Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Card for Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Your Card - “Perfect Timing” - Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you walk through them with us by your side. Don’t delay or procrastinate, as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome.

Well as much as I kind of like this card image, I wouldn't say announcing on a horn is always appropriate :D 

Take this as a card that is telling you that you keep moving on what it is that you're called to do.  If that is getting out of a bad relationship - so be it.  If it's about a new venture that makes you feel good - then do it!  Try not to delay in any aspect.  This card is telling you the angels will be nearby to help you when you feel those moments of despair.

You can think of this as the cheer-leading card!

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