Just a brief moment to reflect on what happened 13 years ago... and of course all people who have lost their lives in many other life "battles" all around the world. Please pray for peace for all...
Our sense of worth and how we feel about ourselves mainly determines how fulfilled we feel, and how rich and gratifying our lives are. Self-esteem and Self-worth are defined as followed.
Self-esteem is your relationship with yourself and your perception of who you are and how you are doing in the world.
High Self-esteem is:
- seeing yourself as worthy of happiness and fulfillment.
- listening to your body as it tells you what it needs. (This does not include addictive habits, substances or harmful desires. Addictions and harmful desires are only your body’s desperate cries for help. Accept your desperation without self-degradation, but do what it takes to help yourself reach your full potential.)
- meeting life’s challenges and managing change.
- trusting your decision-making abilities, and listening to your intuition.
- accepting yourself as you are; your feelings, thoughts, actions, what you need and want, and who you are, and having self-compassion.
- knowing what your unique gifts and strengths are that brings blessings to the world.
- sharing your gifts and fulfilling your purpose without inflating your self-importance by being special or the best.
- knowing what your gifts are, admitting your weaknesses, and letting yourself be yourself in each situation.
- having the confidence to try new things and expand who you are inside without fear of the new or unfamiliar.
- taking calculated risks and accepting your failures.
- knowing that you have different levels of self-confidence in different areas. (For instance, you may feel self-confident doing your taxes, but less self-confident in social situations. We are all more self-confident in some situations and less self-confident in others. Avoid labeling yourself with low self-confidence. Instead, be aware of your whole self.)
- being responsible and accountable for - your thoughts and feelings, for your happiness, your goals, your accomplishments, and your behavior.
- honoring and enjoying your accomplishments and who you are.
- having balance between; independence and dependence, reality and dreaming, rigidity and flexibility, tolerance and intolerance, adventure and predictability, rebelling and conformity, courage and caution, play and work …etc.
- being assertive in your right to be who you are and to live your truth.
- to have integrity and be authentic; which means acting in accordance with your values, ideals, purpose, thoughts, beliefs, needs, desires and interests.
- Feeling worthy of being a part of this world.
Building self-esteem requires attention to all of the above. It is accepting who you already are, and taking risks in developing the areas where you want to increase your ability and confidence. Expand more of what you can do, and expand who you are by exploring your inner needs and feelings. Even though you are continually growing, remember that you already have a unique set of capabilities and core strengths. Take the time to recognize what they are, and know you are already enough as you are.
Self-worth is your innate value as one of the creations in the universe. Your innate worth is not dependent on what you do, how well you are doing, how you feel about yourself, or how others perceive you. We are all worthy of existence. We all have our own gifts and strengths that bless the world. Without your unique presence there is a small vacant space, and that space cannot be filled by anyone but you.
A note on unworthiness - Even though our self-worth wants to be naturally felt and known, some of us feel worthless at our core. And to compensate for this feeling, we may try to prove we are useful and that we have value. We may perform the role of ‘the hard worker’, ‘the entertainer’, ‘the compliant one’… any role that proves we have worth. But all the compensating does not heal the core pain of actually feeling invaluable. Feeling worthless may be the root cause of your current situation. At the core of all problems there is an experience of separation from your soul, from oneness, from the divine and from the truth. When you recognize your connection and feel your true divine worthiness, the problem is solved. You may have drawn this card to see if there is a core feeling of unworthiness that is causing the present problem or situation. If you don’t have any feelings of unworthiness, look for ways you may be compensating which may hide the feeling from you.
You may also have drawn this card to help you reflect on how you can increase your self-esteem. Reflect on the list of things that make up high self-esteem and see any areas that can help raise it.
Increasing your self-esteem and remembering your natural born worth will increase your happiness and contentment. It will give you the desire and courage to share yourself and your gifts with the world!
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