Earlier this week, my brand new pendulum told me I was going to win the jackpot in the lottery. I even had it down to a specific day. Well guess what? It didn't happen. Not even one number. So what happened?
I decided to do a card draw today...using the Soul Journey card app on my phone. Love these cards, they are very energy related. The card I got was:
From the app it states:
The card Natural Unfolding is about all the beauty within you, developing with ease and grace!
When you accept that you are naturally unfolding, life gets easier.
Imagine that you are naturally unfolding, and naturally flowing just like a river. Like a river, there are times when the movement slows, rushes, pounds against boulders and even back eddies. Flow with the current; not against it. Understand that back eddies are times of rest or reflection, and that as you mature and fill with self-love, your inner waters will rise, and the ‘pounding against boulders’ will be no more!
>If your ‘waters are pounding against the boulders’, recognize the resistance, and then access your self-love and inner wisdom to release you from any heavy thoughts or feelings regarding your situation so you can live in harmony and return to the gentle flow of life.
In nature, all living things grow and change, and humans are no exception. We are unfolding naturally just like a flowering tree. It unfolds from a seed to a seedling, and from a seedling to a blossoming tree….all necessary stages. The seedling, for example, can be a little crooked or fragile, but it still has equal importance to the fragrant bloom. We have all experienced times of fragility and times of strength. Accept nature (universe, planets, humans and all that is in form) as it is, along with believing that all things grow and change.
Natural Unfolding is also about creating nothing, planning nothing and learning nothing.
Instead of planning and creating, just envision your dreams and be open, discerning and responsive to what comes your way.
Instead of becoming anxious with a need to control a specific outcome, take the road of optimism and trust, and your dreams will then be accomplished with joy and ease.
And instead of learning, just let your body absorb it for you – you will receive what you need to know in the moment.
The easiest way to learn is through the natural curiosity of fun and through interesting activities. You will learn more quickly this way, and it will have deeper meaning in your life, and increase your enthusiasm for living.
As you naturally unfold you become more in-tune with your needs and desires. As you naturally become more in-tune, you naturally experience less stress and suffering and unexpected problems. As you grow you can choose the fun and easy path so the unexpected problems happen less and less, and the self-created peace, pleasures and adventures occur more and more.
The Card Natural Unfolding is reminding you to embrace the natural beauty of being human, and allow yourself to develop with ease and joy!
I take from that it will happen to me, I just have to go with the flow and not try and force it. We should all learn from the lesson of this card.
One of the things I'm learning about myself through my continued studies is that I often appear overbearing to some people. I'm really trying to come to the light and become the light where instead of being intimidating to some, that I appear open and happy and people naturally want to be around me. Because for the most part, all I want to do is help people.
Of course it's a learning process and often times than not, I end up losing my temper or being rigid in my thinking. Still working on that. :)
So, how do you think this card applies to you? What meaning can you take from it and apply it to your life right now?
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