I had my website up for awhile now (www.healingbyharmonize.com) that offered various psychic services to people. But then I started writing a book and was thinking of putting up another website for selling the book(s). Then I started looking at doing voice over work as well. I thought what? another website?
So I revamped my site. It now contains all the information. This way I have one website that allows those individuals who want psychic services can get it, who want to get my book when I finish it, they can there as well as listen to examples of my voice over work. (still working on getting the demos together).
So one of the things I've done with the voice over is get evaluated. Many places offer this service but the ones I've seen start at $100. Except for one. I got to be evaluated for $20. Cheap! But they also didn't pressure me to buy their services either. It was truly an evaluation of the voice. I appreciate that, as I'm a single income with 3 special needs kids in an old house.
The nice thing is I do e-learning voice-over for my regular work. Have now for 3-5 years. So the person evaluating me told me I had a presence that some people don't have. He even gave me pointers to help propel me along even further. I was very happy with this feedback.
I keep adding things in my mix to try and do to help supplement my income. It's hard to do when a good portion of your day is at work or in a car going to and from work. But these types of things I love to do. If I didn't, they wouldn't be part of my website.
I wrote about this because I want people to understand where I' coming from and that you too can work toward your dreams. It just takes small steps to make that big leap. Also the faith that things will come your way when they are supposed to so that you can continue on the path.
So, a new thing I'm looking at, is something with my soul sister. Either web videos or podcasts where we work on you being "The Authentic Spiritual You". We both have gone through similar yet different things in our spiritual path. We both believe that we can help others along theirs. So keep an eye out for it. You might eventually see it on the website.
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