kids.
If you don't know much about me, I have had 4 children, 3 are living and 2 are considered special needs. The other one, well he too has issues.
My eldest was born with a heart condition (Pulmonary Atresia/Tetrology of Fallot), kidney issues (2/3 working kidney) and spine issue (congenital scoliosis).
My second was born with various health issues (heart, cleft lip/palate, and esophigal atresia) due to Trisomy 18 Edward's Syndrome. She died 2 days after she was born.
Not long after we lost her, I found out I was pregnant again -- this time with Twins. We thought we had lucked out, but my girl twin (and youngest) has a brain condition that I've yet to find anyone with her "same or similar" condition. So not only is she delayed developmentally, she also had to deal with Congenital Estrophia (eyes).
The boy twin (middle child) is physically healthy, but is having speech issues.
It started out with the eldest. I had no idea that there were special services. Someone from the hospital put forth our names for her. She ended up with occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT). To the point she didn't need it, so we thought. Turns out when she got to school, she still needed some assistance and a thing called a 504 which I had to do research on because I hadn't heard of it.
So when my youngest came along, I knew what I needed to do. Unfortunately my husband has fought me on trying to get assistance. I eventually get my way and then he sees the difference that its' done for her.
But heaven forbid there was something wrong with my son. I couldn't understand him. What's worse.. neither could my husband. Not being the parent home with him, it's frightening that I understood him better than the parent that was with him all day long.
So I took time off to get him assessed on his speech. Hubby wouldn't take him. And guess what? He was behind. So there for awhile we ended up with speech assistance. He was making good progress there for awhile, though not as quickly has hubby wanted. So they moved him to the preschool that my youngest goes to. He still got his speech there and he got to interact with other adults beside hubby and myself as well as playing with other kids.
Well he just got reassessed again. I was hopeful that this time he had passed, because I could understand so much more than before. I just got a call. Turns out no he hadn't passed. In fact they want to continue services with him. It's up to us what we want to do. I know what the hubby would pick in a heart beat .. none. Me, I'd like him to continue.
I wish I didn't have to battle my husband on every little thing that comes up dealing with the kids. In most cases, I'm correct in my assessment of them. It feels like he doesn't think I have their best interest at heart. When in actuality it's all I have. I often put their needs before anyone elses.
My eldest saw that a book had been ripped and was fixing it with scotch tape. Hubby had a fit. But at that time didn't do anything. Well she ran out of tape. So she was showing me another one she found and if it was ok to use. Well he went ballistic and told her to stop and that he was going to get the "correct" tape to use. She was in tears. He was adamant that she wasn't going to continue doing it. So he "offered" to her to help him doing. Stating that he often needed an extra set of hands to do it.
It was heartbreaking to see him treat her that way. What's worse is after it was done, she came over to me and said that he didn't trust her that she couldn't do anything. This is where I told her about picking battles. Certain things were worth fighting him over and this is one of those things that it wasn't worth fighting him. I told her I thought she was great and I let her do a lot of things. I figure if I don't let her do things now, she's not going to learn how to correctly let alone want to later.
I mean I pick my battles to fight for the kids and getting them help. It gets really tiring fighting all the time. But I do it for their good. I remember growing up being left out of conversations or feeling like I couldn't do things.. I don't want that for my kids. Life will knock them down enough. I don't need to help.
So send prayers my way please.. I have to battle again...
If you don't know much about me, I have had 4 children, 3 are living and 2 are considered special needs. The other one, well he too has issues.
My eldest was born with a heart condition (Pulmonary Atresia/Tetrology of Fallot), kidney issues (2/3 working kidney) and spine issue (congenital scoliosis).
My second was born with various health issues (heart, cleft lip/palate, and esophigal atresia) due to Trisomy 18 Edward's Syndrome. She died 2 days after she was born.
Not long after we lost her, I found out I was pregnant again -- this time with Twins. We thought we had lucked out, but my girl twin (and youngest) has a brain condition that I've yet to find anyone with her "same or similar" condition. So not only is she delayed developmentally, she also had to deal with Congenital Estrophia (eyes).
The boy twin (middle child) is physically healthy, but is having speech issues.
It started out with the eldest. I had no idea that there were special services. Someone from the hospital put forth our names for her. She ended up with occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT). To the point she didn't need it, so we thought. Turns out when she got to school, she still needed some assistance and a thing called a 504 which I had to do research on because I hadn't heard of it.
So when my youngest came along, I knew what I needed to do. Unfortunately my husband has fought me on trying to get assistance. I eventually get my way and then he sees the difference that its' done for her.
But heaven forbid there was something wrong with my son. I couldn't understand him. What's worse.. neither could my husband. Not being the parent home with him, it's frightening that I understood him better than the parent that was with him all day long.
So I took time off to get him assessed on his speech. Hubby wouldn't take him. And guess what? He was behind. So there for awhile we ended up with speech assistance. He was making good progress there for awhile, though not as quickly has hubby wanted. So they moved him to the preschool that my youngest goes to. He still got his speech there and he got to interact with other adults beside hubby and myself as well as playing with other kids.
Well he just got reassessed again. I was hopeful that this time he had passed, because I could understand so much more than before. I just got a call. Turns out no he hadn't passed. In fact they want to continue services with him. It's up to us what we want to do. I know what the hubby would pick in a heart beat .. none. Me, I'd like him to continue.
I wish I didn't have to battle my husband on every little thing that comes up dealing with the kids. In most cases, I'm correct in my assessment of them. It feels like he doesn't think I have their best interest at heart. When in actuality it's all I have. I often put their needs before anyone elses.
My eldest saw that a book had been ripped and was fixing it with scotch tape. Hubby had a fit. But at that time didn't do anything. Well she ran out of tape. So she was showing me another one she found and if it was ok to use. Well he went ballistic and told her to stop and that he was going to get the "correct" tape to use. She was in tears. He was adamant that she wasn't going to continue doing it. So he "offered" to her to help him doing. Stating that he often needed an extra set of hands to do it.
It was heartbreaking to see him treat her that way. What's worse is after it was done, she came over to me and said that he didn't trust her that she couldn't do anything. This is where I told her about picking battles. Certain things were worth fighting him over and this is one of those things that it wasn't worth fighting him. I told her I thought she was great and I let her do a lot of things. I figure if I don't let her do things now, she's not going to learn how to correctly let alone want to later.
I mean I pick my battles to fight for the kids and getting them help. It gets really tiring fighting all the time. But I do it for their good. I remember growing up being left out of conversations or feeling like I couldn't do things.. I don't want that for my kids. Life will knock them down enough. I don't need to help.
So send prayers my way please.. I have to battle again...
Cards for Thursday, June 5, 2014
Your Card - “The World” - The angels sent you this card because you’ve happily completed something of great importance. They’re congratulating you on a job well done. You’re now ready to move on to something new. Enjoy your feelings of wholeness and completion, and give yourself a pat on the back for your amazing accomplishments!
Your Card - “Deep Freeze” - The cold winter beckons you to slow down and put a “freeze” on things that are not yet ready to bloom. It’s time for regeneration and hibernation. Forgo ambitious activity. A “pregnant pause” allows ideas to gestate; projects to shift and change; and relationships to go through a dreamy state of being, not going anywhere— not needing to.
I know these cards seem to contradict each other, but in essence they're basically saying you've completed something important and now it's time to take a rest before jumping on to a new project or relationship.
I can also see this as just the opposite. You have been in a deep freeze.. no forward momentum at all and now you're getting congratulated for sticking to the plan and now it's time to move forward.
The nice things about the cards is you can take from them how they apply to you. Not what the cards "say" nor what I say. Everyone is different in how they can interpret their own cards.
Now take me, I see the deep freeze and that was me with my computer. I've been working on my cards and then all of a sudden my computer kept crashing on me. (Yeah I have an old one.. but it had been working).
I started looking for an "upgrade" that I could afford and just didn't feel right. Saw a few and put them on a watch list. But I knew I could fix my computer. So last night I did a lot of research and guess what? I managed to fix it. So I could start working on finishing my cards. Now it's a matter of figuring out how I want the text to show on it. Little things... once I get that done, then I can work on the book part. I keep getting closer to my completion of this project and I'm excited!
So take a look at the cards themselves and see what you see for you....
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Cards for Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Your Card - “Honoring Your True Feelings” - By drawing this card, you’re urged to listen to, and follow, your true feelings. Do not betray yourself, or rationalize that it’s acceptable to deny your inner voice of truth.
Your Card "Coming to Life" - Something beautiful is being born in your life.
Again, it appears that this week is the week of pulling two cards a day. Most of the cards I work with do not have a "reverse" setting, but one does. And it's not that reverse is bad, it's just usually cautioning us. As you can see today we got one of those caution cards.
The first card is awesome. How often have you not listened to that "inner voice" or gut feeling and kicked yourself after the fact because you should have? I used to do that A LOT. I've gotten better in listening to that. It's our higher self basically directing us. Who better to look out for us, then us? So this card being drawn says you're not listening to yourself. You need to start doing that. You know the phrase -- be true to oneself? Well that applies here.
The second card is our reverse card. It's just a gentle reminder to get out of our own way. See card above? Maybe you're not listening to your inner guidance and this second card is telling you HEY.. start listening. You're supposed to let nature take it's course and try not to sabotage yourself. Take the small steps you need to get there.. and watch it actually happen for you :)
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Cards for Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Your Card - “Change” - The changes that you’re going through are positive.
First, I have to wish my father a Happy Birthday! I'm am extremely grateful that I have him in my life especially having battled cancer. He has always been an inspiration to me and I hope I'm as good of a parent as he has been to me.
So, the cards again are talking about relationships and changes. The first card deals with something of the heart. This could be family members, friends, business associates etc. It could also relate to something you're passionate about. There maybe changes going on with any or all of them. So just be aware that these changes are very positive. It may not feel like it all the time, but trust me they are good for you and the "relationship(s)" around you.
I know I'm working on changing me :D I'm trying to get my projects done as well as my work at work. Even though I feel like I've been in mud for sometime, I know it was just a phase and I will be moving forward again.
Every change allows us to grow. Every change moves us forward. Keep plugging along and know that God/Angels/Universe is watching out for you.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Cards for Monday, June 2, 2014
Your Card - “Knight of Water” - SITUATIONS: Deep emotions arising from situations or relationships impact your life. Falling in love or a wedding proposal is possible. You (or someone close to you) need to balance your emotions, lest you become overwhelmed. You may receive invitations to parties or other social opportunities. PEOPLE: An extremely emotional person who’s driven by a love of romance, art, and beauty. Someone who is charming, contemplative, and idealistic.
Your Card - “Balance” - The angels are cautioning against making impulsive decisions or moves right now. Instead, take the path of moderation and balance in this situation. You’ll experience better results by reevaluating your current circumstances and changing your approach. If you acted impulsively in the past, you can heal and rectify things. And if you’re considering making dramatic life changes, then this card asks you to approach those changes slowly and methodically.
I was drawn to pull two cards today. The first one is all about emotions. I know it reads along the lines of falling in love, getting a marriage proposal, but in truth for me it's all about your emotions. Both good and bad. It could also be a person around you that is what I would call turbulent with their emotions. They range from the lowest low.. .to the highest high. Rollercoaster people I like to call them. I ought to know, I used to kind of be that way. Maybe you're going through something that has your normal emotions all out of whack.
Well the second card is remind us to work on being balanced with all things in our life. Don't jump on something because you think it's something you need. Wait to see if it really is a good of a deal as you initially thought. It' s OK to wait for something, make plans to acquire it and in doing so you may find that it may not have been for you or something better is coming to you. I know there are many things in the past I jumped on to find out later that OMG, I should not have done that.
I am a true believer that if it's meant to be, it will still be there for you when the time is right.
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