Relationships are at the center of our lives - and connecting with others in harmony removes feelings of separation, loneliness and opposition.
Harmony isn’t about two people who feel, think and see things the same. Like a song, a harmony is a contrasting note with the melody, and together they complement one another. And just as a song’s richness can be greatly enhanced by adding a harmony, our relationships can be enriched as well by joining others in harmony. When we join with others in harmony we share the load and we blend our abilities to create something that none of us could achieve alone.
Harmony in relationships is created, in part, by resolving issues and conflicts. Because we all differ in values, beliefs, needs and desires - conflict (contrast) will naturally arise. A lack of contrast does not mean there is harmony. Unexpressed and unresolved issues can deaden a relationship or even dismantle it. Withdrawing, avoiding contrast and letting issues slide, will not create harmony. We may hold back our thoughts, shut down, or pretend that everything’s fine, because we are afraid of hurt, change or disappointments. When we withhold contrasting energy, we seem to deaden our relationships, and the all colors of our world blend together in exchange for a muddy one. Revealing our inner-self is a vital part of authentic relating.
The opposite of withholding, are the people who want to ‘win the war’. For them there is no holding back. They carry grudges, thoughts of revenge, and a deep desire to be right. They attempt to get the other person to see things their way or to do what they want. They fail to realize that both perspectives and desires need to be integrated for a win/win solution.
Perhaps you have drawn the Harmonious Connection card because you need to look at how you connect with yourself. You can just as easily create feelings of deadness by ignoring certain feelings or desires that you have. can have an inner war as you struggle with opposing needs and desires where you let only one of them win.
Are there any feelings of deadness or tension in yourself or your relationships? The card Harmonious Connections asks you to join in harmony with yourself or another. Take the time to express what has been withheld. Use contrasts to grow and bring color and life back. Open your mind and integrate both sides of a conflict so both sides and both partners win. Resolving issues brings peace, which generates joy, love, inspiration and abundance!
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