First off... where did most of the summer go? This is the last day in JULY. Of course it doesn't feel like July either, it feels more like late September early October. But today's card is something that we should really take to heart for every day we have living. I know I need to!
Carefree is living life as it was meant to be… easy, carefree and playful!
It is time to put away your problems for a while. Enjoy life and have some fun! Drop your ‘self-importance’, and end your need to take things so seriously. Humor and playfulness will release you from the heaviness of your situation.
Celebrate the joy of being alive! Open your arms to welcome the youthful energy that is filled with wonder, joy and curiosity. Open yourself to the fun that feeds your soul. Let it revive and refresh you!
Relax your mind, body and soul. Smile, and see the humor in your situation. Rise above the issue that has been weighing you down, and imagine yourself flying free in the open sky above.
Imagine if millions of people around the world were laughing, singing, creating, loving, celebrating, dancing and playing. There wouldn’t be time for problems, hurt, revenge, resentments or worry… if we all participated!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Card for Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The card Natural Unfolding is about all the beauty within you, developing with ease and grace!
When you accept that you are naturally unfolding, life gets easier.
Imagine that you are naturally unfolding, and naturally flowing just like a river. Like a river, there are times when the movement slows, rushes, pounds against boulders and even back eddies. Flow with the current; not against it. Understand that back eddies are times of rest or reflection, and that as you mature and fill with self-love, your inner waters will rise, and the ‘pounding against boulders’ will be no more!
If your ‘waters are pounding against the boulders’, recognize the resistance, and then access your self-love and inner wisdom to release you from any heavy thoughts or feelings regarding your situation so you can live in harmony and return to the gentle flow of life.
In nature, all living things grow and change, and humans are no exception. We are unfolding naturally just like a flowering tree. It unfolds from a seed to a seedling, and from a seedling to a blossoming tree….all necessary stages. The seedling, for example, can be a little crooked or fragile, but it still has equal importance to the fragrant bloom. We have all experienced times of fragility and times of strength. Accept nature (universe, planets, humans and all that is in form) as it is, along with believing that all things grow and change.
Natural Unfolding is also about creating nothing, planning nothing and learning nothing.
Instead of planning and creating, just envision your dreams and be open, discerning and responsive to what comes your way.
Instead of becoming anxious with a need to control a specific outcome, take the road of optimism and trust, and your dreams will then be accomplished with joy and ease.
And instead of learning, just let your body absorb it for you – you will receive what you need to know in the moment.
The easiest way to learn is through the natural curiosity of fun and through interesting activities. You will learn more quickly this way, and it will have deeper meaning in your life, and increase your enthusiasm for living.
As you naturally unfold you become more in-tune with your needs and desires. As you naturally become more in-tune, you naturally experience less stress and suffering and unexpected problems. As you grow you can choose the fun and easy path so the unexpected problems happen less and less, and the self-created peace, pleasures and adventures occur more and more.
The Card Natural Unfolding is reminding you to embrace the natural beauty of being human, and allow yourself to develop with ease and joy!
When you accept that you are naturally unfolding, life gets easier.
Imagine that you are naturally unfolding, and naturally flowing just like a river. Like a river, there are times when the movement slows, rushes, pounds against boulders and even back eddies. Flow with the current; not against it. Understand that back eddies are times of rest or reflection, and that as you mature and fill with self-love, your inner waters will rise, and the ‘pounding against boulders’ will be no more!
If your ‘waters are pounding against the boulders’, recognize the resistance, and then access your self-love and inner wisdom to release you from any heavy thoughts or feelings regarding your situation so you can live in harmony and return to the gentle flow of life.
In nature, all living things grow and change, and humans are no exception. We are unfolding naturally just like a flowering tree. It unfolds from a seed to a seedling, and from a seedling to a blossoming tree….all necessary stages. The seedling, for example, can be a little crooked or fragile, but it still has equal importance to the fragrant bloom. We have all experienced times of fragility and times of strength. Accept nature (universe, planets, humans and all that is in form) as it is, along with believing that all things grow and change.
Natural Unfolding is also about creating nothing, planning nothing and learning nothing.
Instead of planning and creating, just envision your dreams and be open, discerning and responsive to what comes your way.
Instead of becoming anxious with a need to control a specific outcome, take the road of optimism and trust, and your dreams will then be accomplished with joy and ease.
And instead of learning, just let your body absorb it for you – you will receive what you need to know in the moment.
The easiest way to learn is through the natural curiosity of fun and through interesting activities. You will learn more quickly this way, and it will have deeper meaning in your life, and increase your enthusiasm for living.
As you naturally unfold you become more in-tune with your needs and desires. As you naturally become more in-tune, you naturally experience less stress and suffering and unexpected problems. As you grow you can choose the fun and easy path so the unexpected problems happen less and less, and the self-created peace, pleasures and adventures occur more and more.
The Card Natural Unfolding is reminding you to embrace the natural beauty of being human, and allow yourself to develop with ease and joy!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Card for Tuesday, July 29, 2014
The card Release has come to you because you are holding on, and now it’s time to release!
There are many things we can be holding on to such as; a job, a person, an expectation, stress, an opinion or belief, dwelling on a happy experience from the past, anger, disappointment, resentments, guilt, …or your idea of how life should be.
The things that you are holding onto are not serving the higher good any longer. ‘Holding on’ is likely creating disappointment or frustration in yourself or others because you are living in the past or the future. You are not experiencing what is present and real in your life, and in your heart, right now. …and you are possibly not open to a future that is even better than the one you are imagining.
Lasting happiness won’t be experienced by having demands, unrealistic expectations or a fixed idea of what kind of package your happiness will arrive in. There may be little fulfillment if you cling or demand that your life return to the way it was. It is likely that the past didn’t even really fully satisfy you, but wanting to relive it seems better than moving forward and taking a chance on a new adventure or a new perspective.
Letting go of the ‘bigger’ things can be a challenge. There is a tendency (if not an obsessive collective desire) to go through a mourning process when someone or something is no longer there, but it is possible to let go of these feelings and replace them with light and happiness. Yet be aware that you cannot force yourself to let go, for your heart knows when it’s time to release. And remember that when enough time passes, we find that everything we once felt extremely attached to no longer has such a powerful hold over us. Also, know that you cannot lose what truly belongs to you.
An additional way to release yourself and move forward is to focus on others. Offer any assistance to those who may be experiencing greater challenges than you. Releasing your uncomfortable feelings and helping others is much better than avoiding it, denying it or trying to tough it out.
Releasing allows new opportunities and experiences to appear in your life. It's time to accept that ‘what was’ is over - for now at least. Any effort to stay in the past or trying to repeat it is possibly a way to stay stuck in ‘ill fitting’ clothes and situations that you have already outgrown. Perhaps it is time to try on something new and fresh. Be open to a different perspective, to the unexpected, and to new adventures! Choosing to release allows your life to unfold and grow to new heights and depths. Let go and trust in yourself and in the natural unfolding of life. Releasing will signal the creative force to open another door - it is time for you to go through it. Let go of your simple plan and follow your higher self’s greater plan. There you will find true happiness and success for everyone. Take a deep breath, put away the past and turn towards the sparkling glass of blessings in front of you!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Card for Monday, July 28, 2014
Pushing others away is a coping and safety mechanism that is meant to protect when the development of dependence and awareness is in a stage of infancy.
Pushing others away maybe caused from unfulfilled needs such as belonging, security, love, trust, freedom or happiness. There is a need for these things, but the fear of not getting them met, or by not realizing they even exist, keeps these needs hidden from view. The fulfillment comes when the courage is found to look into the mirror and accept what needs to be filled.
One way to keep hidden is with an armor of independence. A role of independence is created to avoid the fear of love, belonging, trust etc. People who act independent are cut off from their true self, their needs, and their feelings. They push others away because they are either not ready to develop healthy attachment and connection to others (and to their own heart and soul), or they don’t know these things even exist.
Because their dependence or awareness isn’t fully developed and they are acting independent, they also tend to secretly expect too much from others and from themselves. When their secret expectations are not met, they will avoid people or situations, either physically or emotionally, as their way of coping with challenges. Rather than asking for and receiving help or extending and sharing themselves, they withhold, reject and dismiss. (Not only with others, but with themselves as well). If they continue to resist their needs and the growth of dependence, they will often end up being isolated and alone.
Another key aspect of resisting needs and dependence is the way one becomes competitive. Their belief is that ‘if the job is going to be done right, it has to be done by me’. They feel that they are better than others, and that no one is ever good enough. They resist help, and rely only on themselves which leads to being alone again. Competition is a way to avoiding true connections; it puts all the emphasis on being right or winning. This can be very damaging in a relationship. Competition can also be used as a distraction from moving forward in their current situation or life.
The card Pushing Away has been drawn so you can look at how your resistance to receive and depend on others is creating the situation or problem you have at hand. Be willing to develop dependence and acknowledge your needs. Respond to your feelings and needs so that you can also accept and respond to the feelings and needs in others without pushing others away or avoiding them.
By acknowledging your needs you will be able to allow the development of healthy dependence and reliance along with the fulfillment of love, trust, attachment, security, freedom and happiness that your soul needs. With this, competition and deadness in yourself and in your relationships will begin to fall away, and you will move into the richness of life that comes with intimacy and connection…with yourself and with others!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Cards for Friday, Saturday, Sunday - July 25th-27th, 2014
Friday's Card: “King of Earth” - SITUATIONS: This is a successful time. Your current projects will go well. You may be promoted or offered a higher salary. Your talents and skills will bring rewards for you and others. Accept the opportunities offered you and have confidence that you’ll succeed! PEOPLE: Someone with outstanding business skills who is good with money and can provide excellent advice. A person who has been successful in a career and now enjoys the finer things in life.
Saturday's Card: “Queen of Water” - SITUATIONS: Emotional issues, or relationships with others, evolve to a new level. Even if things aren’t perfect, there’s a sense of peace and calm within you, and you intuitively know what to do next. Your feelings for—and insights about—others can be trusted. Make sure that as you nurture those around you, you don’t forget to also care for yourself. PEOPLE: A person of deep but mature emotions, able to sense what others need and lovingly provide it. An intuitive or psychic person who trusts his or her perceptions and uses them to navigate the physical world successfully.
Sunday's Card: “Queen of Earth” - SITUATIONS: Remember to enjoy time with other people. You have much to give, whether to family, friends, or those less fortunate. Handle any challenges with understanding and warmth, but also with confidence and resourcefulness. PEOPLE: Someone who cares about others and is quick to lend a hand. A person who’s warm, creative, intelligent, and able to efficiently solve problems.
Well can I say WOW, many big and bold cards for the weekend, and yes I consider Friday the start to the weekend :D
So Friday's card is about good news going on with you and something you're working on. You will be rewarded (don't think monetary here - though it could be) but it's more about being praised for something you did. For me it's a matter of I've been training all week and I already know from some that I've been doing a good job because things were now making sense to them. It's always a good thing as a trainer to hear that kind of feedback. I still have to finish training today, but I think things will turn out alright :)
Saturdays' card is about being intuitive and at peace. Listen to that inner guidance. I know I have been so stressed lately about a multitude of things, but I have a massage scheduled, so hopefully I can regain some of my peace again. It's also all about emotions and that they are flowing a little easier.
Sunday's card is about enjoying yourself around others. Be kind to them and yourself and learn to help where you can.
Now each of these cards are about situations but they can also be about people around you. Keep an eye open and enjoy this nice wonderful weekend that we're about to have.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Card for Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Your card - “Nine of Michael” - Your worry is unnecessary! The worst-case scenarios you’re playing over and over in your mind are unlikely to come true. Free yourself from this form of self-punishment by turning to the power of positive thinking.
Boy could this card come for me in not a better time. Been hurting, been tired, feeling pretty down and stressed. So looking at this card honestly reminds me of Harry Potter. He was always so positive no matter what was going on in his life. And if he wasn't, he had those around him that kept him grounded and telling him he could make it.
So if you're in that bad place, find someone or something else that can stop the madness! LOL.. seriously though you should find something that can help you change your feelings. Negative ones keep giving you issues. Positive ones .. keep you happy and bring good things to you.
I did that today by listening to the song "Happy". But even doing that, my mind kept going to Weird Al's parody of that song.. "Tacky". Jack Black is in there and you can just tell he's loving life. He doesn't let his ego get in the way -- he just goes for it every single time. So why can't we? What is holding us back from just letting go? Maybe it's time to figure that out and then figure a way to put it to rest so we can really start living the life we want, not react to it.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Card for Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Your card - “Ten of Ariel” - Now you have it all! There is so very much to be grateful for! You’ve been financially successful and no longer worry about money. There is a richness to living, and it’s all because of how diligently you’ve worked to get where you are.
I didn't post anything yesterday for two reasons. One, I was very very busy at work and two, it was a carryover from Friday and the weekend -- The Star :)
Today's card is all about gratitude. Time to be grateful for all those wonderful things you ALREADY have. Why is that? Because the more grateful you are (and not yearning for other stuff) that energy is then attracting more good things in your life.
Be happy for a moment and look in your life and see what great things you have and have accomplished and then embrace them and be grateful. Doesn't this picture just bring you such happiness? Kids are playing, two women are having a drink at a cafe which looks like it's in paris. They're all taking a moment to find that joy. Why don't you...?
Friday, July 18, 2014
Card for Friday, July 18, 2014
Your Card - “The Star” - Now is the time to have great faith and hope! This star shines in the heavens as inspiration and as an affirmative sign to you that your plans can be viewed with enthusiasm and confidence. Archangel Jophiel can help you see how beautiful this moment in your life is. Feel inspired to make long-term plans and know that you’ll be successful!
Nice card to end the week with, although I feel like it carries through the weekend. All week the energies that have been really powerful and bringing up things we may not want to see or address are waning and now it's time to start forward with very positive energy. Addressing or getting things out in the open can only benefit us in the long run. This card shows that work you've been doing has been noticed and now it's time for you to see how great this is for you as well.
Every time I see this card, I think of the horoscope sign of Aquarius -- Age of Aquarius anyone? Beautiful time, expansion of thoughts and ideas and because an beautiful angel is involved, bring us hope and faith that everything will work out. So get inspired, finish a project that you've been meaning to and know that your life is starting to be on the right path!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Card for Thusday, July 17, 2014
Your Card - “Divine Guidance” - There is no need to be alone! There are amazing people around you from whom you would gain great strength and support. Seek out those who are like-minded and who share your beliefs and ideals. Archangel Sandalphon can help you find the meaning you’re seeking in your life.
This is such a great card to get. I was going to post another blog post yesterday, but never got the chance to do it, so I'll include my thoughts here as it ties in with the card. The moon this past weekend actual I felt the energy touching me like a week before. This moon's energy was different than past moons. This one was one to work on bringing things to a surface. This means possessions, people, things you didn't want to address. I felt like it was shining a light into things that may have been hidden ..even from myself. Energy was overflowing from me.. thus making me that much more tired. I'm just now finding the energy receding. But what it did was bring up a lot of unanswered questions.
So this card is telling us to go and find the answers and/support that we need. This can be like minded folks that you will have a kinship with .. this could be meditating and finding your answers from your higher self, it could even be asking for assistance by the angels/God to show you the signs to the answers.
Now I need to warn you about that. Often the answers you're looking for (or think you're looking for) are not the answers that come to you. Usually. They could surprise me and it could be the one thing you're looking for, but it has been my experience that's not the case. But what you do have to remember is that what is coming to you is the best for you .. though you may not see it at that time. I'll use the death of my daughter as an example. I couldn't believe God had sent me another child that had serious health issues after having one that had some and then a miscarriage. But it was also in that time that I found my spirituality. I know a lot of people who thought I was very strong for holding up as well as I did after her death. But I had not quite 9 months of her inside me where I found my spirituality and peace as to what probably was going to happen.
Then of course, I found out not 4 months later that we were expecting twins.... but that's another story.
So take the time out for you. Get quiet and actually listen. For me, I found the song Happy..
This should be my "song"... cuz I do try and be happy most times ...
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Card for Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Your Card - “Patience” - Begonia: Your prayers have been heard, and they are being answered.
I actually had a different card pulled for here, but I felt drawn to pull from this deck. I then was going to use both for today's reading, but it just didn't mesh to me. But this card to me is so much where I am currently and I can't help thinking it's there for more people as well. So here's today's card. Besides, who doesn't like flowers ? :)
I have been doing a lot of praying for my life.. for friends.. for the earth in general and I feel like this is validation that "they" (universe/God/angels) are hearing them. And no matter how fast we would like something to happen for us, everything is done in divine timing.
This flower is also known to help you when you need focus and setting up boundaries for others. This "healing" flower helps you enforce rules so everyone benefits. Because you have important work to do, by having these around it will help you to get the time and space needed to get it done.. or a little more completed.
So release that angers, frustrations or just plain irritation and become more calmer and peaceful and let others with the same mindset be attracted and come to you to help.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Card for Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Your Card - “Four of Michael” - It’s time to take a break! The situation you find yourself in will not benefit from more action on your part at this moment. Step back. Let it go. The key to a successful solution is likely to arise from meditation or the unexpected epiphanies that come while on a quiet walk.
Ohhhhh sleep! What a wondrous thing. Our bodies need rest not only physical but mental and emotional as well. Without giving ourselves a break from the daily grind, we just get more wound up and more emotional.
The woman is in a forest and sitting by a babbling brook. Sometimes getting out to nature - what ever version of nature appeals to you - can help to relax you. We all need that break.
Often times when I get a moment to myself, the problem that has been giving me fits all of a sudden I get an answer. Long time ago before I became spiritual, I just figured it was my mind finally being able to relax enough to get the answer. Now I know it could be my higher self or even the angels (for me probably more the angels)
But there is proven facts that our brain does weird things without the proper sleep. I for one got to experience that first hand last summer. My back issue had gotten so bad that I was only getting like 2 hrs of good sleep. I'm still trying to recover from that -- but the way my life goes it probably won't happen -- at least until I'm a lot older.
As far as stepping back, I have stepped back from my issue in my basement. Hubby went down to clean up the debris. He did that on Saturday. However, I went down this morning to put a load of laundry in and it was better but not to the point I would have done it. And of course the fans are back on trying to dry up the area so they can finish. There are some things you can deny for awhile, but ultimately, some things you have to deal with right away otherwise you will just make the issue that much worse.
So take some time this week for yourself. It will only benefit you.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Card for Monday, July 14, 2014
Your Card - “Five of Gabriel” - You have what it takes to solve this puzzle! You may not have all the pieces just yet, but working with others and finding compromise is the way to come to a peaceful resolution.
Does your life feel out of order lately? Feel like something is missing? Well this card is telling you that you have the power to figure it out! Gabriel is the angel of communication, so you may have to talk to some different people. If this is a relationship issue, communication is BIG in making it work. However, today is the day NOT to get involved in other people's drama. So if you can make a graceful exit from being around it - please do so. If you can't, surround yourself in white angelic light to shield you. I have also found that pretending there's a mirror to reflect what is being sent to you works really well too.
For me, I think this is just a play on what I did this weekend. Kind of relaxed (as much as you can with 3 young kids) and tried to take it as easy. I know I needed the extra sleep! This card also says to me you're getting messages to help you with the problem you may currently have. Often our brains are on auto pilot and we forget to hear those messages. So take a moment, relax, meditate, or get a reading by someone. It will help fill in those missing pieces.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Card for Friday, July 11, 2014
Your Card - “Spirit of Place” - Don’t get entangled in details or desires that obscure the truth of your situation. Step back and ask yourself, What is the real nature of my inquiry? Even exquisitely seductive hidden agendas cannot conceal this. Trust your intuition, the Spirit of Place is whispering in your ear. You hold the power to tell the truth—first to yourself, then to the world. You can always distinguish between an essence that is true and one that is “synthetic.”
I take this as the don't get involved in other people's dramas. We all have a friend, co-worker or heck even a family member that has some sort of things going on. To be honest, I can be that friend from time to time. I tend to take things as well as I possibly can, until it seems the universe is handing me more and more of it. Then I become one of those people. I really try not to be though.
So for me with what's been going on with my life lately, I guess it's the universe's way of telling me that I need to step back and look at not the tiny details going on that are causing me fits, but what the real message is that is causing these things.
I know I haven't done all the spiritual stuff lately and maybe this is their way to say to get started back with it.
But if you look at the card image -- it's nature personified. Time to get grounded again. Time to meditate. Time to really REALLY listen to that inner voice to give you the direction that you need. Time to take time to read and expand your spiritual self. Stop doubting things you already know.
Take time.. to be you.. and LISTEN.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Card for Thursday, July 10, 2014
Your Card - “Ride the Wave” - You can be assured that you’re entering a time when you can ride the wave of abundance. The tide has turned, and you can put your “surfing” skills to the test! Everything that you know—all your talents, coupled with your hopes and dreams— will carry you forward. People and circumstances have come out of the ocean of potential and possibility to take shape in a wave of spectacular activity. Know that you’re definitely on the right path!
Is it just me or does it seem like this week is full of rollercoaster emotions? First it's good, then hold off cuz something isn't right.. then it's good... geez already!
I would like to think that this card is telling you no matter the hard transformations you may be going through right now, it will be just a blip as your future that's coming will be great for you and you won't have to struggle as much.
I don't know about you, but I would really really like this card NOW in my life. Moldy basement issues, which I still have to pay for and clean up after the contractors. Now my car seems to be having what could possibly be an alternator issue. Can I just say I've been patient and NOW would be a good time for some good news?
Oh wait, that's at work. I am finally making progress on my class. The system is up and I've found most of my examples I want to use and I started documenting today. I may actually make my date to actually have the class.
Dolphins which appear on this card are actually lucky charms. So ride the wave and take this card as a positive step forward. Don't stop believing it will happen for you. Just start demanding it be NOW.
Card for Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Your Card - “One-Ring Circus” - If you think that the sun won’t rise without you, then it’s time to change. Perhaps you believe no one will be there to help you, or you expect that you have to do all the work, emotional or otherwise. This is a fear-based idea and only serves to alienate you from others by taking away their right to participate.
Well I hate to say this.. but this is often my mentality. Not that I'm in charge of the sun rising and setting.. but thinking I have to do it all. This past year has really put it to the test though. My back, I found out has a herniated and bulging disc and many of the things I just was doing because it needed to get done and no one else was doing got waylaid. So, things got a lot worse in the house than it has been.
Same with work. For a long time I was the only one in my office doing what I do, so I'm just used to doing it and getting it done.
I've also had issues where I've expected a person to step up and help and even when I ask them and they agree, it just doesn't get done. So I have a hard time letting go. People complement me on my work ethic, but there are times it doesn't benefit me and I put everything on my shoulders.
So, with a lot of nail-biting and being stressed, I've been letting things go. Physically for certain items, I just have to, I can't do them anymore without major repercussions. And I still bite my nails when I'm trying to ask for help or ask that others do things because it's just my nature to want to do it myself.
This card though tells us NOT to keep doing this. That ask and ye shall received. Now it probably won't be in the manner you're used to doing it, but help will arrive. Just be brave and ask and let go of how it will come to you.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Card for Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Your Card - “Metamorphosis” - Butterflies earn their wings through great effort. The process of change is often painful, for it is never without losses and sacrifices. If you are to transform from one form to another, a part of you needs to die.
Well I like and dislike this card. I dislike the word die. I prefer changing. But that's just me. Through test and trials will you become stronger and better for it. None of us like to hear that kind yof statement but it's true.
I've gone through many things in my life and when people hear about it, they keep calling me strong. I probably am, but like anyone I have time swhere I wish I didin't have to be so "strong".
Each of the things I've gone through I think has made me a better person. Changed my outlook on life and I'm able to relate to people more. Many are surprised when I tell them some of the things that have happened to me and usually brings up something painful in their life. Those things and dealing with them helps them to heal and move on. Changing who they are at the core level. Making them a completely different person.
So embrace those terrible things in your life as they have made you into the wonderful and wondrous person you are today.
Card for Monday, July 7, 2014
Your Card - “Wizard of Awareness” - The Wizard of Awareness comes to you in this position to warn you that too much force behind a desire for a specific outcome robs you of a true and full experience. Step back, take your energy away from your situation, and focus on gratitude for the ever-changing conditions of life.
I was drawn to pull from the enchanted map deck for the next five days. So, here is our first card for Monday.
Too often we try and force a course that we ultimately want. What I've learned is that it only goes as fast as it's meant to along with if you try and force an issue that you want, often you end up putting more "roadblocks" in your way.
So my house has a basement and we had water issues. I kept trying to do things on my own, but my back only let me do so much and I tried to get hubby to really take a look and he wouldn't. Until one day he did and then after having to do some stuff before the contracting guys came in, he decided he wasn't ever going to wait again. So for me pushing the issue did nothing. This was his lesson to learn and I think it was learned.
So take a moment to see what it is you desire and take a breath and a step back to see how you can not force the issue. Be grateful for what is and has been done and let the gratitude keep flowing to you and if it was meant to be with you... it will. Enjoy the path you're on and the steps it's taken to get there. Look forward to the future, but don't push.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Card for Sunday, July 6, 2014
“The World” - The angels sent you this card because you’ve happily completed something of great importance. They’re congratulating you on a job well done. You’re now ready to move on to something new. Enjoy your feelings of wholeness and completion, and give yourself a pat on the back for your amazing accomplishments!
How appropriate from yesterday's card. One thing to know about the World card is that it's constantly in motion. So think of it moving forward in your life. Whatever project or relationship or situation that had been holding you back is now being completed and bringing you new energies into your life. Know of Feng Shui? Or at least heard of it? It's an old ancient way of balancing energies usually in a building. I could sit and pull from the internet the proper terms but for now this works for me.
Too many of us get stuck in our lives. Whether it be in your home, with your partner or business. There needs to be a balance in all these things. By constantly moving forward you're getting the opportunity to clear out the clutter and starting fresh. I mean who doesn't love having a clean work or home space? I know I do. But it never completely happens with 3 kids :D
So take a moment be thankful for what's been in your life and the lessons they have taught you and move on and be grateful for these new moments.
Card for Saturday, July 5, 2014
“Release” - This card signifies that it’s time to move on because this project or phase of your life is now complete. There’s no benefit in remaining in this situation. Instead, shake off the old and welcome the new! You may experience a sense of relief at this ending, or there may be some sadness. Either way, it’s time to leave that which you’ve outgrown.
Well this card to me has many meanings. Look at the card. The feeling I get when looking at it is unconditional love and what looks like a good "angel" to get a hug from. Too often we beat up ourselves for not making the right decisions or really for someone elses actions. It's too easy to do that. So this card is telling you whatever that situation was (and maybe it was really a situation) it's time to move on from it. Learn the lesson and move on.
For me this card is appropriate. We had mold in our basement. Hubby finally went through stuff and the mold "experts" came in to strip carpet and paneling and treat the area. This makes me very happy. It's a project and a situation that have finally come to completion. Hopefully without the mold down there, we will all start to feeling better. And once things settle down we'll be moving on to fixing up the basement after the mold invasion :D
Card for Friday, July 4, 2014
“Three of Water” - It’s time for a celebration! Weddings, announcements of pregnancy or birth, and reunions are likely. Graduations or promotions are on the horizon.
Well how appropriate this card is for today. It is the 4th of July. Many celebrations are happening. Make sure you're taking part of some of the festivities - as this is the card of emotions and it's telling you it's time to have a little fun. Dolphins are the true representation of fun. They are very playful creatures. To be blunt here, why not have a little fun and let loose after some of the past few weeks you've had. I know I could certainly use it.
So take a moment, enjoy the day with friends and/or family and remember why America is free (for those that are here in the States).
Card for Thursday, July 3, 2014
Your Card - “Blessed Change” - “A major life change brings you great blessings.”
Affirm: "I welcome Divinely inspired change, and I stay centered in the eye of the hurricane as change occurs around and within me. All change is for my highest good. I know that love is stable and always provides for me and my loved ones -- no matter what our outer situations appear to be."
One thing I can tell you about this card is that most people dislike intensely change. Another thing I can tell you is that no matter what the change is, it will come no matter how hard you fight it. The affirmation is very much true. Think of change as the hurricane. Most people that fight it get turned around feel intense loss and often are hurt. Those of us that recognize change as something good and positive and have learned not to fight - we're in the center of it and things around us are changed, but we are safe, we are calm, we will ride out this storm and be better for it.
Change offers new opportunities, that allow us to learn and grow and create new relationships. Lessons are usually part of this change. Everyone has different life lessons that they are here to do. It's up to us whether or not we actually do it and learn from them.
Be the one that does learn. Be the one that when change happens, find your center and breathe through the process and so that on the other side, you'll be better for it.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Card for Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Your Card - “Page of Gabriel” - Situations: You’re ready to follow your passion! Opportunities for excitement and adventure are headed your way. People: An energetic and extroverted person who’s exuberant and willing to help. Someone who loves a challenge and brings youthful optimism to all he or she does.
So after taking it cautious and looking again at the path you were on and then having the wish card it appears whatever you wished for is on it's way. A new challenge. Something you're passionate about. Good things to come to you.
I can't think of a better thing to have than doing what you love. I've been blessed that I love to teach and I'm in a position where I get to do it. The only thing that would make it better is if I could incorporate it into teaching about my spirituality and helping others on their path.
Often when I do readings for people I get "knocks" of whether or not they have any potential in spiritual matters. I've found people that have latent healing capabilities and I've worked with them to open up. One thing I've learned through this process is that everyone learns differently and not everyone does everything the same. Sometimes there are no names for things people can do.
This card represents to me that YOU are the beacon of LIGHT for not only YOU but for OTHERS. You are working in a way to lead you to your true potential and along the way to help others find theirs as well. Don't fight destiny :)
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