Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Card for Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Your Card - “Patience” - Begonia: Your prayers have been heard, and they are being answered.

I actually had a different card pulled for here, but I felt drawn to pull from this deck.  I then was going to use both for today's reading, but it just didn't mesh to me.  But this card to me is so much where I am currently and I can't help thinking it's there for more people as well.  So here's today's card.  Besides, who doesn't like flowers ? :)

I have been doing a lot of praying for my life.. for friends.. for the earth in general and I feel like this is validation that "they" (universe/God/angels) are hearing them.  And no matter how fast we would like something to happen for us, everything is done in divine timing.

This flower is also known to help you when you need focus and setting up boundaries for others.  This "healing" flower helps you enforce rules so everyone benefits.  Because you have important work to do, by having these around it will help you to get the time and space needed to get it done.. or a little more completed.

So release that angers, frustrations or just plain irritation and become more calmer and peaceful and let others with the same mindset be attracted and come to you to help.

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