“The Star” - Now is the time to have great faith and hope! This star shines in the heavens as inspiration and as an affirmative sign to you that your plans can be viewed with enthusiasm and confidence. Archangel Jophiel can help you see how beautiful this moment in your life is. Feel inspired to make long-term plans and know that you’ll be successful!
Not much more to say about his card. If you think about it, wishing on a star.. hmmm.. how many of us did that as kids? Starlight Star bright, first star I see tonight.... What happened to the ultimate belief that we had as kids that wishing on the star wouldn't give us what we wanted? This card is here to make sure that we get back into that "believing" energy again. Don't just say I believe this will happen but in the deepest part of you say it won't. Why? because it won't. Believe that with your whole heart. Know that you keep believing things will come to you.
I know for a fact this is true. I have had my website up for little over a year. I had one bite, until I met one lady and through her, I've now made many more spiritual friends. I do the energy pictures for them and they in turn tell others who are buying. It can happen.
Now if I only had a belief that my special needs daughter (who's almost 5 and the size of a 6 year old with the development of a 2 1/2 -3 year old) would stay put in her crib. She's has decided that crawling out and "falling" (as she doesn't have the ability to walk by herself) is a good thing to do. Yesterday alone she fell out 3 times. Now looking for options as to what to do. Last night after the 3rd time, we just took her mattress and put it on the floor. I'm now thinking maybe it's time to do twin beds for the twins. They're getting almost too big for crib mattresses. What's a parent to do?
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