Earlier this week, my brand new pendulum told me I was going to win the jackpot in the lottery. I even had it down to a specific day. Well guess what? It didn't happen. Not even one number. So what happened?
I decided to do a card draw today...using the Soul Journey card app on my phone. Love these cards, they are very energy related. The card I got was:
From the app it states:
The card Natural Unfolding is about all the beauty within you, developing with ease and grace!
When you accept that you are naturally unfolding, life gets easier.
Imagine that you are naturally unfolding, and naturally flowing just like a river. Like a river, there are times when the movement slows, rushes, pounds against boulders and even back eddies. Flow with the current; not against it. Understand that back eddies are times of rest or reflection, and that as you mature and fill with self-love, your inner waters will rise, and the ‘pounding against boulders’ will be no more!
>If your ‘waters are pounding against the boulders’, recognize the resistance, and then access your self-love and inner wisdom to release you from any heavy thoughts or feelings regarding your situation so you can live in harmony and return to the gentle flow of life.
In nature, all living things grow and change, and humans are no exception. We are unfolding naturally just like a flowering tree. It unfolds from a seed to a seedling, and from a seedling to a blossoming tree….all necessary stages. The seedling, for example, can be a little crooked or fragile, but it still has equal importance to the fragrant bloom. We have all experienced times of fragility and times of strength. Accept nature (universe, planets, humans and all that is in form) as it is, along with believing that all things grow and change.
Natural Unfolding is also about creating nothing, planning nothing and learning nothing.
Instead of planning and creating, just envision your dreams and be open, discerning and responsive to what comes your way.
Instead of becoming anxious with a need to control a specific outcome, take the road of optimism and trust, and your dreams will then be accomplished with joy and ease.
And instead of learning, just let your body absorb it for you – you will receive what you need to know in the moment.
The easiest way to learn is through the natural curiosity of fun and through interesting activities. You will learn more quickly this way, and it will have deeper meaning in your life, and increase your enthusiasm for living.
As you naturally unfold you become more in-tune with your needs and desires. As you naturally become more in-tune, you naturally experience less stress and suffering and unexpected problems. As you grow you can choose the fun and easy path so the unexpected problems happen less and less, and the self-created peace, pleasures and adventures occur more and more.
The Card Natural Unfolding is reminding you to embrace the natural beauty of being human, and allow yourself to develop with ease and joy!
I take from that it will happen to me, I just have to go with the flow and not try and force it. We should all learn from the lesson of this card.
One of the things I'm learning about myself through my continued studies is that I often appear overbearing to some people. I'm really trying to come to the light and become the light where instead of being intimidating to some, that I appear open and happy and people naturally want to be around me. Because for the most part, all I want to do is help people.
Of course it's a learning process and often times than not, I end up losing my temper or being rigid in my thinking. Still working on that. :)
So, how do you think this card applies to you? What meaning can you take from it and apply it to your life right now?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Card Reading - Feb 27, 2013
Today I pulled a card from the Angel's Oracle from Doreen Virtue.
Notice how she's taking her time walking. Stopping to enjoy the moment. Notice also how everything around her is blooming -- at the peak. This of how this applies to you. She is also alone. She is content with being along and taking nature in.
Because of all this, she is successful.
How does this card resonate for you?
Notice how she's taking her time walking. Stopping to enjoy the moment. Notice also how everything around her is blooming -- at the peak. This of how this applies to you. She is also alone. She is content with being along and taking nature in.
Because of all this, she is successful.
How does this card resonate for you?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
First off -- BAH ! I truly dislike labels. I was always the kid
that never "fit in". I wasn't a geek in the sense of a geek (I tended
to translate for them). I wasn't an athlete (even though I played some
sports). I wasn't considered a band/choir geek (even though I was in
both). I wasn't considered popular (even though I was on student
council and a cheerleader). I always felt like I was me and everyone
else was circling me in their groups. As a kid, it felt bad being left
Then I get to where I'm trying to learn the psychic stuff. OMG. Talk about labels. "What" are you? I'm like huh? Then it turns to what can you do? Again, umm... heal. Well how do you heal...? How do you label something that is so a part of you that you can't describe it? To top it off, all the different terminology and trying to remember what they are.
Heck when someone does readings for me and they throw a label in there I don't understand, I have to go look it up. Why? Because to me labels aren't important. It's a "thing". I'm not a thing. I am a person that feels other emotions. I get gut feelings about things and sometimes I just know -- but have no idea why I know. I can also hear my guides as well as get images from them and sometimes spirits. I know I can heal. I've seen the proof. I can usually connect to other's pain, which helps in the healing.
So what label is that? Beats me.
Sometimes it's just nice to talk to someone who talks on your level and plainly. Does not give you all the labels and things you must work on and you must do it with me. I figure if you connect with me, great. If you want to continue with something great again. But if you don't. No hurt feelings. Sometimes I can't connect. It happens. I feel if you have to label me as a "psychic" -- I will be there to help you the best I can. But in the same instance, you have to want to be helped and listen to the information. Besides, what I see for a future is only a potential future. There are TONS (technical term) of different steps to do to get there. If you miss one, you get a total different outcome. Why? Because the future is liquid. It does not solidify until it's the present and at the moment it's supposed to be.
Think about it. How many of you have "made plans" (even for the next day) that don't happen because something comes up? **Raises Hand** Happens to me a lot. All we can do is visualize for that ending and pray it comes up. Heck, you might wanting to go in a direction to find out something else comes across your path at a different moment in time that will set you on a different future.
Like -- OMG.. I'm so in love with him/her. I'm going to marry them. Get engaged and the closer it gets the more panicked you get until you stop the whole thing. Or worse get married and then divorced.
It's all part of the plan. Things happen to you for a reason.. don't ever doubt that. We just don't always see it in the moment we are living it. This coming from a 40-something-year old who's looked back on her life and her "moments".
So back to the topic - "Labels" -- if someone wants to give you one -- tell them something along the lines of Awesome, Individual, Supreme Being -- or just weird like I do. Who wants to be "normal" ? Just be YOU. Nothing less, nothing more. And when looking for a psychic, find one that can talk to you like a normal person and not be above you. That's what it's all about.
Then I get to where I'm trying to learn the psychic stuff. OMG. Talk about labels. "What" are you? I'm like huh? Then it turns to what can you do? Again, umm... heal. Well how do you heal...? How do you label something that is so a part of you that you can't describe it? To top it off, all the different terminology and trying to remember what they are.
Heck when someone does readings for me and they throw a label in there I don't understand, I have to go look it up. Why? Because to me labels aren't important. It's a "thing". I'm not a thing. I am a person that feels other emotions. I get gut feelings about things and sometimes I just know -- but have no idea why I know. I can also hear my guides as well as get images from them and sometimes spirits. I know I can heal. I've seen the proof. I can usually connect to other's pain, which helps in the healing.
So what label is that? Beats me.
Sometimes it's just nice to talk to someone who talks on your level and plainly. Does not give you all the labels and things you must work on and you must do it with me. I figure if you connect with me, great. If you want to continue with something great again. But if you don't. No hurt feelings. Sometimes I can't connect. It happens. I feel if you have to label me as a "psychic" -- I will be there to help you the best I can. But in the same instance, you have to want to be helped and listen to the information. Besides, what I see for a future is only a potential future. There are TONS (technical term) of different steps to do to get there. If you miss one, you get a total different outcome. Why? Because the future is liquid. It does not solidify until it's the present and at the moment it's supposed to be.
Think about it. How many of you have "made plans" (even for the next day) that don't happen because something comes up? **Raises Hand** Happens to me a lot. All we can do is visualize for that ending and pray it comes up. Heck, you might wanting to go in a direction to find out something else comes across your path at a different moment in time that will set you on a different future.
Like -- OMG.. I'm so in love with him/her. I'm going to marry them. Get engaged and the closer it gets the more panicked you get until you stop the whole thing. Or worse get married and then divorced.
It's all part of the plan. Things happen to you for a reason.. don't ever doubt that. We just don't always see it in the moment we are living it. This coming from a 40-something-year old who's looked back on her life and her "moments".
So back to the topic - "Labels" -- if someone wants to give you one -- tell them something along the lines of Awesome, Individual, Supreme Being -- or just weird like I do. Who wants to be "normal" ? Just be YOU. Nothing less, nothing more. And when looking for a psychic, find one that can talk to you like a normal person and not be above you. That's what it's all about.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Losing someone...
I decided today to talk briefly about losing people in your life. Now I grew up in the country and we had a lot of dogs and cats all my life. I was always sad when my pets died. But I always had others around to help with that loss.
My first people loss was when I was 15. I was at church camp when the counselors there told me that my grandmother had passed. Of course I was confused, because at that time I had 4 -- 2 grandmothers and 2 great-grandmothers. One which lived close to us the others not so much. Turns out it was the one. I am and was very grateful that this happened when I was up at camp. I had so much support there It was very sudden, as she had a heart attack. I had just seen her on Saturday before I left for camp and she died that next Monday. She was the glue that held our family together. It was never the same after she died.
Then, three months later we lost a great-grandfather. I didn't know him very well. So I wasn't as affected by his death.
Then four months later I lost my cousin who was like my sister. We were born 8 days apart and shared most everything. She was opposite to me. Blonde, blue-eyed, petite and I'm the swarthy dark haired, hazel-green eyed "giant" (compared to her at least). I remember once when we were 12, she took me to meet some of her friends that lived nearby. All of them thought I was 16. The reason she was so petite is that she suffered from Cystic Fibrosis. She was in and out of the hospital for her whole life. In December that year, we got the call that she was in the hospital again. My family was planning a trip to Texas to visit my mother's side. We stopped in to check on her. To be honest, she looked awful. I could tell by her eyes that she was done fighting. I knew then it was just a matter of time. Of course, in hind-sight I feel like I might have been the only one that really saw that. Everyone told us to go on our trip. So off we went. She died on December 22nd. I remember just getting to my grandparent's house and trying to go to sleep and I heard the phone ring. I knew right then and there she was gone. I think that might have been the first time the medium ability showed itself to me. Because I remember her telling me goodbye and to help her family to heal.
Fast forward -- lost some more pets -- some that I had to put down because of issues they had. Divorce -- which is it's own type of death.
Dealing with my first child's health issues. To finally get her settled and static, to become pregnant with a baby that had Trisomy 18. Talk about soul searching. To continue the pregnancy, knowing there was a chance that she might die inside, or be stillborn, or not live long after, or have her for a few years to lose her. Was I strong enough. I can honestly say, God gave me the answers I was looking for and gave me peace. It's one of those -- let go and let God. I knew he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. My husband could only deal with the death part. While carrying her - I couldn't. I was willing her to make the goals I had set out for her. You know what..? She made every single one of them. She died 2 days after she was born. I'm sure everyone thought I was handling it well -- and I probably was. Why? Because I found my peace while carrying her. Yes it was difficult to come home from the hospital with no baby after carrying her for 9 months, but it is what it is.
Not 3 months after losing her, I found out I was pregnant again. With twins :) I know in my heart she came back to us. But even if she hadn't, I know if my heart she was at peace and where she wasn't suffering. As much as I missed her being with my physically, I was at peace knowing she was too.
Grief has no timetable. You may feel like you're over it, but may not be. Just be kind to yourself and be open to the healing process. You never forget, but over time, the pain will lesson some.
My first people loss was when I was 15. I was at church camp when the counselors there told me that my grandmother had passed. Of course I was confused, because at that time I had 4 -- 2 grandmothers and 2 great-grandmothers. One which lived close to us the others not so much. Turns out it was the one. I am and was very grateful that this happened when I was up at camp. I had so much support there It was very sudden, as she had a heart attack. I had just seen her on Saturday before I left for camp and she died that next Monday. She was the glue that held our family together. It was never the same after she died.
Then, three months later we lost a great-grandfather. I didn't know him very well. So I wasn't as affected by his death.
Then four months later I lost my cousin who was like my sister. We were born 8 days apart and shared most everything. She was opposite to me. Blonde, blue-eyed, petite and I'm the swarthy dark haired, hazel-green eyed "giant" (compared to her at least). I remember once when we were 12, she took me to meet some of her friends that lived nearby. All of them thought I was 16. The reason she was so petite is that she suffered from Cystic Fibrosis. She was in and out of the hospital for her whole life. In December that year, we got the call that she was in the hospital again. My family was planning a trip to Texas to visit my mother's side. We stopped in to check on her. To be honest, she looked awful. I could tell by her eyes that she was done fighting. I knew then it was just a matter of time. Of course, in hind-sight I feel like I might have been the only one that really saw that. Everyone told us to go on our trip. So off we went. She died on December 22nd. I remember just getting to my grandparent's house and trying to go to sleep and I heard the phone ring. I knew right then and there she was gone. I think that might have been the first time the medium ability showed itself to me. Because I remember her telling me goodbye and to help her family to heal.
Fast forward -- lost some more pets -- some that I had to put down because of issues they had. Divorce -- which is it's own type of death.
Dealing with my first child's health issues. To finally get her settled and static, to become pregnant with a baby that had Trisomy 18. Talk about soul searching. To continue the pregnancy, knowing there was a chance that she might die inside, or be stillborn, or not live long after, or have her for a few years to lose her. Was I strong enough. I can honestly say, God gave me the answers I was looking for and gave me peace. It's one of those -- let go and let God. I knew he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. My husband could only deal with the death part. While carrying her - I couldn't. I was willing her to make the goals I had set out for her. You know what..? She made every single one of them. She died 2 days after she was born. I'm sure everyone thought I was handling it well -- and I probably was. Why? Because I found my peace while carrying her. Yes it was difficult to come home from the hospital with no baby after carrying her for 9 months, but it is what it is.
Not 3 months after losing her, I found out I was pregnant again. With twins :) I know in my heart she came back to us. But even if she hadn't, I know if my heart she was at peace and where she wasn't suffering. As much as I missed her being with my physically, I was at peace knowing she was too.
Grief has no timetable. You may feel like you're over it, but may not be. Just be kind to yourself and be open to the healing process. You never forget, but over time, the pain will lesson some.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Work in Progress...
As I've stated many times, I'm a work in progress (WIP). Early Friday morning I got accepted to a course on how to access and heal using the Akashic Records. It's called Soul Realignment. Even though I'm paying for it, I know I have to do this. I listened and read all of Lesson 1. Can't tell I'm excited to do this can you? During that lesson, I found out I've been doing some things wrong. Like, doing my healings or connecting in my bed in my daughter's room. Apparently doing spiritual work will open up energy portals. Which isn't a bad thing, unless you're trying to sleep. I have been having issues sleeping for awhile. I would go to bed early because I have to get up early and I would still be tired in the morning. Now, you put that along side keeping up with 3 young children, commuting up to 3 hours and then working 8-12 (depending on workload). You'd say no wonder you're tired. Well, I now know through an Akashic Record reading, apparently I do work on the Astral Planes. Because I am helping others, that is why I don't remember any dreams -- or very few of them. It all made sense. Well the last thing I want to do is affect my daughter's sleep, so I've now created a small space for me up on our top floor.
I also learn that I'm going to need a pendulum to do this work. My soul sister and I were talking a few nights ago and she saw this pendulum inside one of my chakras. Turns out, her guides wouldn't leave her alone and led her to someone's website who had that exact one. She bought it for me as an early bday gift. Thanks sis!
I went out shopping for sea salt, as our local "shop" and ran across tarot cards. Now, I've been doing tarot on my phone. Electronic ones always work well for me. I had just a few months ago sent all my other ones to various people since I was no longer using. So I was surprised that this called to me and strongly. The artist who did them did a beautiful job! Already in tune with me :) They tell me when I start having real clients, I'm to use them to help with the reading/healing.
So I start down an aisle, shaking my head, and I run across some stones. Nice.. but this one basket (not labeled) drew me to it. 2 stones in particular were like "Pick me! Pick me!" I picked them up and they immediately warmed in my hand. Which again was interesting because I have a few stones/crystals, but don't "use" them. These were happy little stones and want to be part of the process. Turns out they're sun stones.
I come home and am antsy about getting the mail. I ran across an artist who infuses her work with Reiki. I just love her work - my pic is one of hers! I had purchased as an early birthday present to myself, one of her works in a bracelet. Now for me to wear any jewelry -- that's amazing, as I don't really wear much, even though I love it. Well it didn't come :(
I also couldn't continue my lessons because I needed the pendulum. Well Saturday comes and still no mail. Well it was LATE. But I got my bracelet, which I love and feel the energy on it and my pendulum!! Of course, I couldn't work with my pendulum or lesson as my daughter wanted to be up with me.
I picked up the pendulum and went to see if it would swing for me. Boy did it ever. It actually did the front swing for yes and side swing for no and circle for maybe. First time one has done that for no! So, being that they say to cleans it, I asked if it needed to be cleansed. The answer was no.
So here it is Sunday afternoon. I finally get a chance to get some "me" time and listen to the next lesson. This is the one to attune yourself to the record. The first part is a meditation where you are grounding. But it's unlike any other grounding I've ever run across. At one part she talks about going through the place you are from. I immediately got thrown out of this universe into another and onto a planet that had violet/pink skies and turquoise water. I started crying at this point, because I love watching sunrises and sunsets especially with all of the different colors it makes and I also love the ocean. I especially love the blue-green waters. I never knew why I liked these things. I never saw a real ocean until I was in my 20's.
Then we get to the temple where the records are kept. I won't go into detail about this. I feel it's a special vision for each. I have a feeling that my version wouldn't look like anyone else's version. As I was leaving though, one of the record keepers gave me a gift. It is what my heart desire was. I started bawling at this point especially as I accepted it and as I was coming back to this body, I was vibrating higher.
It's been over an hour and I'm still weepy :) I've been listening to music trying to ground myself to this reality. I'm finally feeling like me.. but lighter. As they say, all things come when they're supposed to.
I also learn that I'm going to need a pendulum to do this work. My soul sister and I were talking a few nights ago and she saw this pendulum inside one of my chakras. Turns out, her guides wouldn't leave her alone and led her to someone's website who had that exact one. She bought it for me as an early bday gift. Thanks sis!
I went out shopping for sea salt, as our local "shop" and ran across tarot cards. Now, I've been doing tarot on my phone. Electronic ones always work well for me. I had just a few months ago sent all my other ones to various people since I was no longer using. So I was surprised that this called to me and strongly. The artist who did them did a beautiful job! Already in tune with me :) They tell me when I start having real clients, I'm to use them to help with the reading/healing.
So I start down an aisle, shaking my head, and I run across some stones. Nice.. but this one basket (not labeled) drew me to it. 2 stones in particular were like "Pick me! Pick me!" I picked them up and they immediately warmed in my hand. Which again was interesting because I have a few stones/crystals, but don't "use" them. These were happy little stones and want to be part of the process. Turns out they're sun stones.
I come home and am antsy about getting the mail. I ran across an artist who infuses her work with Reiki. I just love her work - my pic is one of hers! I had purchased as an early birthday present to myself, one of her works in a bracelet. Now for me to wear any jewelry -- that's amazing, as I don't really wear much, even though I love it. Well it didn't come :(
I also couldn't continue my lessons because I needed the pendulum. Well Saturday comes and still no mail. Well it was LATE. But I got my bracelet, which I love and feel the energy on it and my pendulum!! Of course, I couldn't work with my pendulum or lesson as my daughter wanted to be up with me.
I picked up the pendulum and went to see if it would swing for me. Boy did it ever. It actually did the front swing for yes and side swing for no and circle for maybe. First time one has done that for no! So, being that they say to cleans it, I asked if it needed to be cleansed. The answer was no.
So here it is Sunday afternoon. I finally get a chance to get some "me" time and listen to the next lesson. This is the one to attune yourself to the record. The first part is a meditation where you are grounding. But it's unlike any other grounding I've ever run across. At one part she talks about going through the place you are from. I immediately got thrown out of this universe into another and onto a planet that had violet/pink skies and turquoise water. I started crying at this point, because I love watching sunrises and sunsets especially with all of the different colors it makes and I also love the ocean. I especially love the blue-green waters. I never knew why I liked these things. I never saw a real ocean until I was in my 20's.
Then we get to the temple where the records are kept. I won't go into detail about this. I feel it's a special vision for each. I have a feeling that my version wouldn't look like anyone else's version. As I was leaving though, one of the record keepers gave me a gift. It is what my heart desire was. I started bawling at this point especially as I accepted it and as I was coming back to this body, I was vibrating higher.
It's been over an hour and I'm still weepy :) I've been listening to music trying to ground myself to this reality. I'm finally feeling like me.. but lighter. As they say, all things come when they're supposed to.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Wanted to tell you a little about myself. I found I had spiritual gifts early in my life, but without the support and guidance that really is needed in the initial openings, I closed them up. It wasn't until I was pregnant with my 1st in my "middle-to upper 30's" that I found them opening up again. It took awhile for them to stay open. I think that pivotal moment was when I found out my Dad's cancer was to the point of removing that area, even after 2 different treatments. Luckily he was getting a 2nd opinion in 2 days from when he told me the news.
It was at that point after hearing that, my gifts opened WIDE. In my mind's eye (the areas where you can daydream) I saw his cancer. I also knew color would heal it -- completely. So I imagined sending that color energy to that area and burrowing out the cancer. I then filled it with another color that I knew would heal it and make it not come back. What a rush! I had just healed my Dad's cancer! I was excited for this marvelous gift, but did not tell a soul. My family wouldn't understand. Heck, I'm not even sure I understood how to do it.. but I just knew I had done it.
So two days later, I received another call. Dad had gone to a 2nd opinion, they had run their own tests and the result -- no cancer! It's been a few years now and each checkup is the same - no cancer has returned.
Now I was in shock. Did I REALLY do that? Gotta love the ego, not believing in the spiritual. Well after that I tried some healing on my boss' wife's knee (she had major knee surgery) and it worked! Then after a year or so, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer and I knew exactly where it was and healed it and even saw an area (that she confirmed later) in the other breast. She is cancer free too. That's not to say they didn't do the conventional medicine - they did. But I'm just glad I was able to help.
A little later I expanded my healing into trying my hand at helping things like depression, acid stomachs, stress, attachments, and I found out that most of the time I could help. Which is such a great feeling. Interestingly enough, I usually can "feel" the issue of the person once I connect. Sometimes it mirrors on me, but I'm actually pretty accurate.
I think the best story, besides my Dad's, is helping a young girl who had cervical cancer. A friend of hers asked me to try and help. At the time they came to me, the tumor was the size of a grapefruit. I took my time and really worked on the tumor and the cells around it. They were talking about removing it and her uterus - which for a 21 year old is a scary thing. I did a few healings on her before they went in to remove it. What did they find? A tumor not the size of a grapefruit, but the size of a quarter. So they only removed that and left her uterus in tack. :)
So, on this quest, I'm finding out so many different things about myself. Often I still question some of the things I do, but with that kind of proof -- how can you refute it? So I try and believe a bit more. I know recently that I have raised my vibration. I feel like I'm learning stuff all over again - but in some instances I'm already there so there is no learning again or even trying -- that's nice :) I'm also in research mode.. want to know things about things.. that would be like Reiki and Akashic Records.
I'm also one of the founders of the website/forum: http://divinepathways.com Come check us out!
It was at that point after hearing that, my gifts opened WIDE. In my mind's eye (the areas where you can daydream) I saw his cancer. I also knew color would heal it -- completely. So I imagined sending that color energy to that area and burrowing out the cancer. I then filled it with another color that I knew would heal it and make it not come back. What a rush! I had just healed my Dad's cancer! I was excited for this marvelous gift, but did not tell a soul. My family wouldn't understand. Heck, I'm not even sure I understood how to do it.. but I just knew I had done it.
So two days later, I received another call. Dad had gone to a 2nd opinion, they had run their own tests and the result -- no cancer! It's been a few years now and each checkup is the same - no cancer has returned.
Now I was in shock. Did I REALLY do that? Gotta love the ego, not believing in the spiritual. Well after that I tried some healing on my boss' wife's knee (she had major knee surgery) and it worked! Then after a year or so, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer and I knew exactly where it was and healed it and even saw an area (that she confirmed later) in the other breast. She is cancer free too. That's not to say they didn't do the conventional medicine - they did. But I'm just glad I was able to help.
A little later I expanded my healing into trying my hand at helping things like depression, acid stomachs, stress, attachments, and I found out that most of the time I could help. Which is such a great feeling. Interestingly enough, I usually can "feel" the issue of the person once I connect. Sometimes it mirrors on me, but I'm actually pretty accurate.
I think the best story, besides my Dad's, is helping a young girl who had cervical cancer. A friend of hers asked me to try and help. At the time they came to me, the tumor was the size of a grapefruit. I took my time and really worked on the tumor and the cells around it. They were talking about removing it and her uterus - which for a 21 year old is a scary thing. I did a few healings on her before they went in to remove it. What did they find? A tumor not the size of a grapefruit, but the size of a quarter. So they only removed that and left her uterus in tack. :)
So, on this quest, I'm finding out so many different things about myself. Often I still question some of the things I do, but with that kind of proof -- how can you refute it? So I try and believe a bit more. I know recently that I have raised my vibration. I feel like I'm learning stuff all over again - but in some instances I'm already there so there is no learning again or even trying -- that's nice :) I'm also in research mode.. want to know things about things.. that would be like Reiki and Akashic Records.
I'm also one of the founders of the website/forum: http://divinepathways.com Come check us out!
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