Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Card for Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Carefree is living life as it was meant to be… easy, carefree and playful!

It is time to put away your problems for a while. Enjoy life and have some fun! Drop your ‘self-importance’, and end your need to take things so seriously. Humor and playfulness will release you from the heaviness of your situation.

Celebrate the joy of being alive! Open your arms to welcome the youthful energy that is filled with wonder, joy and curiosity. Open yourself to the fun that feeds your soul. Let it revive and refresh you!

Relax your mind, body and soul. Smile, and see the humor in your situation. Rise above the issue that has been weighing you down, and imagine yourself flying free in the open sky above.

Imagine if millions of people around the world were laughing, singing, creating, loving, celebrating, dancing and playing. There wouldn’t be time for problems, hurt, revenge, resentments or worry… if we all participated!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Card for Monday, September 29, 2014

You have received the card Holding On, which means you need one of three things, (and often it includes at least two.)

‘Holding On’ is your unconscious way of creating space to focus on other parts of your life’s purpose or your other needs and desires.

You need to be on your own, and/or with a different mate.

You need a rest, and to be taken care of.

First: Is something or someone in your life ending, pulling away or leaving? This maybe happening because you have an unconscious need to do other things, and holding on to a person or a situation is a strategy that creates space so you can focus on other areas of your life. Consider if you are truly living your own life purpose and fulfilling your soul’s longings. Perhaps you need to spend more time on projects or with your children.

Maybe you have created more time for yourself with your insistent need for connection and things to remain the same? Realize that this insistence is actually your soul’s insistence to expand to newer or higher ground. Know that in the future, as you mature and become more aware of your true desires, you will have the ability to create space without pushing others away or having situations dissolve unexpectedly or without your consent.

Second: Perhaps you or your mate are ‘holding on’, which is causing the other to withdraw, and this is happening because you need to be on our own or with a different mate. Ask yourself if your mate is still truly adding richness to your life…and… if you are still adding richness to theirs? Perhaps it is really in everyone’s best interest to be moving on or alone for awhile. Maybe ‘holding on’ is possibly creating time for you to be alone, and/or providing an opportunity for you to find a new mate. Know that ‘holding on’ is a perfect strategy at this time to create time away from the other person. Know that in the future you or they will have the self-awareness that a new mate is needed and the integrity and strength to be alone, whether it’s for a day, a month or years.

Third; You need rest, and you have a deep need to feel safe, secure or to be taken care of. Again you are holding on tight, and you think that the only way to meet this need is by being demanding and clinging, either to a situation or person. If you need this from a person, be responsible and mature by requesting (not expecting) your partner or friend to temporarily let you rest and be taken care of. If they are unwilling or unable, take time out to rest and take care of yourself. If you need safety and security from a job, home or situation, find reasonable and appropriate ways to create this. Again, asking for help when necessary.

You have received this card to remind yourself to explore your needs and the benefits of ‘Holding On’. Know that your strategy of holding on is perfect at this time to invite; a time for security or rest, a richer life, a higher level of love, time alone or a new friend or partner in your life. Also know that as you grow, you will fill your needs in more mature and loving ways without the need to hold on.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Card for Friday - Sunday, September 26-28, 2014

Your Card - “Butterfly Maiden” - You are experiencing enormous change right now, which brings great blessings.

If you think about butterflies and what it takes for them to change into them, it's quite the process and undertaking.  But no one can say the change isn't beautiful.

So we've pulled this card because we're going through our own transformations and more than likely it's painful to go through.  Change for a lot of people is hard to go through.  As humans we get comfortable in a certain situation and when change comes along it startles us.  Not all change is bad though, as people we need to evolve along the way.. growing pains I think they used to call it for the physical changes we went through growing up from a child to an adult.

If you've been working toward bringing things into your life you have to let go of other things that no longer suit you.  Celebrate this change make way for all things good that you've been asking for and don't fear the change that comes with it.

Remember the giddiness of getting something new and revel in it :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Card for Thursday, September 25, 2014

It is time to explore the inner secret passages of your heart and soul. The card Listening Within is a call to invite the wisdom of your heart to speak to you. The language of the heart is a cosmic voice that connects everyone and everything together.

Listening within is about being connected to Source and the Natural World. Source, or some call it God or the Divine, is the ultimate, pure energy that is within each of us. It is formless, yet it is all. It is a tremendous energy that transforms into the Natural World as light, love, compassion, creativity…it is energy that can transform into anything. Listen to your inner wisdom or intuition. The messages you hear are callings or whispers from your soul that are connected to the Natural World and to the Divine.

There can be times when life presents countless options and limitless information, which make path choices very challenging. With all the information to sort through, you need to be able to hear your divine truth. In order to hear, you only need to trust that you have within you the ability to know your inner truth. You can begin with the intent to open the doors of inner wisdom, truth and light. Next, relax and take a few deep breaths. Become aware of the connection between the divine natural force and your soul. Connect to your heart by moving your awareness down into your chest, and contact your own inner source of loving wisdom. Focus your attention on the sensations in your chest, and feel the warmth and expansive energy that will bring a higher love and light to your situation.

When you listen within, truth may call you to re-evaluate your life and change what needs to be changed on the outside, or on the inside. Change can be wonderful but it can also scary or uncomfortable. In order to remain at ease, break the steps down into comfortable pieces so you can make the changes that your inner wisdom and your soul are longing for.

True divine messages from within are ones that create happiness that’s in everyone’s best interest. You will usually feel a calm certainty or a calm enthusiasm when you hear messages of your personal truth.

If no answer is coming to you, take comfort in knowing that the answer will be revealed when the time is right. Until then, hold your decisions lightly until you feel your inner wisdom emerging. Inner wisdom or intuition is an immersion of the soul into the natural world. This wisdom is based on the natural rhythms and cycles of the natural world, and as in nature, everything has its own timing.

When you commune with the divine inside, you save time and you increase your effectiveness. As you learn to ‘hear’ the quiet whispers of your soul, your life will unfold with grace and joy, and fulfillment will be your constant companion!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Card for Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Values are personally held beliefs, principles or qualities that are important to us. They are part of what guides our behaviors and our decisions. Our values influence our choice of friends, employment and the activities we pursue.

There is no right or wrong set of personal values, though there are cultural and society norms embracing certain values as correct. As adults, we can give thoughtful reflection to see if our values are a true reflection who we are, and we can take note if our values are in alignment with our actions and lifestyle. As a result of discernment and life experiences we may discard some values and add others.

Discover what you value most.
The following list of values will help you identify and clarify your own personal values and help you to consciously live a value-based life.

From this list, select 15 qualities and 15 elements of life that are most important to you. Feel free to add any values of your own to this list.

Abundance    Acceptance    Accomplishment    Accountability     Adventure    Affection

Ambition    Appreciation   Authenticity     Awareness   Balance    Beliefs    Belonging

Career    Challenges   Change    Choice   Clarity   Comfort   Commitment  Communication   

Community   Confidence  Conviction   Cooperation    Compassion   Courage  Creativity

Competence   Competition   Democracy   Dependable   Direction   Disciplined   Dreams

Education   Empathy   Entertainment   Enthusiasm   Environment   Ethics   Excellence

Excitement   Exhilaration   Exploration   Faith   Fame   Family   Flexibility 

Financial  Security    Focus    Forgiveness   Friendships   Freedom   Fun   Gratitude

Giving/Helping   Growth   Happiness    Harmony    Heroism    Humor   Health    Honesty

Imagination    Independence    Influencing   Others    Ingenuity   Inner Harmony   Insight

Inspiration    Integrity    Intellect    Intimacy   Involvement    Joy   Kindness   Knowledge

Leadership   Listening   Loyalty   Love   Maturity   Mastery   Mindfulness    Money

Nature   Openness    Optimism    Order   Passion    Patience   Peace   Persistence   Playfulness

Pleasure   Power   Privacy   Prosperity    Purpose    Recognition    Reason    Reflection

Relationships   Relaxation   Religion   Reputation   Responsibility   Resourcefulness

Safety   Security   Self-worth   Serenity   Service   Solitude   Sanctuary   Spirituality   Stability

Status   Success   Truth   Trust   Understanding   Values    Variety    Virtues    Volunteering

Warmth   Wealth    Where   You Live   Wisdom   Wonder

Now that you have 15 qualities and 15 elements of life, imagine that you are only permitted to have 7 of each. Which ones would you give up? Cross them off. This exercise will help you to define what is most important to you.

Clarifying and integrating your values into daily life will bring meaning, purpose, integrity and direction…and it will enable you to fulfill your dreams!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Card for Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Giving is not the root of happiness.
It is the fruit…the fruition of heaven on earth!

When we share our innate gifts, our love, our joy and our laughter with a pure heart, we find that our own hearts and lives are abundantly filled.

When we experience times of trouble, doubt, weakness or fear; giving to others who are in greater need or pain can be the solution. Ask yourself which person needs your help, and give of yourself. Be open to divine inspiration so you will know what is required from you in words or action. Support anyone who comes to mind, or even just send them your love. Make the other person more important than your own troubles. In doing so, you help yourself as well. With a genuine desire to help, you both will move forward in your lives.

Note: In giving to others, be mindful that you are giving ‘purely’. Giving purely means that there are no expectations in your mind of how your gift is received, how it is used, or any expectations for reciprocation. Also be mindful to receive purely as well. Receive with appreciation, without pressure of reciprocation, and without worrying about the expectations of others. Without the ability to receive purely, true giving cannot happen.

Words of mindful care:
At times, everyone needs help or support - yet we don't always know the most beneficial ways to give it. Be mindful. Find out what the other person’s needs really are before you offer help. And take into consideration that we only truly help others by doing things that they can’t do for themselves. In helping; do what you can to find the key to motivate others to help themselves…… then you can fill in the gaps where it’s needed.If you feel drained in the process of giving help or support, check your boundaries. You may need to take time out to deal with an issue of your own that is coming up in order to regain your resourcefulness. If so, say something like, "I have to take some time out now to care for myself, so I can help you better. I really care about you, and I will return in a little while.”

Doing things for others that they can really do for themselves is also a way of staying connected by enabling the other to remain dependent, weak and small. The ‘doing for others’ is because we have a secret fear that if they become stronger, they will no longer need us. Yet at some level we really know we are mainly just needed and not truly loved. We may also fear that if the other person got better it would mean that we have nothing left to do or give….it means we would then have to focus on our own lives, and take steps to move forward. Untrue helping can be an avoidance of the more difficult task of looking inside at one's own needs, and dealing with issues in our lives that requires attention. In our ‘giving’ we actually use others either as a way to avoid the fear of investing in our own goals, dreams or purpose…or we give to avoid any painful feelings we may have. Anyone who is being an untrue helper or giving in extreme sacrifice is either afraid of their feelings, of intimacy, of having an equal relationship… or afraid of taking the next step forward in their life.

Also, be careful not to over burden yourself with the degree of responsibility that you assume. You are not the only person who is good at taking care of things; even if you would like it to be that way in order win favors, to be indispensable, or to be loved and respected.Zen philosophy states – “Offer nothing – just share what you have with those who express an interest in it.” - Hidden benefit: It takes the pressure off of wanting other people to see you as valuable or important.
Giving doesn’t mean total sacrifice of your energy, values or beliefs. Unhealthy sacrifice is about the belief that we have to fill the tasks or roles of others. With healthy sacrifice, people give up things in life for the common good of the project or relationship. It makes us feel good to do so. But….it can also make us feel bad if we stop giving to ourselves, and forgo our own values, beliefs and energy.


We can’t increase the number of happy people in the world by sacrificing our own happiness in the process.Promise nothing to others – just do what you most enjoy doing….in this way, you will always over deliver!

Your own personal happiness is one of the greatest gifts you can to give to others, and to the world. From this place, you shine so bright that it naturally leads others out of the dark, and you will naturally become a part of a loving, happy and abundant world!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Card for Friday, September 19, 2014

Your Card - “Let Your Inner Beauty Shine” - Pink Rose: You are a brilliant example of God’s love. Everything about you is perfect, so let your light shine and inspire others.

Remember when you were a kid and nothing got you down too much (other than your parents telling you no LOL)

Well this card is trying to get you back to that time in your life where you were a truly unique and wonderful you.

Too often we put on "masks" to fit what "society"  wants us to be.  Not who we truly are.  But why?  I know trying to "fit" in with others usually ends up making me miserable.  I'm trying desperately now to be more myself.  I figure even if no one "likes" me, I will.  Better yet I'll be happy.  In my 45 years of experience, I would rather be happy and alone than with someone and unhappy.

Because raising your vibration to being happy and being true to who you are will attract like minded individuals to you.

So even if you have to start with small steps, try to be who God intended you to be.  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Card for Thursday, September 18, 2014

Your Card - “Six of Michael” - You’re on your way to happier times! The situation that had you feeling stressed and worried is now behind you. A new day is dawning, with sunny skies on the horizon. Embrace the changes and leave the past behind.

Notice how Michael is control of where the boat is going and it's out of the stormy sea and into the blue sky and calm waters.  It truly would feel like light at the end of the tunnel after dealing with that.

I take it by getting this card we have been working on the gratitudes and being happy with what we have and that helps the energy see that.  Like attracts like.  Keep it up.  Know that things are going to look up now, regardless of how you felt or still may feel deeply insides.  Know that God is taking care of things for you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Card for Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Your Card - “Uplift Your Thoughts” - Orange Lily: Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you’ll let go of depression, poor self-esteem, and excess weight.

Love the flower cards, they make me so happy.  It's all about blessings today.  What we have that we are grateful for... what things make us smile.. how we can turn that around to help someone else today.

Last night I went out to dinner with my family.  I was grateful that we were able to do so and spend time together.  I then took 2 of the 3 with me to get some "fall/winter" tops.  You would have thought that they had a ton of sugar for dinner.  Running around .. hiding in the clothes.. screaming.. <sigh>  Even though they were trying my last nerve, I was grateful that they could run around and play.  I was also grateful that I found tops for them and a new lamp for the bedroom.

Today, I'm grateful for a good commute, for a beautiful sunrise and the fact that I'm not in pain like I was last night.  It probably also helped that my music was playing all happy dancing beats :D

This card is also about intent.  Focusing your intent to be more joyful rather than down in the dumps all the time.  I know how hard it can be at times.  Sometimes it feels easier to just be down or mad at something.  But, that energy attracts that same kind.  So, try and do the gratitudes to keep the positive energy around.

Focus on what's good.  Even if you're not feeling well, just say I'm alright.  Make it so (as Jean-Luc Picard would say) :D (yes I'm a bit of a nerd)

Enjoy the day.. what ever it may bring.  Remember, you only get this life to live.. so make it a good one ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Card for Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Your Card - “Knight of Ariel” - Situations: There is so much to be accomplished! Make a plan that is methodical and see to every detail. Slow and steady wins the race. People: A person of great kindness and understanding. Someone with your very best interests at heart.

Interesting card we have today.  It seems to be there are many things going on and things we need to get accomplished.  I know that is definitely me.  Work is extremely busy and of course the house is a never ending area that needs to be worked on.  Then on top I have all of my spiritual stuff  and book to finish.  Someday I'll get the time to do everything I need to do. :)

So what is it you need to finish or that you're working on?  This card also represents someone that is keeping an eye out for you.  You may not notice them doing so, but these are very kind people who are only looking out for you and your best interest.  I like to call them the family you weren't born with, but chose.  So don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.  They will definitely help you.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Card for Monday, September 15, 2014

Appreciation and gratitude are important components to spiritual development. There is beauty in those who find the value in everyone and everything, and it is also important to see our own efforts, and to acknowledge our own contributions and progress.

Love blossoms with appreciation, and intimacy grows deeper when we know we are seen and valued. Our hearts never tire of receiving appreciation. Appreciation has the ability to turn sour situations around, to uplift us, to empower us, and to inspire us into positive action.

Appreciation can be expressed in many different ways - a hug, a special gift, verbal acknowledgement, saying thank you…etc. Appreciation is greatly enhanced when we give others specific reasons for our gratitude. It is nice to hear, “thank you for being my friend”, but hearing the specific reason like, “I really felt cared about when you took the time today to listen to my problem”, can add richness to the other person’s life, and give them an understanding of what their unique contributions are. Open your eyes to see one another in a fresh light, and notice the abundance and contributions around you.

The card Appreciation reminds you of the importance of making statements of appreciation and to share your appreciation in some visible way. Each small act or words of gratitude, re-ignites the warmth in our hearts and in the hearts of others. People who show appreciation enhance their relationships and create a world that is continually rewarding!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Card for the weekend September 13-14, 2014

This card awakens you to the expansive energy shift you are about to experience - or the one you already are in. You are entering through the doorway to a world of great joy, wonder, love and fulfillment! You may have tried to walk through this doorway before but turned around; fearing the unknown or fearing the abundance that is waiting for you. Know that this time you are worthy of these blessings. This time you are open to receive a life of immense bounty and success.

Sometimes we fear the unknown, believing it may be worse than what is already present. Know that you have created this opportunity of expansion because somewhere deep down, perhaps at an unconscious level, you feel it is time to be genuinely happy. Deep down you want a life worth living, and a soul filled with trust, love, enthusiasm, peace and wonder.

Release your deep-rooted fears, and trust that you have the inner wisdom and strength to create more abundance than you could have ever imagined! Try to envision and feel the release of mediocrity, and feel the joy and satisfaction of this expansive shift.

If all you can feel is the heaviness of fear, doubt and worry, realize that the amount of heaviness you experience will be equal to the joy and lightness you’ll feel once you open up to the expansive energy that is available.

Ask for forgiveness for any past transgressions that may have been weighing you down, and ask to be free of any thoughts that may be limiting your potential. Honor your worthiness.

The hard crust of your fears, worries, doubts and your unfulfilling past will loosen, and you will emerge from the soil to feel the sun as it warms your body, heart and soul!

You’ve received this card to let you know that the depths of your soul are bringing about this great expansion so open up and expand to a new level of vision, creativity, love, inner power and glory!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Card for Friday, September 12, 2014

First off.. I have to wish my mother a happy birthday.. I hope she likes the flowers we got her..

Meaninglessness is a state that isn’t talked about much in our society, yet it is a dreadful and common experience for many. Meaninglessness is being in a struggle with life and being here on earth. The questions: ‘What are we doing here?’ – ‘What's life all about?’ – ‘What's the point?’ – and - ‘Why am I living?’......those questions can be disparaging when you think you need the answers. And sometimes those questions actually create our state of meaninglessness because we think having an answer to those questions will bring us meaning and happiness.

Meaninglessness may be the worst state to be in. You aren’t faced with a challenge to meet or even depression to overcome. You aren’t sad, confused or lost. Meaninglessness differs from depression, in that it is more about having a spiritual crisis, rather than not caring about anything. Depression is having thoughts like, ‘it doesn’t matter what I do or how I think, life isn’t worth it’. Meaninglessness is a place of dwelling on thoughts like, “why should I even care if I care? And even if I do care, what is the point? What’s it all for anyway”. It isn’t about giving up, because you feel that even dying won’t offer any relief.

Experiencing meaninglessness can happen because part of what has given your life meaning has died and you are now disappointed with life. This place you are in, is now an empty place where you return to the bigger picture of, “what’s this ‘living business’ all about anyway?” And by contemplating these kinds of questions and thinking that life has no meaning, you don’t have to move forward, you don’t have to engage in life, and you never have to be disappointed in living again.

Yet the experience of meaninglessness can be helpful. You can contemplate on seeing the ‘bigger picture of your life’ as you think about where you’ve been, why you choose what you’ve experienced, and what has made your life worthwhile. These questions are important to reflect on occasionally so you can adjust and improve your life. But being in a place of meaninglessness is thinking that even those questions are pointless. Meaninglessness is getting ‘hung up’ on meaninglessness.

This place of meaninglessness can be a great opportunity for you. This state is often experienced right before a major life breakthrough. Meaninglessness can be one of the places where you make some of your greatest moves forward emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, or in your physical life.

There are ways to move out of this realm of meaninglessness, and reconnect with yourself and with life again.

You could:
  • step through the meaninglessness by asking divine light to move you out of this state,
  • take time in quiet to contemplate what has given your life meaning in the past, and ask what will give it meaning again,
  • try doing energy work like Reiki or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), do a vision quest, etc.
  • discuss and come to understand what the ‘disappointment’ was that might have caused your state of meaninglessness, and learn more about what your soul’s true needs and longings are.
  • take your focus off your state by offering help to others. Experiment with things outside your comfort zone: go on a volunteer vacation - or try building homes with an organization like Habitat for Humanity.
(Of course you may be in so much meaninglessness that you tell yourself that even these acts are meaningless!)   You now have the choice to stay in this realm or move into life again!  It is really a mind and energy shift…if you need or want it..

I know it seems like a really bleak card, but you have to look at it as a stepping stone for what's to come.  It's time to take a look at your whole picture and make more of  yourself.  Things are coming -- just have to clear out the junk to get it here.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Card for Thursday, September 11, 2014

Just a brief moment to reflect on what happened 13 years ago...  and of course all people who have lost their lives in many other life "battles" all around the world.   Please pray for peace for all...

Our sense of worth and how we feel about ourselves mainly determines how fulfilled we feel, and how rich and gratifying our lives are. Self-esteem and Self-worth are defined as followed.


Self-esteem is your relationship with yourself and your perception of who you are and how you are doing in the world.

High Self-esteem is:
  • seeing yourself as worthy of happiness and fulfillment.
  • listening to your body as it tells you what it needs. (This does not include addictive habits, substances or harmful desires. Addictions and harmful desires are only your body’s desperate cries for help. Accept your desperation without self-degradation, but do what it takes to help yourself reach your full potential.)
  • meeting life’s challenges and managing change.
  • trusting your decision-making abilities, and listening to your intuition.
  • accepting yourself as you are; your feelings, thoughts, actions, what you need and want, and who you are, and having self-compassion.
  • knowing what your unique gifts and strengths are that brings blessings to the world.
  • sharing your gifts and fulfilling your purpose without inflating your self-importance by being special or the best.
  • knowing what your gifts are, admitting your weaknesses, and letting yourself be yourself in each situation.
  • having the confidence to try new things and expand who you are inside without fear of the new or unfamiliar.
  • taking calculated risks and accepting your failures.
  • knowing that you have different levels of self-confidence in different areas. (For instance, you may feel self-confident doing your taxes, but less self-confident in social situations. We are all more self-confident in some situations and less self-confident in others. Avoid labeling yourself with low self-confidence. Instead, be aware of your whole self.)
  • being responsible and accountable for - your thoughts and feelings, for your happiness, your goals, your accomplishments, and your behavior.
  • honoring and enjoying your accomplishments and who you are.
  • having balance between; independence and dependence, reality and dreaming, rigidity and flexibility, tolerance and intolerance, adventure and predictability, rebelling and conformity, courage and caution, play and work …etc.
  • being assertive in your right to be who you are and to live your truth.
  • to have integrity and be authentic; which means acting in accordance with your values, ideals, purpose, thoughts, beliefs, needs, desires and interests.
  • Feeling worthy of being a part of this world.

Building self-esteem requires attention to all of the above. It is accepting who you already are, and taking risks in developing the areas where you want to increase your ability and confidence. Expand more of what you can do, and expand who you are by exploring your inner needs and feelings. Even though you are continually growing, remember that you already have a unique set of capabilities and core strengths. Take the time to recognize what they are, and know you are already enough as you are.


Self-worth is your innate value as one of the creations in the universe. Your innate worth is not dependent on what you do, how well you are doing, how you feel about yourself, or how others perceive you. We are all worthy of existence. We all have our own gifts and strengths that bless the world. Without your unique presence there is a small vacant space, and that space cannot be filled by anyone but you.

A note on unworthiness - Even though our self-worth wants to be naturally felt and known, some of us feel worthless at our core. And to compensate for this feeling, we may try to prove we are useful and that we have value. We may perform the role of ‘the hard worker’, ‘the entertainer’, ‘the compliant one’… any role that proves we have worth. But all the compensating does not heal the core pain of actually feeling invaluable. Feeling worthless may be the root cause of your current situation. At the core of all problems there is an experience of separation from your soul, from oneness, from the divine and from the truth. When you recognize your connection and feel your true divine worthiness, the problem is solved. You may have drawn this card to see if there is a core feeling of unworthiness that is causing the present problem or situation. If you don’t have any feelings of unworthiness, look for ways you may be compensating which may hide the feeling from you.

You may also have drawn this card to help you reflect on how you can increase your self-esteem. Reflect on the list of things that make up high self-esteem and see any areas that can help raise it.

Increasing your self-esteem and remembering your natural born worth will increase your happiness and contentment. It will give you the desire and courage to share yourself and your gifts with the world!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Card for Wednesday, September 10, 2014

It's interesting, I actually pulled the card choices again.  So I pulled another to see what's going on with having the same card come up again...

Are you trying to control yourself, others or a current situation?

Typically control has a negative connotation, but control isn’t bad, it is just the developing energy field of creation and protection. With mature (developed) energy, we create out of joy, love and inspiration, and we protect our children and others, out of selfless care and compassion. With immature control energy, we create and protect others (and ourselves) out of fear, desperation, insecurity, force or manipulation. Our intentions are good - we want to create good things for everybody. Yet with immature control, the subtle (or not so subtle) motivation is to really fill our own needs and desires; often without considering the other person(s) involved. Yet filling our own needs and desires is a common developmental stage that we may need to go through first before we can give to others. We may want to help and create positive experiences for others or ourselves, but if our control/creation abilities are not mature, we will act before we first understand what the real needs or desires actually are. As we expand in the energy field of security, trust, confidence and competency, (when our cup is full, and we know what the true needs and desires of others and ourselves are), we will create from a place of love, joy and inspiration. And the conscious act of self-protection is rarely needed, because we are living in our maturely expanded energy field where we stand strong and flexible if a storm passes our way. And when we stand in a place of ‘mastery’, no protection is needed at all! (see the card Maturity and Mastery).

If your positive energy field hasn’t matured, and you realize you have a desire to create or protect out of fear, desperation or insecurity, your first impulse will be to ‘control your control’. You may hear yourself thinking, ‘I have to manage my control. I got to learn to trust and feel safe.’ Words like ‘got to, have to, should, must, never, always’, suggest fear, force, panic and desperation. Remember mature control is creating and protecting from ease, love, gentleness and inspiration.

You can transform the energy of fear or manipulation without pushing or force. Start by welcoming in the energy of love, joy, trust, security, confidence, inspiration and competency. Gently and lovingly make any necessary adjustments, and at the same time, value and accept everyone (including yourself) for who they are and where they’re at already. Know that your need to improve, protect and create is a beautiful and worthy act. Take a big deep breathe, relax, and welcome in the inspirational steps that will lead you towards self-love, self-worth, and trust.

As your energy field of love, trust and joy expands, your desire to create and protect will benefit everyone in more delightful ways. Begin to feel the freedom from fear, distrust and insecurity, and trust that everything will turn out for the best. As you mature, you are free to create a life that is filled with ease, joy, peace and abundance!

I would guess that we shouldn't try to control the choice we made.. just make the choice and let things happen naturally :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Card for Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Choice is the most powerful aspect that our mind has, and in our choices we create the lives we live.

What happens to us is largely due to the choices we make which create our experiences and affect our relationships. With choice, we get to choose our beliefs, our thoughts, our perspectives, our values, our attitudes, and what actions to take in our world and in our life.

If you are having feelings, thoughts or experiences that are not bringing you love, joy or peace, it is up to you to make a choice to change them or to accept them. When it is time to make a change, you may feel unable to decide what choice to make.Following are ideas on how to make decisions.

When making a decision or choice, sit quietly and listen to what your heart truly wants or needs. Direct your life based on your soul’s longings rather than on the expectations of others, or what you think you should do.

Ask yourself, “What would my most confident, masterful and mature-self choose?

Ask yourself, "Will this decision attract positive people and a positive experience? Will it bring peace, love or joy?" Does it feel beneficial?Ultimately…Does this choice make me feel positive and light?

If a direction is right, you'll feel a deep calm ‘knowing’ inside of you. On the right path, there is no struggling or stress of trying to decide. If you are stressed, that particular path isn't for you. When divine paths are presented, you’ll know it.

Determine if your decision is in alignment with your values and if it is in the best interest of everyone involved. Ask yourself how your choice will affect your reputation, money, time, and your physical and emotional energy? Would you do this even without pay or recognition?

Sometimes when we are faced with a choice, we become divided in our mind. We want two opposing things. Should I go here or there - should I say yes or no? And whatever decision we make, we wonder if we should have decided the other way. Perhaps you are undecided because you are not ready to let go of something and make a change. Taking action in one direction often requires you to give up something else, even if it’s just your fear. If both options seem equally beneficial, try to find a way where you can incorporate them both into your life if possible.

Indecision can also be a gift that shows us that it isn’t the right time to decide or to take action.

If it is time to decide, ask if your choice is coming from a place of inspiration or desperation- or from a place of love or fear? When your decision is coming from a place of love or inspiration you may feel calm or an enthusiastic certainty. This is your mature, rational-self that acts based on your needs or desires. If you feel extreme excitement, dread or unhappiness, your decision is coming from a place of irrationality, immaturity, desperation or fear. When you feel an intense urge to act, it may be well and right, but it is often are action of the undeveloped or irrational part of yourself that is pushing or pulling you.

Note: Sometimes we will make a decision from a place of inspiration or love (a decision that we feel will bring us happiness), but then we discard it because we have let negative or fearful thoughts change our decision. Be mindful that you don’t talk yourself out a beneficial decision.

Also realize that fear and negative thoughts can be the perfect adviser to make you aware of situations or things that could harm you. This can be a guiding friend in your life to help you make appropriate choices. Yet be aware if your fear is irrational. Fear can be an unnecessary block towards fulfillment. Determine if your fear is rational, necessary and protective, or if it is an irrational block that prevents you from growing.

The card Choice is a gift that can give you the power to transform your life from misery to pure joy! You can change your situation, yourself or your perspectives...make the choice!