Your Card - “Pay Attention” - “Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information.”
Your Card - “Admit the Truth to Yourself, and Act Accordingly” - You’ve drawn this card because there’s an important feeling that you’ve been trying to ignore. Yet try as you might to push it aside, this feeling urges you to be honest with yourself. Archangel Michael says that facing this truth will be healing, and it will give you the direction and guidance you seek.
Your Card - “Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New” - You’ve finished one part of your life, and now a new and even better part is beginning.
I felt like I needed to pull 3 cards this morning and now all from the same deck as you can see. So our first card talks about looking for signs and listening to your intuition. I know many of you might say you don't have one, but we all have the inner voice or gut that tells us if it's a good idea or bad. So start looking around for things that keep popping up -- including numbers. I found this website through a friend and I love it when it comes to numbers:
The second card talks about ignoring something. My guess is that if you keep ignoring it, the same thing, behavior, etc. will keep showing up until you deal with it. I do know from the basics of Law of Attraction, like attracts like. It also goes for lessons that we're supposed to learn. Like me for example, I used to let people walk all over me, because it was easier to just let them. I didn't like confronting them, because I didn't like how it felt. I've learned how to do it. I'm very glad I did, because I was there watching a situation happen with my daughter. She had money in her pocket from the weekend and one of her "friends" asked her for it. We're not talking like a dollar or two, we're talking ten. She managed to fend off one of her other classmates, but because this was her 'friend' she gave it to her in exchange with a toy dinosaur (like maybe 50 cents worth). So I had to have a discussion with her on trying to get the money back. I told her she could even use me or her Dad as the excuse if she needed to and she was in tears at that thought. She knew she had done this "wrong" thing and it wasn't right to blame anyone but herself. (Very proud moment). So the next day she gave back the dinosaur and asked for the money back. (Another very proud moment). I can't say how pleased I was that she learned that lesson of admitting you're wrong and facing the consequences. Because she's only 8, my guess is we'll continue to learn that lesson, as she has a VERY kind heart.
The third card talks about finishing one thing and moving on to something new and better. I love this card. Who doesn't want to move forward to something better. I know change can be frightening to some, but if it takes you to a better place.. who wouldn't want to go there? So in saying that.. what do you have to still finish? I'm taking it as a message to finish my oracle cards I'm creating -- only 6 more images to go! I'm also taking it as I should probably finish my book. I got an email about a person helping doing a graphic for an e-book. So I'm thinking if that's not a sign, I don't know what is!
So I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day and week!