Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Card for Tuesday, November 25, 2014

“Wide Open” - All manner of opportunities are presented to you at this time. The Wide Open card is a signal that you’re able to truly manifest your dreams and that your goals are in sight. Don’t remain small and contracted. Instead, expand your horizons beyond what you believe to be your limitations. You have a unique voice that needs to be expressed in the world. The universe is supportive of new ideas and approaches at this time, so speak up and speak out.

I must admit, I have been doing this more often.  I'm starting to be more open about my gifts.  I'm constantly thinking of new ideas and things to pursue.  For me it's not a matter of the ideas, it's getting them done.  I just don't seem to have as much time as I would like to get them finished.  Then of course you have when I think they're done, something went wrong and now they're not.  So I need to really figure out what happened so I can get them fixed.

It's nice to see this card where the person is looking toward the stars, things and dreams they have .. seeing a butterfly.. arms back trusting that they won't fall. 

How many of us have actually tried to do that.?  Scared as we might be, just move forward with a plan?  If you have done that how did it turn out? If you haven't, why did you not do it?

The nice thing about thsi card is it's time to move on with your plans the universe is supporting you on this quest.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Card for Monday, November 24, 2014

Meaninglessness is a state that isn’t talked about much in our society, yet it is a dreadful and common experience for many. Meaninglessness is being in a struggle with life and being here on earth. The questions: ‘What are we doing here?’ – ‘What's life all about?’ – ‘What's the point?’ – and - ‘Why am I living?’......those questions can be disparaging when you think you need the answers. And sometimes those questions actually create our state of meaninglessness because we think having an answer to those questions will bring us meaning and happiness.

Meaninglessness may be the worst state to be in. You aren’t faced with a challenge to meet or even depression to overcome. You aren’t sad, confused or lost. Meaninglessness differs from depression, in that it is more about having a spiritual crisis, rather than not caring about anything. Depression is having thoughts like, ‘it doesn’t matter what I do or how I think, life isn’t worth it’. Meaninglessness is a place of dwelling on thoughts like, “why should I even care if I care? And even if I do care, what is the point? What’s it all for anyway”. It isn’t about giving up, because you feel that even dying won’t offer any relief.

Experiencing meaninglessness can happen because part of what has given your life meaning has died and you are now disappointed with life. This place you are in, is now an empty place where you return to the bigger picture of, “what’s this ‘living business’ all about anyway?” And by contemplating these kinds of questions and thinking that life has no meaning, you don’t have to move forward, you don’t have to engage in life, and you never have to be disappointed in living again.

Yet the experience of meaninglessness can be helpful. You can contemplate on seeing the ‘bigger picture of your life’ as you think about where you’ve been, why you choose what you’ve experienced, and what has made your life worthwhile. These questions are important to reflect on occasionally so you can adjust and improve your life. But being in a place of meaninglessness is thinking that even those questions are pointless. Meaninglessness is getting ‘hung up’ on meaninglessness.

This place of meaninglessness can be a great opportunity for you. This state is often experienced right before a major life breakthrough. Meaninglessness can be one of the places where you make some of your greatest moves forward emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, or in your physical life.

There are ways to move out of this realm of meaninglessness, and reconnect with yourself and with life again.

You could; step through the meaninglessness by asking divine light to move you out of this state,

take time in quiet to contemplate what has given your life meaning in the past, and ask what will give it meaning again, try doing energy work like Reiki or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), do a vision quest, etc.

discuss and come to understand what the ‘disappointment’ was that might have caused your state of meaninglessness, and learn more about what your soul’s true needs and longings are.

take your focus off your state by offering help to others. Experiment with things outside your comfort zone: go on a volunteer vacation - or try building homes with an organization like Habitat for Humanity.

(Of course you may be in so much meaninglessness that you tell yourself that even these acts are meaningless!)
You now have the choice to stay in this realm or move into life again!  It is really a mind and energy shift…if you need or want it.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Cards for Friday, Saturday & Sunday November 21-23, 2014

“Page of Fire” - SITUATIONS: An exciting new opportunity comes your way! The angels guide you to whole-heartedly embrace this new endeavor. It may seem like a challenge, but it’s one you’re ready for. Dazzle people with your originality and ingenuity! PEOPLE: A youth who’s outgoing, creative, and passionate about life. Someone who enthusiastically seeks out new experiences and can make things happen.

“World Energy” - Agapanthus: The earth is going through a transition of energy, and your sensitive body is feeling it. You’re not alone; accept the help of others.

 “Trust” - In response to your question, the Romance Angels ask you to trust that everything is exactly as it needs to be. Do not add fear to the situation, which will only create drama and negativity. Instead, the angels ask you to release your worries to them.

Interesting cards for this weekend.  I would have spaced them out and done a card for each day, but my weekends are never usually clear enough to get online to do the cards - especially now trying to get ready for the holiday.

So I like to think these cards all work together.  There's new energy in the air and it's affecting us .. all of us and sometimes the electronics.  But this energy is changing things and that's a good thing.  May not seem like it at the time, but it is.  There is going to be a new opportunity coming up for you and even though it may look challenging, this card is telling you to go for it.  It's also telling you to ask for help and know that help is there.  Help may not have been there before, but to trust that it will be this time.

My sister and I were discussing this new energy.  We both have been finding it a bit more difficult to ground and shield.  Extra effort has been needed.  I have found spending a little more time in nature has helped me.  Mainly because it's the earth's energy that is shifting and being connected to the earth - even for a short amount of time is helping me become one with the energy again.

So take a moment out of your weekend and believe in miracles :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Card for Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Mystical Intervention is coming into your life to help you move forward with grace and ease.

There is an innate mechanism within you which has the desire for every living thing to evolve into the best it can be. When it is time to expand or make a shift in awareness, this mechanism triggers an ‘Intervention’ in order for you to live the best life possible. An intervention can be a feeling, a thought, an idea, an experience, or moments of synchronicity or unusual coincidences. An intervention awakens your innate desire for you to reach your full potential. Your ‘Mystic’ is the divine energy in your soul and in the cosmos that connects everything. The Mystic and an Intervention work together to ignite the desire for change and to create opportunities that enable you to evolve. The old biblical saying, ‘God helps those who help themselves’, is similar to, ‘you (your inner mechanisms that create an intervention) and the mystic working together’.

When your inner mechanisms for growth are not currently ‘updated with new parts’, (i.e.; therapy, personal growth workshops, play, meditation, living your purpose, new understandings and perspectives etc…), your means of ‘intervention’ will typically be a force in your life that is difficult, harsh or damaging. Relationship break ups are devastating, work is hard, accidents and illnesses occur – these difficult things happen in order for your need to wake up so you can reach your full potential. All these difficulties are really only your ‘outdated’ mechanics ‘intervening’ to make you change your life for the better.

Aren’t you tired of all the struggles and pain? Begin by updating your inner mechanisms and welcome the divine mystic energy. Welcome a gentle loving mystical intervention, and let it show you the way. Start by listening to your feelings and your soul’s longings, and being alert to the synchronicities that point you in the right direction. This will help lead you to deeper insights, truth, true happiness, success, peace, love and miracles. When you realize you are connected with the Mystic, and you take action to update your mechanisms for growth, you will move forward at an accelerated pace. This energy can accomplish things overnight that would have taken months or years. As you start tapping into the mystic as a way of life, things will begin to move forward with ease and elegance. You will no longer have the stress of trying to figure out how to make your dreams come true because you are connected with the Mystic that communes with all that exists. This divine energy will allow you to rest, and make your path easy and smooth. The Mystic is lining things up so that you are magically inspired on what step to take next in your life. These steps will lead you towards the dreams of your heart and soul!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Card for Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Whatever has been consuming your time and energy is coming to an end, and a whole new level of success has, or is about to come into your life. Because of your willingness to accept the recent challenges of life, you can start celebrating your success!

Your success is also a gift for others - for when you succeed you light up the ‘path of inspiration’ so others can follow.

Success isn’t just about accomplishing something; it’s also your attitude in how you view yourself and your life. Success is viewing yourself in a positive way no matter what the outcome of your plans or goals. It is celebrating the risks you took, and the striving and the efforts you made. Success, in part, is knowing that - all that you are and all that you do - is always enough.

Life is full of endings and new beginnings, and we can sometimes feel sad or empty when things come to completion. Give yourself time and space to release these feelings and replace them with the wonder and enthusiasm of what’s to come.

If you have just accomplished something, it is time to reap the reward! Too often when we reach our goal or task we brush by the celebration because there is always the next thing on our list to accomplish. Take the time to rest a bit and enjoy your success. Really acknowledge your success. Treat yourself in some special way - celebrate and share it with others!

Yet remember not to rest on your laurels too long, this is not your final destination. The journey isn't over yet. There are worlds upon worlds still waiting to be explored!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Card for Monday, November 17, 2014

Carefree is living life as it was meant to be… easy, carefree and playful!

It is time to put away your problems for a while. Enjoy life and have some fun! Drop your ‘self-importance’, and end your need to take things so seriously. Humor and playfulness will release you from the heaviness of your situation.

Celebrate the joy of being alive! Open your arms to welcome the youthful energy that is filled with wonder, joy and curiosity. Open yourself to the fun that feeds your soul. Let it revive and refresh you!

Relax your mind, body and soul. Smile, and see the humor in your situation. Rise above the issue that has been weighing you down, and imagine yourself flying free in the open sky above.

Imagine if millions of people around the world were laughing, singing, creating, loving, celebrating, dancing and playing. There wouldn’t be time for problems, hurt, revenge, resentments or worry… if we all participated!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Card for Friday, November 14, 2014

Your Card - “You Are Healed” - Calendula/Pot Marigold: The healing you’ve prayed for is on its way.

Interesting that this card came up today.  Because I had an interesting experience last night driving home.  It took awhile due to the weather.  So I've been working on trying to heal me not being able to receive.  I'm a great giver, but it's often said those that give a lot are terrible in receiving.  For me, that's true.  So I was driving and all of a sudden I was in the Akashic Records.  I was asking how could I let go of old issues, past life issues etc, and I got lead to the healing chamber.  I was able to heal and let go, cut cords etc not only for myself but for my sister as well.  She even commented later that she felt this burst of energy that made her feel good and didn't know why (until I told her).

How many of you are holding grudges?  Did you know holding those grudges hurt you?  What about feeling guilty for something?  All those "bad" emotions keep you in that moment and you relive it over and over.  It's time to let go and let God.  So you made a mistake.  We all do.  Don't wallow in that negativity, learn from it, forgive yourself and move on.  Same with the grudges, let go of them, forgive the person and move on.  How you move on is up to you as long as you truly forgive and heal from those negative emotions.

If you are still having issues with the healing, this card is telling you that someone will be coming into  your life that will help you through this process.   The healing will be within at the soul level which will strengthen you from the inside out.  Which is a good thing.  It will give you the core needed to move on and be happy and happier in your life.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Card for Thursday, November 13, 2014

Your Card - “You Are Lovable” - Camellia: Love who you are, as you’re created perfectly. Everything about your true self is beautiful.

Interesting that this card came up today.  I have been working on this as well as helping others with this message.

What is that message you ask?  Well it's all about loving yourself.  Too often we are "ok" with ourselves and then get involved with someone who turns out to be the wrong person.  Can I get an Amen? LOL  Or worse, you change for them.  Into something  you don't like and don't know.  Or you try and change that other person to "fit" you.

The truth of the matter is we have to be happy with us and who we are before anyone else can be. 

You've probably heard the term, quick looking for love and it'll find you?  Well it truly works.  And love can mean not only a "relationship" type love, but also new friends that fill your life with joy and eventually become your support system.  So be true to who you are and be happy with your own company.  You'll then draw all the people you need into your life.

I love the colors int his card, all the shades of pink.. which to me represent the various components of love.  Along with yellow which is happiness.  And isn't that the goal for most people?  Would you just love to wake up with joy in your heart and be that way most days? Or even every day?

Now a good way to start working on loving yourself is stand in a mirror look at yourself and don't self-criticize like you usually do, see what is good and loving about you.  And then say to yourself.. I love "That" about me.  It is a great feature to have.  Then say something as to why that's a great feature.

For example, I LOVE my eyes.  I think they are one of my best features.  They are truly the window to my soul and my soul is lovely and everyone is drawn to it through my eyes.  I am happy with my eyes and wouldn't change anything about them.

Know that you are worth loving... YOU.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Card for Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Your Card - “Ten of Gabriel” - It’s important to live a balanced life! Your determination and sheer will to accomplish the task before you is very admirable, but it’s taking a large toll on you. Ask for help from others. Delegate responsibility to those who can do a good job. Reduce stress for the sake of protecting your health.

Been working hard lately?  Trying to get many things done in a little amount of time?  I know we're getting into the holiday season and things always seem to rush at you trying to get things done.  But it's OK to ask for help.  In fact drawing this card the angels are suggesting you do it.  You are doing too much.  It's OK to ask for help, it's OK to take a break.  If you continue on this path there will be nothing left.  I know from experience that the body will take drastic measures to make sure you slow down.  Like making you sick -- it is that time of season as well. 

I know I have been trying to do a lot and I know that I feel completely drained.  Usually being tired, I still have this well that I can draw from.  Lately that well is DRY.  That's a good indication that it's time to take time for you.  Replenish that well, in what ever way you can.

This card is also about trying to please others.  Take it from someone who knows, that never works out.  The only person you should worry about pleasing is you.  Once you're happy you can deal with all that other stuff and people.  Never please anyone that compromises you.  It's a hard habit to break if you keep doing it.  Be helpful and happy toward others, but don't ever compromise YOU.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Card for Monday, November 10, 2014

Feeling shattered is not grief or sadness from loss. It is a feeling of devastation or angst from misperceiving the true reality of a situation, and from not envisioning the abundance that is available to you.

Have you lost (or are you about to lose) something or someone, and your heart feels irreparably broken? Or do you feel angst because something or someone that is lost seems irreplaceable, and you think that life will never be good again?

The situation you are in - that is overwhelming you with pain - has probably triggered either a great loss from the past or an intense fear about something in the future - or both. This means that the situation you are in only plays a part of the devastation you are feeling. In reality, it is only your perception of the situation that is causing the pain or it’s because you are thinking about the past or future – not the present moment. It is likely that the thing or person you lost (or may lose) probably isn’t as important as you believe, or it is not as fulfilling as it once was - as we don’t lose what we are truly are meant to keep.

The pain may also be caused because you refuse to accept the ending or the loss of this special part of your life. You may even act desperate to try and get it back - believing this will end your pain. Or you may buckle under the weight of the pain and lay helpless on the ground. Refusing to accept ‘what is’, prevents you from dealing with change and the benefit the change is providing. And buckling keeps you from moving forward towards your true joy and purpose in life. Take all the time your heart needs to accept this loss, and release your feelings about the past or the future. This is better than avoiding it, denying it or trying to tough it out.

Now that you have accepted and released your feelings, begin to understand the benefits of feeling shattered. Start by shattering your fixed perception of your situation. Let go of limiting thoughts. Awaken to your soul’s deep needs, and bring awareness to the abundance of possibilities, and to what you truly desire. The ache for the person or thing you have lost is telling you how important this aspect of life is to you. Having this person or thing in your life may or may not be needed, but know those wonderful feelings that it created will definitely come again because this situation has woken a need in your heart that is supposed to get filled. Maybe not in the same manner, but filled in some other way or by someone else. Without doubt, your next experience will be fuller, richer and better than you can imagine!

I like to think of this card as the one that helps us to move and change our lives for the better.  Often change is a frightening things for most people.  So that's what this shattered feeling is like.  Given some distance you'll see that the step was necessary to move you along your path.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Card for Saturday, November 8, 2014

The journey of our lives tells a story. Consciously or unconsciously we choose the type of story we want to tell. You can tell happy or inspiring stories….or you can tell dark stories of tragedy and fear.

The stories we tell are based on our beliefs, desires, needs and expectations, and we will consciously or unconsciously act out our story to support these things.

Stories are the expressive creation of your mind and your soul. You have picked this card so you can stop and think about what kind of life story you are writing.

Here are some questions you could ask yourself about your life story: If my life were a book or movie, what would it be about? (you are all the characters and the writer.) Ask yourself – If I were watching a movie about my life, would I get up and walk out half way through? Or is my story captivating, inspiring, beautiful, loving and fun!

We chose our stories for some purpose. Ask yourself what that purpose is. What purpose do I have for writing the story I am living? What is the payoff? What is my need? What is my belief or expectation? What gift or opportunity stays hidden by this? What is this story allowing me to do or not do? Behind every event and experience, there is a need or want that is trying to get meet, and an expectation or belief that is being lived out. For example let’s explore what the hidden need/want is, or what the underlying belief or expectation is for the following scenario. Let’s say we want to provide a meaningful service but we aren’t. Is it because we are not ready yet because we need to build our skills or trust in our ability first? Or, do we expect failure and a lack of funding or support? Or,perhaps we believe we are not worthy of providing meaningful things. Or, maybe we don’t want to put in the time and effort after-all.

Perhaps you are living out a dark story. You came to a planet that is made up of light and dark…a place of contrast. Understand how you are benefiting from the dark….the dark contrast or the dark stories. Maybe you have chosen a dark story because you want to add excitement to your life. Maybe it’s because you want to tell ‘a rags to riches story’, ‘a disease to wellness story’, or ‘a villain turned hero story’! Remember; if it’s a Healing Story or a Heroic Story that you are telling , you need sickness, a villain or a victim . They don’t sound like such great stories after all, do they?.…not when you see them in that light! What if you unconsciously created a dark story of illness, disease or tragedy because you actually need to change your life…or you need/want to be cared for more… or you want to consciously or unconsciously end your life?
After you have come to understand why you have a dark story playing, you can change it by choosing a different script. For every little scene of the old dark story that plays out, you can say to yourself, ‘I don’t need or want this anymore. What I need/want is ____’.

You have within you, (and with the help of the universal energy of love, joy, creation and wisdom), the ability to change your story into anything you want. At every moment of your life, and every word in your script, you can choose a.…..Happy Story! A Love Story! Or… An Adventure Story!

Card for Friday, November 7, 2014

Fear is an emotion. Fear can alert us to the presence of danger, or we can feel fear when we image that something bad may happen. A response to fear is sometimes known as the “fight or flight” response, in which the body prepares itself to either enter combat or run away, yet another typical reaction, is to freeze in our tracks and do nothing. These responses can be necessary, but they can also be the result of thoughts that are not based on reality. In order to choose how to appropriately respond or re-‘act’ when we are feeling fear is to first decipher if the fear is real or imagined.

An example of the possibility of our fear being imagined is when we remember an experience from the past that was ‘bad’, and although it is extremely unlikely to reoccur, we imagine it happening again. Our fear is from the past, but it is projected onto the present or future. This may be a way of learning from our experiences, but it also may only be an unnecessary precaution if the ‘bad’ event is unlikely to occur. We need to decide if the fear is reasonable and logical or if it is unfounded and irrational.

If you decide that your fear is imagined, you can dissolve it by bringing loving and positive thoughts into the situation. Or you can fully surrender to the fear, letting it run freely - right through you - until it is gone, leaving you with feelings of love, trust, joy, faith or peace.

If fear isn’t just imagined, it means we can use fear to help protect and advise us. Fear makes us aware of situations and things that could harm us, and it helps us to avoid painful or stressful experiences. Fear can also prevent us from making hasty decisions. We can be thankful for what fear has come to do, and to let it be a guiding friend in our lives.

The card Fear is asking you to understand or intuitively feel if fear is holding you back from success and happiness, or if fear has come to keep you safe. Until you reach full spiritual, emotional and intellectual mastery, fear will either be a hindrance, a necessary guide, or an internal radar to keep you from harm. Know that the more you mature (the more you grow and evolve) the less fear you will experience!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Card for Thursday, November 6, 2014

Your Card - “Play Time!” - “The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation.”

When this card comes up it means you've been straining and working too hard and have lost your initial focus you had.  You're striving more out of habit than out of a clear direction.  So, stop.  Time to shake things up.. that serious side you've been doing.  Time to be silly and to have fun.  This will not only break things up for you  and regain perspective on what's important and what is not.

Plus if you play outside you not only get that creative spark going again, you also get oxygen to help the process grow.

So go do something fun.. and soon!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Card for Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Today's card is all about grounding yourself to help you focus in creating the new life for yourself.  Look at the colors in the card.. browns, oranges to pinks.  Browns are for the grounding.  Think of this as a flower with roots going down to the ground.  You would do the same thing except you would go a lot further.  I like going through the whole earth.  Kind of like those old cartoons that talked about digging to China :)  Then that energy comes back up to you.

The orange is tied to your sacral chakra.  It often referrers to new ideas and abundance.  Things are changing for you and this will be one of the first areas affected.

The second is the light yellow you see.  That's tied to  your solar plexus and is the core of who  you are.  It is the bringer of new ideas and joy.

This color pink represents a new love and sensual being.  Now sensual can just mean that you're enjoying life where before you might have been just "being".

The diamond shapes represent you moving forward and being fearless and protected in all that you do.  You are becoming a wonderful spiritual being and should be happy with what is coming your way.  You are transforming to a even more beautiful lightworker.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Starting something new

I had my website up for awhile now (www.healingbyharmonize.com) that offered various psychic services to people.  But then I started writing a book and was thinking of putting up another website for selling the book(s).  Then I started looking at doing voice over work as well.  I thought what? another website? 

So I revamped my site.  It now contains all the information.  This way I have one website that allows those individuals who want psychic services can get it, who want to get my book when I finish it, they can there as well as listen to examples of my voice over work. (still working on getting the demos together).

So one of the things I've done with the voice over is get evaluated.  Many places offer this service but the ones I've seen start at $100.  Except for one.  I got to be evaluated for $20.  Cheap!  But they also didn't pressure me to buy their services either.  It was truly an evaluation of the voice.  I appreciate that, as I'm a single income with 3 special needs kids in an old house.

The nice thing is I do e-learning voice-over for my regular work.  Have now for 3-5 years.  So the person evaluating me told me I had a presence that some people don't have.  He even gave me pointers to help propel me along even further.  I was very happy with this feedback.

I keep adding things in my mix to try and do to help supplement my income.  It's hard to do when a good portion of your day is at work or in a car going to and from work.  But these types of things I love to do.  If I didn't, they wouldn't be part of my website.

I wrote about this because I want people to understand where I' coming from and that you too can work toward your dreams.  It just takes small steps to make that big leap.  Also the faith that things will come your way when they are supposed to so that you can continue on the path.

So, a new thing I'm looking at, is something with my soul sister.  Either web videos or podcasts where we work on you being "The Authentic Spiritual You".  We both have gone through similar yet different things in our spiritual path.  We both believe that we can help others along theirs.   So keep an eye out for it.  You might eventually see it on the website.

Card for Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pulled again from my New Oracle Cards - The Light Within for today's card.  It's happiness.  Oh just have to LOVE this card.  There is a period of happiness coming to you.  If it hasn't already started. 

This card represents to me a party.  All the colors and if there was music it would be something you could dance to -- why? Because it's representative of happiness.  I know when I'm happy, I kind of bounce along and spread sunshine where ever I can.  I also love listening to music and it just make me sunshiny inside as well.

So take time and keep working on being grateful for things in your life and this new found happiness that you have that you can keep the positive going in your life.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Card for Monday, November 3, 2014

I decided to use my new cards today for the card draw.  You can view them on www.healingsbyharmonize.com -- just look under Psychic Services.  My cards are finished, just getting printed so I can start selling them, but I felt drawn to use them for today's reading.

Today's card is Healing Light.  God is all around us and inside of us.  For those of you that don't believe in "God" .. then think the universal energy.  I felt drawn to this card today because I think there's been so much negative energy and things going on in the world that we need to remind ourselves of this healing that is going on.  We have to be willing to accept it and then spread it to others to keep the healing process going. 

Sometimes we are so plugged into technology that we forget to unplug and just be as well.  I'm guilty of that as well.  But today would be a good day to go out and breathe in the nice cold crisp fall/winter (for those of us in the USA) air.   Stand on the ground while you can, before the snow hits.  Really get grounded and let that healing energy into your being.  It can only help you.  Take that moment today because we are starting to gear up for all the holidays and madness that won't stop until January.

I wish for all of you today peace and love.