You have received the card Holding On, which means you need one of three things, (and often it includes at least two.)
‘Holding On’ is your unconscious way of creating space to focus on other parts of your life’s purpose or your other needs and desires.
You need to be on your own, and/or with a different mate.
You need a rest, and to be taken care of.
First: Is something or someone in your life ending, pulling away or leaving? This maybe happening because you have an unconscious need to do other things, and holding on to a person or a situation is a strategy that creates space so you can focus on other areas of your life. Consider if you are truly living your own life purpose and fulfilling your soul’s longings. Perhaps you need to spend more time on projects or with your children.
Maybe you have created more time for yourself with your insistent need for connection and things to remain the same? Realize that this insistence is actually your soul’s insistence to expand to newer or higher ground. Know that in the future, as you mature and become more aware of your true desires, you will have the ability to create space without pushing others away or having situations dissolve unexpectedly or without your consent.
Second: Perhaps you or your mate are ‘holding on’, which is causing the other to withdraw, and this is happening because you need to be on our own or with a different mate. Ask yourself if your mate is still truly adding richness to your life…and… if you are still adding richness to theirs? Perhaps it is really in everyone’s best interest to be moving on or alone for awhile. Maybe ‘holding on’ is possibly creating time for you to be alone, and/or providing an opportunity for you to find a new mate. Know that ‘holding on’ is a perfect strategy at this time to create time away from the other person. Know that in the future you or they will have the self-awareness that a new mate is needed and the integrity and strength to be alone, whether it’s for a day, a month or years.
Third; You need rest, and you have a deep need to feel safe, secure or to be taken care of. Again you are holding on tight, and you think that the only way to meet this need is by being demanding and clinging, either to a situation or person. If you need this from a person, be responsible and mature by requesting (not expecting) your partner or friend to temporarily let you rest and be taken care of. If they are unwilling or unable, take time out to rest and take care of yourself. If you need safety and security from a job, home or situation, find reasonable and appropriate ways to create this. Again, asking for help when necessary.
You have received this card to remind yourself to explore your needs and the benefits of ‘Holding On’. Know that your strategy of holding on is perfect at this time to invite; a time for security or rest, a richer life, a higher level of love, time alone or a new friend or partner in your life. Also know that as you grow, you will fill your needs in more mature and loving ways without the need to hold on.
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