Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Card for Thursday, July 10, 2014

Your Card -  “Ride the Wave” - You can be assured that you’re entering a time when you can ride the wave of abundance. The tide has turned, and you can put your “surfing” skills to the test! Everything that you know—all your talents, coupled with your hopes and dreams— will carry you forward. People and circumstances have come out of the ocean of potential and possibility to take shape in a wave of spectacular activity. Know that you’re definitely on the right path!

Is it just me or does it seem like this week is full of rollercoaster emotions?  First it's good, then hold off cuz something isn't right.. then it's good... geez already!

I would like to think that this card is telling you no matter the hard transformations you may be going through right now, it will be just a blip as your future that's coming will be great for you and you won't have to struggle as much.

I don't know about you, but I would really really like this card NOW in my life.  Moldy basement issues, which I still have to pay for and clean up after the contractors.  Now my car seems to be having what could possibly be an alternator issue.  Can I just say I've been patient and NOW would be a good time for some good news?

Oh wait, that's at work.  I am finally making progress on my class.  The system is up and I've found most of my examples I want to use and I started documenting today.  I may actually make my date to actually have the class.

Dolphins which appear on this card are actually lucky charms.  So ride the wave and take this card as a positive step forward.  Don't stop believing it will happen for you.  Just start demanding it be NOW. 

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