“Renewal” - The angels sent you this card because you’re either near the end of a project or at a crossroads, on the threshold of making an important change. This card signifies that it’s time to review and do some evaluation. Make thoughtful judgments regarding your life, and then make confident choices.
“The Star” - Go ahead: wish upon a star! The angels say you have every reason to feel hope and happy expectation! Believe in your dreams; and look to your future with optimism, excitement, and confidence. Challenging times are now behind you, and brighter times are ahead.
“Justice” - This card comes to you because you’re trying to make a decision. The angels guide you to wise and carefully considered decisions, with fairness extended toward everyone involved (including yourself). If you can’t be objective in this matter, seek out someone who can act as an arbitrator.
“Cleanse Your Energy” - African Violet: When you release negativity, the answer to your question shines through.
All pretty positive cards for the start of the New Year. There are a lot of changes going on and you need to make sure you are taking care of yourself during them. Change can stir up lost of negative emotions and energy so you need to be aware of this and cleanse yourself from time to time to keep the negative off you. You need to remain positive and know that this is what is supposed to happen for you. With change come new ideas, people and opportunities. So be on the look out for them.
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