Friday, May 2, 2014

Cards for Friday, Saturday, Sunday May 2-4, 2014

Friday's Card - “You Are Special” - You may be wondering why it is that Indigos are extremely passionate about their opinions. Why do they have such a hard time holding in their feelings? Well, they were built to never back down in the face of adversity and imbalance. Indigos have incarnated at a crucial time in Earth’s and humanity’s history, to help ensure the survival of both. You are one of these people. This is a very special role in our world, and this card asks you to be aware of that.

Whether or not you are considered "Indigo", I think this message is pretty clear.  There is a reason you're here and you are here to do something for this world.  You may not feel like it's much, but you don't know the whole picture.  Think of a clock and how many components it took to get that clock to actually run.  It's the same with our life's purpose.  So don't let anyone tell you that you aren't special, because you ARE.

 Saturday's Card - “Six of Ariel” - There are great blessings in giving and receiving! Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways. If you’re the recipient of such a loving gift, then accept it with gratitude and humility. If you have the means to give to those in need, then do so in a compassionate way without asking for anything in return.
Well, who played the lottery on Friday? :D  Seriously though, if money is coming your way, don't put your pride in the way of receiving.  This is a card of being kind and considerate regardless of giving or receiving.  Now this is more of the monetary card, but I like to think of it as wordly goods as well.  What do you have sitting around your house that could be used by someone who may not have the means to get it for themselves.  I know I have a lot of clothes and baby stuff that I've slowly been giving to people that need it.  I think I'm going to try and do some more.

Sunday's Card - “God Is in Charge” - This card comes to you with the reassuring message that God is in charge, taking care of all the details. Give any worries to God, and stop struggling against the flow.

Well just like I wrote for Saturday's card, this kind of confirms of let go of all the struggles as the more you hold on to them, the harder it is for God/Universe to supply you with what you need.  We don't need to know the "how's" of what's coming, just know that by giving up the worries, things will be taken care of.

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