Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Wanted to tell you a little about myself.  I found I had spiritual gifts early in my life, but without the support and guidance that really is needed in the initial openings, I closed them up.  It wasn't until I was pregnant with my 1st in my "middle-to upper 30's" that I found them opening up again.  It took awhile for them to stay open.  I think that pivotal moment was when I found out my Dad's cancer was to the point of removing that area, even after 2 different treatments.  Luckily he was getting a 2nd opinion in 2 days from when he told me the news.

It was at that point after hearing that, my gifts opened WIDE.  In my mind's eye (the areas where you can daydream) I saw his cancer.  I also knew color would heal it -- completely.  So I imagined sending that color energy to that area and burrowing out the cancer.  I then filled it with another color that I knew would heal it and make it not come back.  What a rush!  I had just healed my Dad's cancer!  I was excited for this marvelous gift, but did not tell a soul.  My family wouldn't understand.  Heck, I'm not even sure I understood how to do it.. but I just knew I had done it.

So two days later, I received another call.  Dad had gone to a 2nd opinion, they had run their own tests and the result -- no cancer!  It's been a few years now and each checkup is the same - no cancer has returned.

Now I was in shock.  Did I REALLY do that?  Gotta love the ego, not believing in the spiritual.  Well after that I tried some healing on my boss' wife's knee (she had major knee surgery) and it worked!  Then after a year or so, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer and I knew exactly where it was and healed it and even saw an area (that she confirmed later) in the other breast.  She is cancer free too.  That's not to say they didn't do the conventional medicine - they did.  But I'm just glad I was able to help.

A little later I expanded my healing into trying my hand at helping things like depression, acid stomachs, stress, attachments, and I found out that most of the time I could help.  Which is such a great feeling.  Interestingly enough, I usually can "feel" the issue of the person once I connect.  Sometimes it mirrors on me, but I'm actually pretty accurate.

I think the best story, besides my Dad's, is helping a young girl who had cervical cancer.  A friend of hers asked me to try and help.  At the time they came to me, the tumor was the size of a grapefruit.  I took my time and really worked on the tumor and the cells around it.  They were talking about removing it and her uterus - which for a 21 year old is a scary thing.  I did a few healings on her before they went in to remove it.  What did they find?  A tumor not the size of a grapefruit, but the size of a quarter.  So they only removed that and left her uterus in tack. :)

So, on this quest, I'm finding out so many different things about myself.  Often I still question some of the things I do, but with that kind of proof -- how can you refute it?  So I try and believe a bit more.  I know recently that I have raised my vibration.  I feel like I'm learning stuff all over again - but in some instances I'm already there so there is no learning again or even trying -- that's nice :)  I'm also in research mode.. want to know things about things.. that would be like Reiki and Akashic Records.

I'm also one of the founders of the website/forum:  Come check us out!

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