Friday, June 13, 2014

Card for Friday, June 13, 2014

Your Card - “Ten of Gabriel” - It’s important to live a balanced life! Your determination and sheer will to accomplish the task before you is very admirable, but it’s taking a large toll on you. Ask for help from others. Delegate responsibility to those who can do a good job. Reduce stress for the sake of protecting your health.

OK, who here is taking on way too much? (ummm... that would be me).  I truly believe when you don't take time for yourself your body will eventually give out and you'll have to (aka sick).  This is one of those lessons that took a long time for me to learn. 

I'm pretty much the independent worker that gets the job done.  I truly believe that is why it took me so long to go anywhere in my job, because where I used to work, they liked worker bees (which I am).  Even at home, I was doing it all.  I was working, commuting and then coming home to work on the house and with the kids.  Eventually last summer something gave -- my back.  So I'm now, trying to lessen the load and actually asking for help.

So don't be like me, where sometimes it takes something major to shake up  your life,  look around, see who's around that wants to help and let them.  It will do  you good to share the load.  :)

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