Friday's Card is about control again.
Are you trying to control yourself, others or a current situation?
Typically control has a negative connotation, but control isn’t bad, it is just the developing energy field of creation and protection. With mature (developed) energy, we create out of joy, love and inspiration, and we protect our children and others, out of selfless care and compassion. With immature control energy, we create and protect others (and ourselves) out of fear, desperation, insecurity, force or manipulation. Our intentions are good - we want to create good things for everybody. Yet with immature control, the subtle (or not so subtle) motivation is to really fill our own needs and desires; often without considering the other person(s) involved. Yet filling our own needs and desires is a common developmental stage that we may need to go through first before we can give to others. We may want to help and create positive experiences for others or ourselves, but if our control/creation abilities are not mature, we will act before we first understand what the real needs or desires actually are. As we expand in the energy field of security, trust, confidence and competency, (when our cup is full, and we know what the true needs and desires of others and ourselves are), we will create from a place of love, joy and inspiration. And the conscious act of self-protection is rarely needed, because we are living in our maturely expanded energy field where we stand strong and flexible if a storm passes our way. And when we stand in a place of ‘mastery’, no protection is needed at all! (see the card Maturity and Mastery).
If your positive energy field hasn’t matured, and you realize you have a desire to create or protect out of fear, desperation or insecurity, your first impulse will be to ‘control your control’. You may hear yourself thinking, ‘I have to manage my control. I got to learn to trust and feel safe.’ Words like ‘got to, have to, should, must, never, always’, suggest fear, force, panic and desperation. Remember mature control is creating and protecting from ease, love, gentleness and inspiration.
You can transform the energy of fear or manipulation without pushing or force. Start by welcoming in the energy of love, joy, trust, security, confidence, inspiration and competency. Gently and lovingly make any necessary adjustments, and at the same time, value and accept everyone (including yourself) for who they are and where they’re at already. Know that your need to improve, protect and create is a beautiful and worthy act. Take a big deep breathe, relax, and welcome in the inspirational steps that will lead you towards self-love, self-worth, and trust.
As your energy field of love, trust and joy expands, your desire to create and protect will benefit everyone in more delightful ways. Begin to feel the freedom from fear, distrust and insecurity, and trust that everything will turn out for the best. As you mature, you are free to create a life that is filled with ease, joy, peace and abundance!
Saturday's card is about faith.
Faith is trust. Faith is using your mind to help you imagine that everything will turn out for the best. Use your imagination to see, feel and trust that everything will turn out at the highest level to bring you happiness, abundance and love. Have faith in the situation, in yourself, and in life’s creative energy. Worrying, is the absence of faith. When you trust, only then can you put all the doubts and fears in your mind aside.
Trust can also help you when you are torn between two different options. Trust that the right choice will present itself in time. Trust the timing, and trust the process as it unfolds. Faith means waiting at times, and wisdom is using your time creatively and wisely while waiting for a decision, person, thing or opportunity to arrive.
Deep faith often develops after the ‘darkness of night’ --- where dreams were delayed, lost treasures were found or replaced, and challenges were successfully met. Faith doesn’t exempt you from challenging times; faith is the additional resource to help you with them.
Have faith and certainty that your heart and soul’s deepest longings will come to you. Trust that what has been taken away from you no longer has value, because the treasures you truly need and the things that truly belong to you cannot possibly be lost or taken away.
Faith, is knowing that what your heart longs for is already on its way. The creative life source is in tune with your longings, and is already lining things up in the present for manifestation in the future. You can be thankful in advance. For instance, if someone were to give you a check for $1,000, would you wait until you cashed it in order to thank him or her? – No. – You'd go ahead and thank them because you knew you could cash it and the money was on its way. Know that what you long for is coming!
Faith is also taking risks. Now is the time in your life to absolutely trust. There is a tremendous sense of joy and accomplishment when we take the steps to enter a new world.
Faith is also giving when you don’t feel like you can afford to give. Giving and faith go together. It's one thing to give when you've got it to spare – it's another thing to give when you don't even know where the money, energy or love is going to come from. That is a test of faith – giving when you’re not sure you can.
Take care to make sure your faith is not ‘blind faith’. Blind faith is pretending that everything is all right – it is being in denial of reality.
Know that faith and trust can help you in your current situation. With trust, the highest potential opens up. Life is no longer mediocre, and life will start to overflow with magic! Where there is trust there is peace and fulfillment. Today consciously begin to trust others, yourself, and in the process as it unfolds to bring happiness, abundance and love!
“No heart suffers when it goes in search of its dreams because every second is a search for your divine self.”
– Paulo Coelho
Sunday's card is about purpose.
Living your purpose is part of living a fulfilling, rich life.
Your purpose is not some big mystical thing to figure out. Your purpose is simply following what brings your heart happiness, love, peace, joy and beauty.
Your purpose is a calling to fully be your true self, to recognize your innate gifts and share them with the world in a way that brings you joy. When you are not filled with joy, then the purpose of your life is learning, growth and forgiveness to get you back to living and sharing your true self.
Purpose takes place as much in the inner world as it does in the outer. In the inner world, it is who you are. In the outer world, it is what you have come to do, what you will become, and what you are here to express.
In the outer world, ‘do’ whatever creates joy in your life and fills you with love, enthusiasm, strength and other positive things. Everyone has activities they absolutely love to do, and they often make time for them over other responsibilities.
One's passions are the activities that bring them great energy. Spend time with people, situations and activities that bring you joy, love and harmony. If you do the opposite you will become exhausted and lethargic - which will not add beauty to the world. Let go of the things that provide little fulfilment so there is room for love and happiness!
Your deepest joy is your purpose. Your joy will fill the world’s hunger.
Most of us strive to understand our purpose for being here. Without a clear purpose, a person may drift through life following popular pursuits, copying the lives of others, and jumping from job to job, or partner to partner.
The good news is, you already have all the training you need for living your purpose. Your purpose is all of who you are. It is all of your experiences, talents, skills, unique strengths and gifts. All you have to do is share them with the world in a way that brings you joy. There is nothing that you need to change about yourself to fulfill your purpose. You are, and always have been….and always will be…. perfect in every way to fulfill your soul and to fulfill your purpose in the world. For what you have come to accomplish and what you have come to be, you are perfect!
The following lines from the poet/writer/philosopher Kahlil Gibran eloquently tells of how when we give of who we naturally are, just as innocently as we did when we were children, we bring to earth the heaven we are all meant to experience. -
“There are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life, and their coffer is never empty. There are those that give with joy, and that joy is their reward. There are those that give with pain, and that pain is their baptism. And there are those that give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor do they give with mindfulness of virtue. They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breaths its fragrance into space. Through the hands of such as these, god speaks, and from behind their eyes he smiles upon the earth.”
– Kahlil Gibran
There are times when you are weary of all the doing and growing, and your purpose is just to be. To be silent and still, and take in the wonderful smell of apple blossoms as you lay in a meadow, looking up at the open blue sky.
The card Purpose has been drawn to help you understand what purpose means. Your purpose is your innate gifts and the accumulation of all your experiences that you express in a natural and joyful way. Your purpose is not just about what you came to do but to fully develop and express who you are. To fully understand your feelings, needs and longings, and come to fully accept who you truly are………a perfect and significant part of creation!
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