Thursday, October 30, 2014

Card for Sunday, November 2, 2014

Faith is trust. Faith is using your mind to help you imagine that everything will turn out for the best. Use your imagination to see, feel and trust that everything will turn out at the highest level to bring you happiness, abundance and love. Have faith in the situation, in yourself, and in life’s creative energy. Worrying, is the absence of faith. When you trust, only then can you put all the doubts and fears in your mind aside.

Trust can also help you when you are torn between two different options. Trust that the right choice will present itself in time. Trust the timing, and trust the process as it unfolds. Faith means waiting at times, and wisdom is using your time creatively and wisely while waiting for a decision, person, thing or opportunity to arrive.

Deep faith often develops after the ‘darkness of night’ --- where dreams were delayed, lost treasures were found or replaced, and challenges were successfully met. Faith doesn’t exempt you from challenging times; faith is the additional resource to help you with them.
Have faith and certainty that your heart and soul’s deepest longings will come to you. Trust that what has been taken away from you no longer has value, because the treasures you truly need and the things that truly belong to you cannot possibly be lost or taken away.

Faith, is knowing that what your heart longs for is already on its way. The creative life source is in tune with your longings, and is already lining things up in the present for manifestation in the future. You can be thankful in advance. For instance, if someone were to give you a check for $1,000, would you wait until you cashed it in order to thank him or her? – No. – You'd go ahead and thank them because you knew you could cash it and the money was on its way. Know that what you long for is coming!

Faith is also taking risks. Now is the time in your life to absolutely trust. There is a tremendous sense of joy and accomplishment when we take the steps to enter a new world.

Faith is also giving when you don’t feel like you can afford to give. Giving and faith go together. It's one thing to give when you've got it to spare – it's another thing to give when you don't even know where the money, energy or love is going to come from. That is a test of faith – giving when you’re not sure you can.

Take care to make sure your faith is not ‘blind faith’. Blind faith is pretending that everything is all right – it is being in denial of reality.

Know that faith and trust can help you in your current situation. With trust, the highest potential opens up. Life is no longer mediocre, and life will start to overflow with magic! Where there is trust there is peace and fulfillment. Today consciously begin to trust others, yourself, and in the process as it unfolds to bring happiness, abundance and love!

Card for Saturday, November 1, 2014

Take a big deep breath in, and exhale a sigh of relief…because the time has come to rest.

Welcome an environment of peace and tranquility that will relax you and renew your spirit. Your sanctuary can be in the physical world or in your heart.

Rest in the comfort and love that awaits you in this sanctuary. Only invite the things that you know to be calming and beautiful, whether they are material things in your space, or they are loving and peaceful feelings in your heart and in your mind. Deeply surrender into the relaxation and comfort of the people you trust. Treat your whole self with gentleness and care, and take time to nurture your soul. It will soften your heart and bring you a sense of calm happiness and ease.

Your sanctuary is a place where there is no more effort or striving. It is the feeling of coming home after a long arduous journey. It’s sitting in the shade of a tree along side a creek after a long walk in the hot sun. It is time to rest and relax your body, your mind and your soul.

Sanctuary is a state of non-ambition and non-motivation. It is taking a break from being a unique individual. There is no desire to be exceptional or important. This is a time to take a moment to be at ease - not trying to improve, not cultivating anything, not being cunning or calculating, and not practicing anything. Give yourself a break. Now is a very precious time for you to rest, there's nothing to do and nowhere to go. Imagine yourself floating gently down the stream on a beautiful sunny day; trusting that life will support your need for relaxation and take you exactly where you need to go.

Take a deep breath, let out a big sigh …because there is no need to do anything…………….but rest.

Card for Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween (for those that celebrate).  Interesting card we have today.

Fear is an emotion. Fear can alert us to the presence of danger, or we can feel fear when we image that something bad may happen. A response to fear is sometimes known as the “fight or flight” response, in which the body prepares itself to either enter combat or run away, yet another typical reaction, is to freeze in our tracks and do nothing. These responses can be necessary, but they can also be the result of thoughts that are not based on reality. In order to choose how to appropriately respond or re-‘act’ when we are feeling fear is to first decipher if the fear is real or imagined.

An example of the possibility of our fear being imagined is when we remember an experience from the past that was ‘bad’, and although it is extremely unlikely to reoccur, we imagine it happening again. Our fear is from the past, but it is projected onto the present or future. This may be a way of learning from our experiences, but it also may only be an unnecessary precaution if the ‘bad’ event is unlikely to occur. We need to decide if the fear is reasonable and logical or if it is unfounded and irrational.

If you decide that your fear is imagined, you can dissolve it by bringing loving and positive thoughts into the situation. Or you can fully surrender to the fear, letting it run freely - right through you - until it is gone, leaving you with feelings of love, trust, joy, faith or peace.

If fear isn’t just imagined, it means we can use fear to help protect and advise us. Fear makes us aware of situations and things that could harm us, and it helps us to avoid painful or stressful experiences. Fear can also prevent us from making hasty decisions. We can be thankful for what fear has come to do, and to let it be a guiding friend in our lives.

The card Fear is asking you to understand or intuitively feel if fear is holding you back from success and happiness, or if fear has come to keep you safe. Until you reach full spiritual, emotional and intellectual mastery, fear will either be a hindrance, a necessary guide, or an internal radar to keep you from harm. Know that the more you mature (the more you grow and evolve) the less fear you will experience!

Card for Thursday, October 30, 2014

The journey of our lives tells a story. Consciously or unconsciously we choose the type of story we want to tell. You can tell happy or inspiring stories….or you can tell dark stories of tragedy and fear.

The stories we tell are based on our beliefs, desires, needs and expectations, and we will consciously or unconsciously act out our story to support these things.

Stories are the expressive creation of your mind and your soul. You have picked this card so you can stop and think about what kind of life story you are writing.

Here are some questions you could ask yourself about your life story: If my life were a book or movie, what would it be about? (you are all the characters and the writer.) Ask yourself – If I were watching a movie about my life, would I get up and walk out half way through? Or is my story captivating, inspiring, beautiful, loving and fun!

We chose our stories for some purpose. Ask yourself what that purpose is. What purpose do I have for writing the story I am living? What is the payoff? What is my need? What is my belief or expectation? What gift or opportunity stays hidden by this? What is this story allowing me to do or not do? Behind every event and experience, there is a need or want that is trying to get meet, and an expectation or belief that is being lived out. For example let’s explore what the hidden need/want is, or what the underlying belief or expectation is for the following scenario. Let’s say we want to provide a meaningful service but we aren’t. Is it because we are not ready yet because we need to build our skills or trust in our ability first? Or, do we expect failure and a lack of funding or support? Or,perhaps we believe we are not worthy of providing meaningful things. Or, maybe we don’t want to put in the time and effort after-all.

Perhaps you are living out a dark story. You came to a planet that is made up of light and dark…a place of contrast. Understand how you are benefiting from the dark….the dark contrast or the dark stories. Maybe you have chosen a dark story because you want to add excitement to your life. Maybe it’s because you want to tell ‘a rags to riches story’, ‘a disease to wellness story’, or ‘a villain turned hero story’! Remember; if it’s a Healing Story or a Heroic Story that you are telling , you need sickness, a villain or a victim . They don’t sound like such great stories after all, do they?.…not when you see them in that light! What if you unconsciously created a dark story of illness, disease or tragedy because you actually need to change your life…or you need/want to be cared for more… or you want to consciously or unconsciously end your life?
After you have come to understand why you have a dark story playing, you can change it by choosing a different script. For every little scene of the old dark story that plays out, you can say to yourself, ‘I don’t need or want this anymore. What I need/want is ____’.

You have within you, (and with the help of the universal energy of love, joy, creation and wisdom), the ability to change your story into anything you want. At every moment of your life, and every word in your script, you can choose a.…..Happy Story! A Love Story! Or… An Adventure Story!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Card for Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We all need to nurture and be nurtured - whether or not we give ourselves permission. The card Nurture refers to nurturing the emotional, physical, social and spiritual self.


We are social creatures, so it is important to build and nurture our relationships. Take the time to go for lunch with a friend, to go on a date with your beloved, or a weekend away with the girls/guys.


Nurture your spiritual-self as well. Journal, meditate, take time alone in nature, or go to a retreat to journey into your spiritual-self.


Touch is an important aspect of nurturing – in both giving and receiving. It is a way of communicating affection, passion, care, support and love. We all like to be touched in varying ways and amounts. Therefore when touching another, it is best to be mindful of how, when and where the other person likes to be touched. Be sensitive to the other person’s level of comfort. And for others to truly feel nurtured, give without expectations of reciprocation.

Eating healthy, movement, hygiene, sleep and relaxation are other aspects of nurturing your body. You may have pulled this card to remind yourself to nurture these aspects of your physical being. Heal any physical wounds that you may have been ignoring.
Also you may have forgotten to give your mind the necessary nourishment of intellectual exercise. Remember to find ways to stimulate your brain. Take a class, read a challenging book, write an article for your local paper..etc.


Nurturing your emotional body includes honoring your childlike joy and wonder, along with accepting and your hurt, fears and frustrations. Sit quietly and connect with how you truly feel inside, giving yourself full compassion and support. Feel the all parts of yourself that still need love, understanding and a sense of joy and happiness. Share your feelings with a trusted friend or partner without blame or judgement. Blaming someone for negative feelings and trying to get them to fix it only distracts you from recognizing the opportunity to expand peace, love, learning and happiness. Having someone listen can be truly nurturing. Emotional health comes when someone close to you witnesses your tears of joy and your challenges, and listens with genuine interest and compassion - without judgement or advice. You can only cultivate nurturing in your relationships when you are fully capable of feeling and accepting your feelings. If you are not comfortable with exuberant joy or fear, it is very hard to accept these emotions in others.

It is time to nurture. When you nurture your whole self and others, you will improve your health, happiness, and your relationships!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Very interesting drive last night

On my way home last night from work, it was actually light for a change and there were lovely looking clouds.  I have a long commute and I was pretty tired from working late last week to working over the weekend and then doing training yesterday and I guess I'm more open when tired?  My ego doesn't get into the way.

I looked up at the clouds and the first "image" I received was an eagle.  I thought that was nice.  I then looked up and saw a dragonfly.   As I kept looking up I kept seeing other things, like reeds and cotton.

So I made a point to try and look up what each of these images were on the internet "spiritually".  This is what I found:

Eagle - timing, victory and spiritual quest

Dragonfly - change and transformation, adaptability, joy and lightness of being

Reeds - Purpose, Protection, Purification, Clarification, and communication

Cotton in the field being ready to be harvested - good and prosperous times

To me these are all really good messages.  I know I've been working on my manifesting in all sorts of different ways.  So maybe this was a sign it's coming.   I'd love it to be sure.

I seriously thought something was coming my way, when I was contacted by an internet company about hosting a radio show.  The bad news is I would have to put money into it and I don't have that right now.  But it put the thought into my head.  I could do that.

I've also gotten both my chapters with my book back after editing that is about my kids.  Now I just have to finish the last chapters to get it finally finished.  I had a name picked out and even an image, but now I'm changing it and have a good idea of what the book is going to be.

I got my oracle cards finally formatted.  They're off to the printers to be printed.  I'm also working on the book to go with it.  Plus another book that have my healing mandalas along with positive affirmations.

So basically a lot going on.  I keep getting nudges but I have to actually be well and not busy with real life to work on these things, so hopefully that will help soon.

Just thought I'd share ;)

Card for Tuesday, October 28, 2014

There are rhythms and cycles in nature, and since we are a part of nature, they are a part of our body and soul as well. Just like - the tides ebb and flood, the moon's waxing and waning, the cycles of seasons and of birth and death, - we also experience continual cycles and rhythms throughout our day and in our life time.

Just in a single day we can experience the birth and death of all sorts of things - like the birth and death of inspiration, hope, love, frustration, patience, hunger, sleep…etc. Take time to recognize how different cycles and rhythms move through your life and in your relationships.

In life, one job ends, another begins - one relationship dies, another is born. There are all sorts of beginnings and endings with things, situations, and feelings. Cycles include activity and rest, peace and conflict, passion and indifference, excitement and calm, laughter and tears, high energy and low energy. Be aware of how each cycle moves through you, and learn to accept and honor wherever you are, at any given moment.

In relationships, all partners experience cycles like a time for resolving issues and a time for ease and enjoyment. There are times of wanting to be close and times of needing space. The cycle of closeness and distance is natural for everyone to experience. The couples that mature in love will commit to withstanding the continual cycles of death and rebirth. The death and rebirth of love, desire, support, time alone and together…etc.

A note on Death and Re-birth

There can be difficult times in your life where the wish to die (whether it is a conscious or unconscious wish) is a part of your life experience. A death wish is a reaction to disappointment or a fight against life. If you have an unconscious wish to die, it may show itself through accidents, physical pain, illness, disease, or… you may be feeling things like lethargy, depression or meaninglessness. If you have a conscious wish to die, you will actually contemplate ending your life. You may feel that the only thing that would truly end your suffering and struggle is death. When you have a death wish, be willing to experience a new cycle of birth in your life. You can choose to begin again, (springtime follows every winter). Forgive, let go, and choose a re-birth. Ask for help from others, from your higher self, or the divine. You can also move forward in life by focusing your energy on helping someone else.

A note on Patience Most growth and change requires time and patience. Patience is the ability to persevere and wait during the completion of cycles in our lives and in our relationships. Nature moves at its own rhythm. In nature, each living thing requires a period of time to germinate, sprout, blossom, mature, ripen and whither - from the seed to the fruit of manifestation. Whether it's personal or professional growth, patience is necessary. Seeds will not become seedlings if you are busy digging in the dirt to see if they are taking root. Growth is not supported by urgency. Everything that exists waits for the right moment - the right time for a tree to bare fruit, to the right time for an infant to be born. Relax and allow time for change and growth, and also realize that not every seed is meant to sprout - no matter how well it was tended.

By drawing this card, you are being asked to accept your cyclical nature, and to honor whatever phase you may be experiencing. The new moon is as important as the full moon. When the new moon does not appear in the sky, it doesn't mean something is wrong. There is the full light of the moon with increased energy and activity, and the dark sky with the quiet move inward. Relax and open your heart to whatever cycle you are in, rather than wishing it were different. In this way you can ease your fears and struggles. If you use changes for awareness and growth, you will continue to move through life with greater ease, appreciation and joy!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Card for Monday, October 27, 2014

Feeling shattered is not grief or sadness from loss. It is a feeling of devastation or angst from misperceiving the true reality of a situation, and from not envisioning the abundance that is available to you.

Have you lost (or are you about to lose) something or someone, and your heart feels irreparably broken? Or do you feel angst because something or someone that is lost seems irreplaceable, and you think that life will never be good again?

The situation you are in - that is overwhelming you with pain - has probably triggered either a great loss from the past or an intense fear about something in the future - or both. This means that the situation you are in only plays a part of the devastation you are feeling. In reality, it is only your perception of the situation that is causing the pain or it’s because you are thinking about the past or future – not the present moment. It is likely that the thing or person you lost (or may lose) probably isn’t as important as you believe, or it is not as fulfilling as it once was - as we don’t lose what we are truly are meant to keep.

The pain may also be caused because you refuse to accept the ending or the loss of this special part of your life. You may even act desperate to try and get it back - believing this will end your pain. Or you may buckle under the weight of the pain and lay helpless on the ground. Refusing to accept ‘what is’, prevents you from dealing with change and the benefit the change is providing. And buckling keeps you from moving forward towards your true joy and purpose in life. Take all the time your heart needs to accept this loss, and release your feelings about the past or the future. This is better than avoiding it, denying it or trying to tough it out.

Now that you have accepted and released your feelings, begin to understand the benefits of feeling shattered. Start by shattering your fixed perception of your situation. Let go of limiting thoughts. Awaken to your soul’s deep needs, and bring awareness to the abundance of possibilities, and to what you truly desire. The ache for the person or thing you have lost is telling you how important this aspect of life is to you. Having this person or thing in your life may or may not be needed, but know those wonderful feelings that it created will definitely come again because this situation has woken a need in your heart that is supposed to get filled. Maybe not in the same manner, but filled in some other way or by someone else. Without doubt, your next experience will be fuller, richer and better than you can imagine!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cards for Friday-Sunday, October 24-26, 2014

Friday's Card is about control again.

Are you trying to control yourself, others or a current situation?

Typically control has a negative connotation, but control isn’t bad, it is just the developing energy field of creation and protection. With mature (developed) energy, we create out of joy, love and inspiration, and we protect our children and others, out of selfless care and compassion. With immature control energy, we create and protect others (and ourselves) out of fear, desperation, insecurity, force or manipulation. Our intentions are good - we want to create good things for everybody. Yet with immature control, the subtle (or not so subtle) motivation is to really fill our own needs and desires; often without considering the other person(s) involved. Yet filling our own needs and desires is a common developmental stage that we may need to go through first before we can give to others. We may want to help and create positive experiences for others or ourselves, but if our control/creation abilities are not mature, we will act before we first understand what the real needs or desires actually are. As we expand in the energy field of security, trust, confidence and competency, (when our cup is full, and we know what the true needs and desires of others and ourselves are), we will create from a place of love, joy and inspiration. And the conscious act of self-protection is rarely needed, because we are living in our maturely expanded energy field where we stand strong and flexible if a storm passes our way. And when we stand in a place of ‘mastery’, no protection is needed at all! (see the card Maturity and Mastery).

If your positive energy field hasn’t matured, and you realize you have a desire to create or protect out of fear, desperation or insecurity, your first impulse will be to ‘control your control’. You may hear yourself thinking, ‘I have to manage my control. I got to learn to trust and feel safe.’ Words like ‘got to, have to, should, must, never, always’, suggest fear, force, panic and desperation. Remember mature control is creating and protecting from ease, love, gentleness and inspiration.

You can transform the energy of fear or manipulation without pushing or force. Start by welcoming in the energy of love, joy, trust, security, confidence, inspiration and competency. Gently and lovingly make any necessary adjustments, and at the same time, value and accept everyone (including yourself) for who they are and where they’re at already. Know that your need to improve, protect and create is a beautiful and worthy act. Take a big deep breathe, relax, and welcome in the inspirational steps that will lead you towards self-love, self-worth, and trust.

As your energy field of love, trust and joy expands, your desire to create and protect will benefit everyone in more delightful ways. Begin to feel the freedom from fear, distrust and insecurity, and trust that everything will turn out for the best. As you mature, you are free to create a life that is filled with ease, joy, peace and abundance!

Saturday's card is about faith.
Faith is trust. Faith is using your mind to help you imagine that everything will turn out for the best. Use your imagination to see, feel and trust that everything will turn out at the highest level to bring you happiness, abundance and love. Have faith in the situation, in yourself, and in life’s creative energy. Worrying, is the absence of faith. When you trust, only then can you put all the doubts and fears in your mind aside.
Trust can also help you when you are torn between two different options. Trust that the right choice will present itself in time. Trust the timing, and trust the process as it unfolds. Faith means waiting at times, and wisdom is using your time creatively and wisely while waiting for a decision, person, thing or opportunity to arrive.
Deep faith often develops after the ‘darkness of night’ --- where dreams were delayed, lost treasures were found or replaced, and challenges were successfully met. Faith doesn’t exempt you from challenging times; faith is the additional resource to help you with them.
Have faith and certainty that your heart and soul’s deepest longings will come to you. Trust that what has been taken away from you no longer has value, because the treasures you truly need and the things that truly belong to you cannot possibly be lost or taken away.
Faith, is knowing that what your heart longs for is already on its way. The creative life source is in tune with your longings, and is already lining things up in the present for manifestation in the future. You can be thankful in advance. For instance, if someone were to give you a check for $1,000, would you wait until you cashed it in order to thank him or her? – No. – You'd go ahead and thank them because you knew you could cash it and the money was on its way. Know that what you long for is coming!
Faith is also taking risks. Now is the time in your life to absolutely trust. There is a tremendous sense of joy and accomplishment when we take the steps to enter a new world.
Faith is also giving when you don’t feel like you can afford to give. Giving and faith go together. It's one thing to give when you've got it to spare – it's another thing to give when you don't even know where the money, energy or love is going to come from. That is a test of faith – giving when you’re not sure you can.
Take care to make sure your faith is not ‘blind faith’. Blind faith is pretending that everything is all right – it is being in denial of reality.
Know that faith and trust can help you in your current situation. With trust, the highest potential opens up. Life is no longer mediocre, and life will start to overflow with magic! Where there is trust there is peace and fulfillment. Today consciously begin to trust others, yourself, and in the process as it unfolds to bring happiness, abundance and love!

“No heart suffers when it goes in search of its dreams because every second is a search for your divine self.”
– Paulo Coelho
Sunday's card is about purpose.

Living your purpose is part of living a fulfilling, rich life.

Your purpose is not some big mystical thing to figure out. Your purpose is simply following what brings your heart happiness, love, peace, joy and beauty.

Your purpose is a calling to fully be your true self, to recognize your innate gifts and share them with the world in a way that brings you joy. When you are not filled with joy, then the purpose of your life is learning, growth and forgiveness to get you back to living and sharing your true self.

Purpose takes place as much in the inner world as it does in the outer. In the inner world, it is who you are. In the outer world, it is what you have come to do, what you will become, and what you are here to express.

In the outer world, ‘do’ whatever creates joy in your life and fills you with love, enthusiasm, strength and other positive things. Everyone has activities they absolutely love to do, and they often make time for them over other responsibilities.

One's passions are the activities that bring them great energy. Spend time with people, situations and activities that bring you joy, love and harmony. If you do the opposite you will become exhausted and lethargic - which will not add beauty to the world. Let go of the things that provide little fulfilment so there is room for love and happiness!

Your deepest joy is your purpose. Your joy will fill the world’s hunger.

Most of us strive to understand our purpose for being here. Without a clear purpose, a person may drift through life following popular pursuits, copying the lives of others, and jumping from job to job, or partner to partner.

The good news is, you already have all the training you need for living your purpose. Your purpose is all of who you are. It is all of your experiences, talents, skills, unique strengths and gifts. All you have to do is share them with the world in a way that brings you joy. There is nothing that you need to change about yourself to fulfill your purpose. You are, and always have been….and always will be…. perfect in every way to fulfill your soul and to fulfill your purpose in the world. For what you have come to accomplish and what you have come to be, you are perfect!

The following lines from the poet/writer/philosopher Kahlil Gibran eloquently tells of how when we give of who we naturally are, just as innocently as we did when we were children, we bring to earth the heaven we are all meant to experience. -

“There are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life, and their coffer is never empty. There are those that give with joy, and that joy is their reward. There are those that give with pain, and that pain is their baptism. And there are those that give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor do they give with mindfulness of virtue. They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breaths its fragrance into space. Through the hands of such as these, god speaks, and from behind their eyes he smiles upon the earth.”

– Kahlil Gibran

There are times when you are weary of all the doing and growing, and your purpose is just to be. To be silent and still, and take in the wonderful smell of apple blossoms as you lay in a meadow, looking up at the open blue sky.

The card Purpose has been drawn to help you understand what purpose means. Your purpose is your innate gifts and the accumulation of all your experiences that you express in a natural and joyful way. Your purpose is not just about what you came to do but to fully develop and express who you are. To fully understand your feelings, needs and longings, and come to fully accept who you truly are………a perfect and significant part of creation!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Card for Thursday, October 23, 2014

Are you trying to control yourself, others or a current situation?

Typically control has a negative connotation, but control isn’t bad, it is just the developing energy field of creation and protection. With mature (developed) energy, we create out of joy, love and inspiration, and we protect our children and others, out of selfless care and compassion. With immature control energy, we create and protect others (and ourselves) out of fear, desperation, insecurity, force or manipulation. Our intentions are good - we want to create good things for everybody. Yet with immature control, the subtle (or not so subtle) motivation is to really fill our own needs and desires; often without considering the other person(s) involved. Yet filling our own needs and desires is a common developmental stage that we may need to go through first before we can give to others. We may want to help and create positive experiences for others or ourselves, but if our control/creation abilities are not mature, we will act before we first understand what the real needs or desires actually are. As we expand in the energy field of security, trust, confidence and competency, (when our cup is full, and we know what the true needs and desires of others and ourselves are), we will create from a place of love, joy and inspiration. And the conscious act of self-protection is rarely needed, because we are living in our maturely expanded energy field where we stand strong and flexible if a storm passes our way. And when we stand in a place of ‘mastery’, no protection is needed at all! (see the card Maturity and Mastery).

If your positive energy field hasn’t matured, and you realize you have a desire to create or protect out of fear, desperation or insecurity, your first impulse will be to ‘control your control’. You may hear yourself thinking, ‘I have to manage my control. I got to learn to trust and feel safe.’ Words like ‘got to, have to, should, must, never, always’, suggest fear, force, panic and desperation. Remember mature control is creating and protecting from ease, love, gentleness and inspiration.

You can transform the energy of fear or manipulation without pushing or force. Start by welcoming in the energy of love, joy, trust, security, confidence, inspiration and competency. Gently and lovingly make any necessary adjustments, and at the same time, value and accept everyone (including yourself) for who they are and where they’re at already. Know that your need to improve, protect and create is a beautiful and worthy act. Take a big deep breathe, relax, and welcome in the inspirational steps that will lead you towards self-love, self-worth, and trust.

As your energy field of love, trust and joy expands, your desire to create and protect will benefit everyone in more delightful ways. Begin to feel the freedom from fear, distrust and insecurity, and trust that everything will turn out for the best. As you mature, you are free to create a life that is filled with ease, joy, peace and abundance!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Card for Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm very sorry I didn't get a chance to post anything last week until today.  I ended up having a very bad strep throat and it's taken a lot of focus and energy to try and start feeling better.  Some day I'll crack how to heal me in a moment :D

Wholeness is being all of who you truly are. By integrating and balancing all aspects of yourself and your life, you increase your ability to feel whole. Wholeness is the wide range of experiences, ideas and feelings that everyone has the potential to live and express.

Nurture your wholeness by balancing things such as; work/play, activity/rest, time with others/ time alone... and by developing all your qualities such as; seriousness, humor, patience, assertiveness, gentleness, compassion, courage...etc..

One way to achieve wholeness is by using others as a mirror to see yourself. What qualities or aspects are you seeing in other people that are the same as yours, and what parts appear to be totally different? Do you see qualities in others that you wished you had? For example, do you come across people that are really joyful or creative, and you can’t remember the last time you expressed creativity or joy? By looking at another person’s positive attributes or gifts, you can awaken these qualities or resources within yourself. Also, if you notice a person’s weaknesses, you can acknowledge where you need to make any necessary improvements.

We all know couples who are total opposites. One person is the dreamer - the other is the realist. One is outgoing - the other is reclusive. One partner wants closeness - the other wants space. Being polar opposites gives us the opportunity to appreciate our differences or to balance the polarities in ourselves to fulfill our human potential for wholeness. By seeing these differences in others we have the opportunity to develop these qualities within ourselves. Appreciate each other’s contrasting and complimentary gifts. Don’t call each other down because of differences... remember that for every women who is called ‘too sensitive’, there is a man who wants to express his vulnerability... And for every man who is called a ‘workaholic’, there is a woman who longs to fulfill her purpose and be taken seriously.

People who are very different from us, are reminding us to become more balanced, whole and healthy in who we are, and how we live our lives. Differences are actually doorways into the hidden dimensions of our character and soul. They are the doorways to balance and wholeness, along our journey home.

The card Wholeness reminds you that part of your life, and your full potential as a human being, may need some balancing. Look within to awaken parts of yourself that may require development or admiration, and notice the parts of your life that needs inclusion or exclusion. As you become more integrated, you will deepen your capacity to experience happiness and fulfillment, and you will finally experience the feeling of ‘being at home’ within yourself!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Card for Friday-Sunday, October 10-12, 2014

This card awakens you to the expansive energy shift you are about to experience - or the one you already are in. You are entering through the doorway to a world of great joy, wonder, love and fulfillment! You may have tried to walk through this doorway before but turned around; fearing the unknown or fearing the abundance that is waiting for you. Know that this time you are worthy of these blessings. This time you are open to receive a life of immense bounty and success.

Sometimes we fear the unknown, believing it may be worse than what is already present. Know that you have created this opportunity of expansion because somewhere deep down, perhaps at an unconscious level, you feel it is time to be genuinely happy. Deep down you want a life worth living, and a soul filled with trust, love, enthusiasm, peace and wonder.

Release your deep-rooted fears, and trust that you have the inner wisdom and strength to create more abundance than you could have ever imagined! Try to envision and feel the release of mediocrity, and feel the joy and satisfaction of this expansive shift.

If all you can feel is the heaviness of fear, doubt and worry, realize that the amount of heaviness you experience will be equal to the joy and lightness you’ll feel once you open up to the expansive energy that is available.
Ask for forgiveness for any past transgressions that may have been weighing you down, and ask to be free of any thoughts that may be limiting your potential. Honor your worthiness.

The hard crust of your fears, worries, doubts and your unfulfilling past will loosen, and you will emerge from the soil to feel the sun as it warms your body, heart and soul!

You’ve received this card to let you know that the depths of your soul are bringing about this great expansion so open up and expand to a new level of vision, creativity, love, inner power and glory!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Card for Thursday, October 9, 2014

Your Card - “The Lovers” - This card signals that a significant relationship is on your mind. It may be romantic in nature, or it may be an intimate but platonic friendship. Communication is key right now, and it’s important to develop trust within the relationship. You can safely share your feelings with someone close to you.

This card is appropriate for me today.  I have a wedding to attend tomorrow.  My old babysitter is getting married.  I'm taking my eldest with me.  She's never attended a wedding.   She asked me last night what part is she playing in the wedding.  I truly didn't know how to answer her.  I think she heard the sister of the bride who's her age talk about being in the wedding.  

So tomorrow may be interesting. :)

But it's also the card of communicating.  What have you been doing to be more truthful to yourself and thus with others?    Look at the faces in this card.  It shows a peace and happiness that is internal.  Yes there are two people, but you have to be happy in your own skin in order to find happiness with others.  If you're constantly going on negatively about things in your life.. that brings your life down and who wants to be around those that complain all the time?  Same goes that if your happy.. who wouldn't want to 1) be around someone that happy (it's contagious for those that wish to follow) and 2) it shows the life as something great.. something to be celebrated. 

I'm not saying "bad" things don't happen.. they do.. it's how you get stronger and work on those things that really matter.  Don't dwell in the energy of that situation, see how you can rise above it.  Take a breath and move on.  Know that you can.  Know that there is someone around that does care for you, even if you do not see it.  Learn to laugh and find the joy in life.  You will be glad you did.  And once you do, share that joy with another.  Show them the true way to live :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Card for Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Your Card - “A New Dawn” - “The worst is now behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.”

I was drawn to pull from the mermaids today because of a cloud formation I saw this morning.  Clearly a mermaid.  Wish I hadn't been driving so I could have gotten a shot of it.  Anyhow, so when I stopped, I pulled this card.  Who wouldn't want this card?

The trick to this card is to keep washing away the negativity (i.e. ego) past memories and guilt.  Work on keeping those things released and work only with positive emotions.

I've been doing that now a week.  I picked up this audio class and been listening to at least one session every morning on the commute to work.  I took it at least a  year ago, but because it's energy it still needs to be recharged as well as moved out for that is stagnant in our lives.  As frightening as releasing old stuff may be, it's time.  No need to keep a hold of those things that no longer suit you.  Move on with love in your heart and spread that wealth.

Good news for me, is that I'm close to completing my Oracle cards.  I've got them all formatted now and what's left is the box and the book.  So hopefully soon I'll be able to start offering some for sale.  I'm excited about this product because they are all full of light and healing to help you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Card for Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Whatever has been consuming your time and energy is coming to an end, and a whole new level of success has, or is about to come into your life. Because of your willingness to accept the recent challenges of life, you can start celebrating your success!

Your success is also a gift for others - for when you succeed you light up the ‘path of inspiration’ so others can follow.

Success isn’t just about accomplishing something; it’s also your attitude in how you view yourself and your life. Success is viewing yourself in a positive way no matter what the outcome of your plans or goals. It is celebrating the risks you took, and the striving and the efforts you made. Success, in part, is knowing that - all that you are and all that you do - is always enough.

Life is full of endings and new beginnings, and we can sometimes feel sad or empty when things come to completion. Give yourself time and space to release these feelings and replace them with the wonder and enthusiasm of what’s to come.

If you have just accomplished something, it is time to reap the reward! Too often when we reach our goal or task we brush by the celebration because there is always the next thing on our list to accomplish. Take the time to rest a bit and enjoy your success. Really acknowledge your success. Treat yourself in some special way - celebrate and share it with others!

Yet remember not to rest on your laurels too long, this is not your final destination. The journey isn't over yet. There are worlds upon worlds still waiting to be explored!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Card for Friday, October 3, 2014

Your Card - “Family Harmony” - Chrysanthemum: Your loved ones form a strong pillar of support. Embrace their love and put past issues behind you.

If there have been some bad situations between you and your loved ones, it's time to put it away.  It's time to get the forgiveness and love flowing again.  Holding grudges only hurts you.  I've learned the hard way that lesson.  I also have learned you can not change anyone but yourself.  Just keep working on you and things will change around you without you being upset or frustrated at another person.

This card also represents family members that may have died.  They are around you giving you support to do the things you know are necessary.

This card is very appropriate for the time of season we're heading into.  I love the color, it reminds me of the love you felt as a child at home.  And I want to point out that home doesn't necessarily have to be your immediate family.  Many people have "adopted" families.. those houses where they made you feel like part of the family or even friends that you wish were your siblings.  Family is what  you make of it.  So take part and enjoy this time with them.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Card for Thursday, October 2, 2014

Faith is trust. Faith is using your mind to help you imagine that everything will turn out for the best. Use your imagination to see, feel and trust that everything will turn out at the highest level to bring you happiness, abundance and love. Have faith in the situation, in yourself, and in life’s creative energy. Worrying, is the absence of faith. When you trust, only then can you put all the doubts and fears in your mind aside.

Trust can also help you when you are torn between two different options. Trust that the right choice will present itself in time. Trust the timing, and trust the process as it unfolds. Faith means waiting at times, and wisdom is using your time creatively and wisely while waiting for a decision, person, thing or opportunity to arrive.

Deep faith often develops after the ‘darkness of night’ --- where dreams were delayed, lost treasures were found or replaced, and challenges were successfully met. Faith doesn’t exempt you from challenging times; faith is the additional resource to help you with them.

Have faith and certainty that your heart and soul’s deepest longings will come to you. Trust that what has been taken away from you no longer has value, because the treasures you truly need and the things that truly belong to you cannot possibly be lost or taken away.

Faith, is knowing that what your heart longs for is already on its way. The creative life source is in tune with your longings, and is already lining things up in the present for manifestation in the future.

You can be thankful in advance. For instance, if someone were to give you a check for $1,000, would you wait until you cashed it in order to thank him or her? – No. – You'd go ahead and thank them because you knew you could cash it and the money was on its way. Know that what you long for is coming!

Faith is also taking risks. Now is the time in your life to absolutely trust. There is a tremendous sense of joy and accomplishment when we take the steps to enter a new world.

Faith is also giving when you don’t feel like you can afford to give. Giving and faith go together. It's one thing to give when you've got it to spare – it's another thing to give when you don't even know where the money, energy or love is going to come from. That is a test of faith – giving when you’re not sure you can.

Take care to make sure your faith is not ‘blind faith’. Blind faith is pretending that everything is all right – it is being in denial of reality.

Know that faith and trust can help you in your current situation. With trust, the highest potential opens up. Life is no longer mediocre, and life will start to overflow with magic! Where there is trust there is peace and fulfillment. Today consciously begin to trust others, yourself, and in the process as it unfolds to bring happiness, abundance and love!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Card for Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fear is an emotion. Fear can alert us to the presence of danger, or we can feel fear when we image that something bad may happen. A response to fear is sometimes known as the “fight or flight” response, in which the body prepares itself to either enter combat or run away, yet another typical reaction, is to freeze in our tracks and do nothing. These responses can be necessary, but they can also be the result of thoughts that are not based on reality. In order to choose how to appropriately respond or re-‘act’ when we are feeling fear is to first decipher if the fear is real or imagined.

An example of the possibility of our fear being imagined is when we remember an experience from the past that was ‘bad’, and although it is extremely unlikely to reoccur, we imagine it happening again. Our fear is from the past, but it is projected onto the present or future. This may be a way of learning from our experiences, but it also may only be an unnecessary precaution if the ‘bad’ event is unlikely to occur. We need to decide if the fear is reasonable and logical or if it is unfounded and irrational.

If you decide that your fear is imagined, you can dissolve it by bringing loving and positive thoughts into the situation. Or you can fully surrender to the fear, letting it run freely - right through you - until it is gone, leaving you with feelings of love, trust, joy, faith or peace.

If fear isn’t just imagined, it means we can use fear to help protect and advise us. Fear makes us aware of situations and things that could harm us, and it helps us to avoid painful or stressful experiences. Fear can also prevent us from making hasty decisions. We can be thankful for what fear has come to do, and to let it be a guiding friend in our lives.

The card Fear is asking you to understand or intuitively feel if fear is holding you back from success and happiness, or if fear has come to keep you safe. Until you reach full spiritual, emotional and intellectual mastery, fear will either be a hindrance, a necessary guide, or an internal radar to keep you from harm. Know that the more you mature (the more you grow and evolve) the less fear you will experience!

I do find it funny that the month that has Halloween the very first day I pull the fear card ;)