Monday, July 8, 2013


it's amazing how our feelings can make or break our day.  I'm dealing with a sciatic/muscle issue and have been for some time, but I recently had a massage, which apparently is now making it hurt more.  To the point of me not actually sleeping well.  Well two nights worth of not sleeping -- needless to say I wasn't able to drive to work today.  Guess that was a good sign, because I saw later the road(s) I would have been driving were backed up and I probably would have been sitting for hours in traffic.

I did some research to figure out what this thing is and apparently it's a muscle that runs along the line of where the sciatic nerve is and is acting like a charlie horse and messing with the nerve when it cramps.  The only thing that helps is stretching.

Recently I received a card reading where one card actually said to do Yoga.  Talk about a sign.  So, I haven't started yet, but I'm planning on it.  But I looked up what kind of stretching works for this muscle to help it and been trying to do some of those.  Can't do them all because of the pain, but I'm working on it.

Because of the pain, because of the not sleeping - I really have not been in the best of moods.  Not good for what I'm trying to accomplish.  But I keep trying.  So tonight I took time to sit and really play with my kids.  I needed their laughter to help me up, considering how I feel.  It felt good just playing like a kid for a change.

So I'm taking my time tonight to be grateful for the things that did go right today and hopefully will have a better night.

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