Friday, May 30, 2014

Cards for Friday-Sunday, May 30-June 1, 2014

Your Card - “The Emperor” - It’s important to cultivate logic, discipline, and order right now. This card signifies that although your dreams are valid and sound, they still need guidelines and organization so that they can manifest properly. Create a detailed plan for how you’ll proceed, and maintain kind but authoritative control over how that plan is implemented.

Your Card - “Heal the “Ouch” - This is a time for great soothing of the heart, body, soul, and mind, as this card indicates that healing will be prevalent in your life now

Your Card - “Self-Reflection” - This card asks you to review your life. The angels guide you to see yourself as the Indigo spiritual warrior you truly are. It’s so easy to look back on your actions and feel guilt for things you’ve done to upset others. But that time has passed, and you don’t need to bring that energy with you going forward.

Well the cards are all about getting your life in order, reflecting on where you've been and making a plan for the future.  Many times it's about healing yourself --which is forgiving yourself as well as others.  It's time to move on and make sure to leave that negative energy in the past.

Maybe moving on in your emotions and/or physical area is what's needed to get the healing going on in your life.  With everything that you do,  you should make sure you have a plan.  It doesn't have to be real detailed, but you should have a general outline of what needs to be done and what your end goal is.  So take this weekend to do all of this :)

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