Monday, January 5, 2015

Card for Monday, January 6, 2015

This card awakens you to the expansive energy shift you are about to experience - or the one you already are in. You are entering through the doorway to a world of great joy, wonder, love and fulfillment! You may have tried to walk through this doorway before but turned around; fearing the unknown or fearing the abundance that is waiting for you. Know that this time you are worthy of these blessings. This time you are open to receive a life of immense bounty and success.

Sometimes we fear the unknown, believing it may be worse than what is already present. Know that you have created this opportunity of expansion because somewhere deep down, perhaps at an unconscious level, you feel it is time to be genuinely happy. Deep down you want a life worth living, and a soul filled with trust, love, enthusiasm, peace and wonder.

Release your deep-rooted fears, and trust that you have the inner wisdom and strength to create more abundance than you could have ever imagined! Try to envision and feel the release of mediocrity, and feel the joy and satisfaction of this expansive shift.

If all you can feel is the heaviness of fear, doubt and worry, realize that the amount of heaviness you experience will be equal to the joy and lightness you’ll feel once you open up to the expansive energy that is available.
Ask for forgiveness for any past transgressions that may have been weighing you down, and ask to be free of any thoughts that may be limiting your potential. Honor your worthiness.

The hard crust of your fears, worries, doubts and your unfulfilling past will loosen, and you will emerge from the soil to feel the sun as it warms your body, heart and soul!

You’ve received this card to let you know that the depths of your soul are bringing about this great expansion so open up and expand to a new level of vision, creativity, love, inner power and glory!

Great card to have.  Just be warned that with expansion come changes.  Remember that discussion? :)  I made a huge change this weekend.  Normally when my husband would do his under the breath (but loud enough to hear) grumbling about something I "did", I wouldn't say anything because I didn't want to yell at him in front of the kids.  Well this weekend, I did yell.  He's not happy about all the cleaning and re-organizing that I did (and had help with) and so he was picking on that after I said something about the truck battery being dead (another whole story).  Needless to say, I chose my power this time and I didn't let him continue.  I don't want my kids (especially the girls) to think that you can not stand up for yourself.  I apologized to my eldest, as I could see she was visibly shaken by the confrontation, but I did let her know that I was standing up for myself, just like I do for her.  She seemed to get it.

I also had a major scare this weekend.  My family has been gone for the holidays visiting family.  I had to work, so I took the opportunity to clean the house.  They got home late on the 1st.  Daughter had mentioned on video chats that she had this bug bite.  When I asked her if it itched she said no.  So I said it probably wasn't a bug bite.  The problem was it apparently was ingrown hair or something similar and because she picked on it, it became infected.  She told me her arm hurt on the night she got back but I didn't get a chance to look at it.  I worked and then came home and finally did.  Needless to say we ended up at the Urgent care.  Turns out it was an infected boil.  My daughter has a heart issue.  This could have killed her.  So she's on heavy duty antibiotics and we did many warm compresses and the puss and blood is slowly seeping out.  I had her do her bath last night and I found out that apparently she only got "washed" (hair) once when down there.  I'll have to fact check it with my hubby, but that's unacceptable.  Especially in warm weather.  No wonder she developed the boil.  The good news is she didn't die.  She's getting better.  I thank God and the angels and all prayers of family members for this.

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