Thursday, May 1, 2014

Card for Thursday May 1, 2014

Your Card - “Queen of Fire” - SITUATIONS: Now is the time to stretch your wings and really fly. You’ve been underestimating yourself and your abilities. Believe in all that you can do and accomplish. You’ll naturally attract other people to assist you. Assert your independence and creativity. PEOPLE: A person with a magnetic personality who is good-natured and loves life. Someone with great self-confidence who is astonishingly well-rounded in terms of talents and skills.

First off -- Happy May day!  Second, sorry for not posting the past few days.  I was home celebrating the birthday of my twins -- hard to believe they are 4!  I was also spending some time with my parents who came for a visit.  Too bad they had to leave today.  Prayers for safe trip home for them would be appreciated!

Today's card is a lovely one.  If you have been tentative on something you've been working on - today is the day you should be confident!  For those that know the bible.. there's a verse "With him all things are possible."  Well for us spiritual ones, that "him" is really us, why because God, Goddess, Universe or whatever you may believe in - is inside of us.  So with "you" all things can be possible, you just have to believe it  -- an not just say it.  Truly believe it.

And if you don't have a situation that calls for you to believe in yourself, well you may then have a person around you that everyone seems to like and lives life to the fullest.  It's a message to take a look at them and figure out how to be more like them or spend time with them.  If nothing else they'll raise your spirits if you've been a bit low.

And don't worry.. the rain will eventually go away.. but enjoy the springtime some of us haven't had in awhile.  However, I do want to put loving energy out to all those people affected by the tornadoes.  If you would please do the same, I'm sure they could really use all the positive energy right now.

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