Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Card for Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Your Card - “Uplift Your Thoughts” - Orange Lily: Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you’ll let go of depression, poor self-esteem, and excess weight.

Love the flower cards, they make me so happy.  It's all about blessings today.  What we have that we are grateful for... what things make us smile.. how we can turn that around to help someone else today.

Last night I went out to dinner with my family.  I was grateful that we were able to do so and spend time together.  I then took 2 of the 3 with me to get some "fall/winter" tops.  You would have thought that they had a ton of sugar for dinner.  Running around .. hiding in the clothes.. screaming.. <sigh>  Even though they were trying my last nerve, I was grateful that they could run around and play.  I was also grateful that I found tops for them and a new lamp for the bedroom.

Today, I'm grateful for a good commute, for a beautiful sunrise and the fact that I'm not in pain like I was last night.  It probably also helped that my music was playing all happy dancing beats :D

This card is also about intent.  Focusing your intent to be more joyful rather than down in the dumps all the time.  I know how hard it can be at times.  Sometimes it feels easier to just be down or mad at something.  But, that energy attracts that same kind.  So, try and do the gratitudes to keep the positive energy around.

Focus on what's good.  Even if you're not feeling well, just say I'm alright.  Make it so (as Jean-Luc Picard would say) :D (yes I'm a bit of a nerd)

Enjoy the day.. what ever it may bring.  Remember, you only get this life to live.. so make it a good one ;)

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