Friday, January 31, 2014

I would ask for prayers

I started off with all good intentions of trying to do a post every day, even if it was a card reading.  However, my life never seems to work out to my intentions.  I have a back issue.  It has been really acting up lately.  I met with the spine place yesterday to talk about the last thing to happen, which is numb hands.  So, I'm now on a new medication for pain and have an MRI scheduled to see what exactly is going on with my back.

So I would ask that you guys pray that it's nothing as serious as we think and that with the power of prayer that I won't need surgery.  I would also ask that you would pray to help me not be in as much pain so I can actually get some things done.

Good to come out of me being up all hours, is that my project of my new graphics for my new tarot cards are getting done.  Here's one that I LOVE and would LOVE to share with you:

I hope this graphic helps you with love and any love issues.  Or just bring you loving joy.  I thank you for the time you take in sending me loving energy for this issue I can not seem to resolve on my own.   Blessings!

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