Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 9 - Frustrated Artist

I dubbed myself this a LONG time ago.  Let me explain.  My mother and my aunt are beautiful artists.  The stuff when they paint or painted, were gorgeous.  Even my brother when he tried his hand at it, did pretty good.  Me, not so much.  And I wanted to do great pictures.  So badly. 

I thought at one point I'd be good at chalks and to a point I was "all right" but they still looked really amateurish - and to be fair I was 10-12 at the time.  So it probably should have been.

I let the art thing go until college.  Part of my requirements for elementary education was to take an elementary school art class.  Oh great I thought - here we go again.  But what was interesting, I didn't do half bad when we had to do sketches of things.  Like one was the half of a face from a magazine.  The other was this beautiful sketch of a flower that we were going to watercolor.  Now even I know it was good - but the teacher kept saying how she couldn't wait to see my sketch into a watercolor and how beautiful it was going to bed.  At that point I told her, you better do it then.  As a teacher - she responded how you're supposed - oh don't be silly it will be fine.  Little did she know.  I wanted to save my sketch.  It was the best work I had done to date.  But we "had to watercolor".  <sigh>  Paints and I have this love/hate relationship.  It loves to hate me.  I tried to be careful with it.  But it turned out bad.  Even the teacher after the fact told me she should have listened to me LOL.  She gave me a decent grade I think just because of how good the sketch was.

So here I was frustrated artist... still.

Then came the era of digital cameras.  OMG.. I thought now, I might be able to capture those images I see in my head that my hand can't produce.  Yea.. once in a great while I get a good picture, but not like I see it.

I do pretty decent at digital images and manipulating them.  Can I create .. no.. can I do other things, yes.  So in a sense I'm not a frustrated artist anymore.  Here's some examples of things I've done:


I really had a lot of fun making these pictures.  I went from these to reading people's energies and putting them into a picture.  Some of the images that come out of that are wild.  Not to mention the energy I feel from it.  Here are a few of those:

So no longer a frustrated artist - and if you'd like one of your own energy pic and/or pic that I can infuse healing/reiki/blessings into - just let me know.  You can buy off my website and heck if you're reading this - contact me and we'll see what deal we can come up with.  

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