I normally don't usually have time to write on the weekends because I'm usually busy with the house and the kids, but for some reason, I have some time today. So I was like -- hmm, what should I blog about today? After my last post of having too many ideas, I'm sitting here totally blank.
So I decided to talk to you today about the class I'm taking (yes, again). I started week 3. This time we had to do a worksheet that we put in a column of what we didn't want (on the area we are working on). The second column was to then put the "why" to the first. Why don't we want those things. I had a lot of things in the first column, but when I got to the second, I realized most of my why's are the "same" reason.
A feeling of being a failure or not a good provider along with making me worry and feel bad.
So I have to work around those emotions. Change them around to positive affirmations. Not that I can do this, but I'm already doing this and making my dreams reality.
Because I'm re-focusing how I look at my life and trying to be more positive -- I'm finding a lot of negative stuff coming up. My body apparently is fighting this too - as I have an issue that is not going away and it's causing me to dip into that negativity. So I really need something to change for the positive.
So I've been trying to listen to different music that keeps me positive. I'm trying to be very thankful for the wonderful neighbors we've been given.
A friend had a channeled reading answering question(s) that you had from the Akashic Records. I decided to give the person a try. It was one I had looked at earlier. Basically, he confirmed to me what I need to be doing and that it's coming. If that's not a good positive kick in the you know what - I don't know what would be.
So onward with my lessons and mission to become the best healer I can be for me and others.
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