Monday, October 28, 2013

Card for Week of 10/28/13

This card is from the Doreen Virtue's Angel Deck.

Looks like this week you'll have some new ideas flowing for you.  It may even come from something that was bothering you.  When this comes to you, make sure you are focusing on the long-term goals and create your plan.  Any confusion you might have had with this situation is gone and you can now see the truth and a new clarity has taken over.  It's time to move forward.  Good luck!

Fun was had!

Well on my last post I talked about going to a Renaissance Fair (here they call it a festival) with my daughter.  It was going to be her first one she had ever attended.  I felt I needed to make it a memorable experience.  So, as we're waiting on the gate show to start, right next to us were 2 dryads.  Very in Green and one in Orange.  Emily was so enamored of them, she wanted to go with them, but instead found 2 seeds and gave one seed to each of them.  They were so good staying in character and made her feel very special.

One of the first things I did was get her an outfit.  Every little girl should have an outfit.  The nice thing about the fair is that the dresses are usually made so any side can wear.  Which really helps with Em's curve.  So here's the dress, headband and wand we got:

And yes, I managed to bypass the wings that were in the shop.  Then as we went along, she kept seeing people with masks.  We checked a few places out, but  they were really expensive.  So as we walked I saw a place that did face painting.  Of course she loved it.  Then we happened to be walking along and there was a hat place and she just had to have this headband with veil rather than the one I initially got her:

Needless to say, good time was had by her and me.  It's amazing to experience this with her and watch it through her eyes.  I'm also thankful for a friend and his friend on helping with Emily and keeping a 7 year old occupied while I did shopping and pay for things.

Maybe next year I can afford a costume for me :D

Sorry for the lateness of this blog post.  Work is gearing up and it's getting busy.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Busy busy busy

My life as a mother is very busy.  Especially when I'm working.  Thankfully I am back at work, after time off due to the Congress showdown.  I guessed 2 weeks and I was off by 1/2 as it turned out 2 1/2 weeks.

During my off time, I was able to work on my spirituality.  I did free readings and as you saw by my last post created my own set of Tarot cards.  I just sent one set to be printed to see how they come out before ordering and then selling!

I'm even going to look into the possibility of making them into an app.  I hope it works and I can do it.

I forgot how much my commute takes out of me.  And because of the influx of everyone coming back to work, traffic was AWFUL.  So got home later and then had to turn back around and go to my massage.  Then back home to help my daughter with her reading before bed.

So this weekend will be baths, laundry and for my lucky eldest a trip to the Renaissance Faire.  It's their last weekend.  I haven't been to one in years and missed going to.  But I think she's old enough now to really enjoy it.  I can't wait to see her reactions to things.

So I'm really excited about my cards, possible app, and this trip.  I'm also excited about trying to get my book finished and published so it can do some good for people.  Good joyful energy is a great thing to keep around you. 

So what exciting things do you guys have in your future plans?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

New Venture

I'm soooo excited!  My guides/angels have told me to start working on my own set of Tarot Cards.  Usually when I ask can I start something new - I get told no.   This time I'm getting a resounding YES!

I don't know how many I'll end up with, but I'm starting to put my images together.  While making them I'm infusing them with different healings and/or blessings.  The angels are telling me what to call the cards and will be giving me the meanings to go with them.

I think I finally got the "yes" from them because I'm still furloughed and no money is coming in anywhere - including my website.

Now the nice side of being off, is I have been doing "free" reads on paltalk.  I don't have a set schedule yet, so far it's been impromptu sessions.  But my gifts are growing and it's exciting to see.  I knew I had mediumship potential, but I'm actually getting spirits coming to me.  One skeptic that I read told me after the read that I was 90%.  I think that's not too bad of score :D

Here - let me give you an example of one of the cards I've already made:

It's amazing seeing my gifts taking shape like this.  Instead of doing energy pictures, I'm actually getting images and textures etc that the cards are supposed to be.  And for the frustrated artist, I'm so loving each and everyone I'm creating.

So I'd appreciate good energy with the hope that I can sell these, also see if I can make it into an app and sell that as well. Could use some extra cash flow .. Thanks for letting me share my excitement!

Friday, October 11, 2013


I know.. such an interesting topic to start the day with.. but I bet you do look (if you get the paper) to read to see what's going on with it.  What most people don't realize is that there is so much more involved in it.  Most of the time what you're reading in the paper is a generalization of the "sun" sign -- you know, Aries, Taurus, Pisces, etc.

But there are other aspects to it that make up more to what we are than just the sun sign.  For example, I'm a sun sign of Pisces, but I have earth, fire signs in my makeup beyond the sun sign.  I think it gives me depth to who I am as a person.

Which we can also use in life.  I mean how many of us have looked at a person and immediately made a judgement about them without talking about them, without even knowing anything about them??  When I was younger, sure I am almost positive I did.  I didn't know any better because that's kind of the way we were taught.

Now that I'm older and have kids,  I don't make those rash decisions.  I know what it's like seeing my daughter have people go ewww to her, because she curves.. because she has a scar down her chest.  And I've also seen people once getting to know her, absolutely love her to pieces.

Just think if all people took the time to get to know people rather than what's portrayed at the surface?  How different would our world be? Now I know that some people are exactly who they portray themselves as, however, there are many who don't.  See how you can make a difference in someone's life by getting to know them.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rainy days and Mondays....

Oh wait.. it's Thursday.. LOL

I love the Carpenters' music.. including this song:

It's a great song.  It reminds us to remember that rainy days only get us down briefly, that having the ones you love around you can make even rainy days bearable.  Love has that affect on people.  Besides, in order to have things grow, we need those rainy days.  It gives us a chance to bond and slow down. 

We often go so fast with our life -- kids to school, work, any activities the kids may have, trying to clean and take care of the house.. etc etc etc.  When do you get those times to breathe.  To take a moment to enjoy the day you've been given?

As I found out yesterday, I needed that time to get out with my friends as me as a person, instead of me as the breadwinner or Mom.   But as much as I need out time.. I also need in time.  Down time.  Time to relax and take care of me as well.  Sometimes alone, sometimes with my family as the kids need to know that they are loved.  Besides, it's great to see when playing a game, the kids as they get older, can actually whip your butt in games :D

So even it's raining in your life right now, take that as a time to get connected and then the sun will come out and you can be busy again.  Just remember to enjoy the life ;)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Having Fun!

Today, I got to meet a co-worker I've never met face-to-face.  Now I know that sounds funny, but he works in another division and in a different location.  It wasn't until a year or so that we got to talk due to me being brought onto the system he works in.  Well, we got talking outside of work channels and it sounded like we had a lot in common.  I promised him, if I ever got to his location, we'd go out for lunch.  Well, I used to go there quite often, until they started charging for the room we used to use.  Since then, I don't get there much at all.

Well, if you don't know, I'm one of the government employee's that is being affected by the shutdown.   My co-worker was heading in my direction on a trip he was taking and asked if it would be a good time to maybe actually meet up.  Of course I said YES!

He had me in stitches all day.  We walked around the open outlet mall and just had fun looking at items and just chatting about anything that came to mind.  I swear I had a smile on my face most of the time I was with him.  That mood lasted .. I still kind of have, even after having to "yell" at my daughter for not coming when she was supposed to. 

It has a been a very long time to take time for myself, have a friend I love talking to and spending time with - sans kids.  Wake up call for me.  I am definitely going to make more time for me to do this.  It was good for me, even though I only had 4 hrs of sleep, I am so joyful right now.  I LOVE having this feeling.

So, take it from me -- get out and do something you enjoy with someone you enjoy their company.  It'll make a difference!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Today's kids are so much different than when I grew up, or parents or grandparents.  I think some things work in a circular fashion.  Back in the 1800-1900's a girl was considered a woman at 16 and could be married.  Then child laws got put into place.. and then it got pushed back further.  But you also have to remember back when, they didn't have TV and radios and they also had a shorter life span.

My parents had TV and Radios and movies as entertainment, but it wasn't 24/7 like our kids lives are.

Even me as a kid, computers had just started coming out, but they weren't commonplace like they are today.

All if us had to have a way to have fun.  For me, it was books or my imagination. We lived in the country so  you had to find something to occupy your time.  For me, we had a creek out back and lots of space to run.  I mean our parents told us to be back at specific times, but no one was monitoring us and what we were doing.  I even remember doing walks around my grandparents block with no adult.  Just for fun.

We didn't have car seats, got to rid in the back of a station wagon (that was so much fun!) as well as in the back of a pickup truck.  No pads for skating or biking, or helmets.  Heck my science classes, we didn't even have goggles or gloves or anything!  How did we survive?

Times are changing.  Now the kids are monitored a lot closer.  It's less of a utopia time.  Less innocence in the world and for a shorter period of time it seems.  I mean my cousins who are 10 years younger than me seemed to know more at an earlier age than I did at that age.  Also with the media and internet .. there's a lot more out there that can go wrong.

So, when would I send my eldest walking to school alone.  12 at a minimum.  First off she has scoliosis and doesn't walk well, let alone run and she's very trusting and outgoing.  So, no, in this day and age and for the distance we have to walk, not going to happen at 7 or 8.  There are too many variables out there now a days.  Not to say things didn't happen when I was a kid, but I think there are more these days than not.  So why tempt fate.

I also want her to be a kid.  For as long as she can.  To me it just seems they lose their innocence so much earlier than they used to.  Especially with all the TV shows and video games that they see.

When it comes to my kids I will protect them with everything I have and can do for them.   How about you?  What would you do for your kid to keep them innocent as long as possible?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Making Memories

The brain is an amazing organ - even my daughter's initial neurologist said so.  Now, thinking back in your life - what are the things that you remember the most.  Most people will say happy memories.  Not me.  I remember very hurtful times.  Except that one moment I fell down stairs and "almost" broke my ankle.  That I don't remember.  I remember the sensation of falling and then being on my back with my foot up in the air.

I remember each one of my kids being born.  Not that they were "terrible" memories, but because they were kind of stressful.  Each one of my pregnancies had complications, so why not have the births be as well.

Since my turn around with my spirituality, I really really try to keep out bad memories in my mind.  Because as humans we continue to live with them over and over again.  And if you're like me, why would you want to revisit bad times?  So I've been trying to remember good times.  More of them anyway.

Like for example, just last Christmastime, Emily came home crying and had her first red in school.  When I asked what happened, she told me she went to give Santa a hug and accidentally pulled down his pants.  I'm sorry, I busted out laughing.  Why?  Because I could totally see it happening.  Found out later though she saw Evan do it and thought it would be funny too. 

Watching her at her first dance recital.  With her scoliosis, I never thought I'd see her actually dance.  It was all I could do not to have the tears running down my face.

Sam, my youngest, who doesn't communicate and walk, due to her brain condition, saying I Love you Mama, after me telling her that.  Clear and concise and looking right at me.

Will, who upon hugging his toy bunny said to me in all seriousness, "He's sooo cuuuuute!".  Patterning after me saying it to him.

Their first laughs and smiles etc.  Those happy memories that make me smile even now.

I'm going through some difficult time in my marriage at the moment.  I hope I can keep them having good memories while going through this.  I try and keep things light around them and happy.

My favorite memory to date with them, introducing them to a "version" of Good Morning from Singing in the Rain - that when I'm home, we all now sing and it puts a smile on everyone's face.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do you ever feel like...

when it rains it pours?  Like life is ganging up on you?  That you just got your head above water and got a breath and now a wave is pushing you under again?  That there is no break?

I have so been there.  What's worse about these situations, is that we usually take them pretty bad and so our emotions are putting out that same if not worse energy and so what gets attracted to us?  More crap.  Yup I said it.. crap.

This was happening so often in my life that I decided to stop and see if what the gurus on Law of Attraction knew something I didn't.  So bam.. the first thing hits.  Instead of immediate reacting badly to it.  I stop.  Breathe (this is key--- do it as much as you can until you feel yourself calming down) and then breathe some more.  This will help you to look at the situation clearly and logically so you might be able to make a better decision and allow the negative energy to dissipate.  Second, think of something that is positive in your life.  If you have time you can even listen to music that buoys your spirit.  It's really a matter of trying to let go of the negative to make sure more doesn't come back to you.

And trust me, I know how hard it can be.  But considering my commute and the traffic I drive in, it can get very crazy at times and then if I go into getting angry about something it just snowballs.  Now, I try and not let it bother me, but if it does, I try to breathe and remember my good thing.. and then it usually dissipates.

So remember life may seem to throw a bunch of stuff at you, but think about whether you're asking for it.  If you are, just change your mindset. See how a happier joyful attitude can help you.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Card for the week...From Soul Journey Cards

Intimacy with others starts by knowing how to be intimate with yourself.

To increase your level of intimacy with yourself and in your relationships, it helps to understand and develop the following six types of intimacy.

Six types of intimacy

1. Physical Intimacy--is connecting to others with the body. It includes sex, touching, hugging, holding hands, the warm look of love in your eyes, and cuddling. Self-intimacy—is paying attention to your body; eating when hungry, drinking when thirsty, sleeping or resting when tired, playing when energized, healing your pains, warm baths, getting a massage etc.

2. Intellectual Intimacy--involves the mutual sharing of thoughts, opinions and interests. You both have areas of interest that you enjoy together. You both enjoy expressing you thoughts, ideas, values and beliefs with each other.

Self-intimacy--is your thoughts and ideas. It is expanding your knowledge, learning new things, and examining your values and beliefs.

3. Emotional Intimacy--is the sharing of feelings, and revealing who you are with one another. You both are at ease with sharing all your emotions; fears, happy experiences, worries, disappointments, excitement..etc. You both can console, empathize and comfort each other. Self-intimacy—is understanding what you feel and to feel your feelings, fulfiling your true needs and desires, being authentic, being compassionate to yourself.

4. Verbal Intimacy—is connecting with another by verbalising all the other 5 types of intimacy equally with the other person. For instance; you both discuss past relationships, or neither of you talks about it. If just one person is disclosing their personal life, it may mean that both of you have a fear of intimacy; one shows it by not sharing, the other, by not receiving, or it may mean there is a difference in beliefs or values regarding the discussion of relationships. Self-intimacy—is positive and compassionate self-talk.

5. Spiritual Intimacy--is defined by partners who can see each other’s spiritual being. Partners that share similar beliefs and values, and you both respect each other’s spiritual journey. You both participate in things that bring spiritual meaning to life. Self-intimacy—is exploring and understanding your spiritual- self and beliefs, and you are active in doing things that bring spiritual meaning to your life.

Social Intimacy--is the aspect of social human behavior. It includes:

Commitment…being true to our word.

Loyalty…being true to a course of action.

Being Authentic ….is when our feelings, thoughts and beliefs match our words and actions.

Honesty and Self-awareness…is talking about what's really going on in our heart and mind. It’s understanding and acknowledging strengths and weaknesses in others and ourselves.

Truthfulness…is when we are living a life true to our soul’s needs and desires, and disclosing what is real in us with others.
Self-intimacy—is the same as above but applied to just yourself.

When we are struggling in our relationships, it is often because one or more of the six types of intimacy are undeveloped within the relationship or within ourselves.

Assess your relationship in each of the six types of intimacy. Give yourself or your relationship a score between 1 and 10 on each type of intimacy.

1.____Physical Intimacy

2.____Intellectual Intimacy

3.____Emotional Intimacy

4.____Verbal Intimacy

5.____Spiritual Intimacy

6.____Social Intimacy

Discuss your answers with each other and establish goals to improve in each of these areas. Whatever is missing, you must look at your own level of intimacy with yourself. We are only attracted to others who are functioning at the same level as us. For instance, your partner may not be developed in verbal intimacy but you may be lacking in spiritual intimacy, so the final ‘score’ is equal.

Take some time to reflect on your level of intimacy with yourself and in your relationships. You have chosen the Intimacy Card because it is now time to embark on the journey towards deeper intimacy with yourself and with others!