Thursday, January 22, 2015

Card for Thursday, January 22, 2015

There are rhythms and cycles in nature, and since we are a part of nature, they are a part of our body and soul as well. Just like - the tides ebb and flood, the moon's waxing and waning, the cycles of seasons and of birth and death, - we also experience continual cycles and rhythms throughout our day and in our life time.

Just in a single day we can experience the birth and death of all sorts of things - like the birth and death of inspiration, hope, love, frustration, patience, hunger, sleep…etc. Take time to recognize how different cycles and rhythms move through your life and in your relationships.

In life, one job ends, another begins - one relationship dies, another is born. There are all sorts of beginnings and endings with things, situations, and feelings. Cycles include activity and rest, peace and conflict, passion and indifference, excitement and calm, laughter and tears, high energy and low energy. Be aware of how each cycle moves through you, and learn to accept and honor wherever you are, at any given moment.

In relationships, all partners experience cycles like a time for resolving issues and a time for ease and enjoyment. There are times of wanting to be close and times of needing space. The cycle of closeness and distance is natural for everyone to experience. The couples that mature in love will commit to withstanding the continual cycles of death and rebirth. The death and rebirth of love, desire, support, time alone and together…etc.

A note on Death and Re-birth

There can be difficult times in your life where the wish to die (whether it is a conscious or unconscious wish) is a part of your life experience. A death wish is a reaction to disappointment or a fight against life. If you have an unconscious wish to die, it may show itself through accidents, physical pain, illness, disease, or… you may be feeling things like lethargy, depression or meaninglessness. If you have a conscious wish to die, you will actually contemplate ending your life. You may feel that the only thing that would truly end your suffering and struggle is death. When you have a death wish, be willing to experience a new cycle of birth in your life. You can choose to begin again, (springtime follows every winter). Forgive, let go, and choose a re-birth. Ask for help from others, from your higher self, or the divine. You can also move forward in life by focusing your energy on helping someone else.

A note on Patience Most growth and change requires time and patience. Patience is the ability to persevere and wait during the completion of cycles in our lives and in our relationships. Nature moves at its own rhythm. In nature, each living thing requires a period of time to germinate, sprout, blossom, mature, ripen and whither - from the seed to the fruit of manifestation. Whether it's personal or professional growth, patience is necessary. Seeds will not become seedlings if you are busy digging in the dirt to see if they are taking root. Growth is not supported by urgency. Everything that exists waits for the right moment - the right time for a tree to bare fruit, to the right time for an infant to be born. Relax and allow time for change and growth, and also realize that not every seed is meant to sprout - no matter how well it was tended.

By drawing this card, you are being asked to accept your cyclical nature, and to honor whatever phase you may be experiencing. The new moon is as important as the full moon. When the new moon does not appear in the sky, it doesn't mean something is wrong. There is the full light of the moon with increased energy and activity, and the dark sky with the quiet move inward. Relax and open your heart to whatever cycle you are in, rather than wishing it were different. In this way you can ease your fears and struggles. If you use changes for awareness and growth, you will continue to move through life with greater ease, appreciation and joy!

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