Your Card - “Let Your Inner Beauty Shine” - Pink Rose: You are a brilliant example of God’s love. Everything about you is perfect, so let your light shine and inspire others.
Remember when you were a kid and nothing got you down too much (other than your parents telling you no LOL)
Well this card is trying to get you back to that time in your life where you were a truly unique and wonderful you.
Too often we put on "masks" to fit what "society" wants us to be. Not who we truly are. But why? I know trying to "fit" in with others usually ends up making me miserable. I'm trying desperately now to be more myself. I figure even if no one "likes" me, I will. Better yet I'll be happy. In my 45 years of experience, I would rather be happy and alone than with someone and unhappy.
Because raising your vibration to being happy and being true to who you are will attract like minded individuals to you.
So even if you have to start with small steps, try to be who God intended you to be.
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