Tuesday, February 26, 2013


First off -- BAH !  I truly dislike labels.  I was always the kid that never "fit in".  I wasn't a geek in the sense of a geek (I tended to translate for them).  I wasn't an athlete (even though I played some sports).  I wasn't considered a band/choir geek (even though I was in both).  I wasn't considered popular (even though I was on student council and a cheerleader).  I always felt like I was me and everyone else was circling me in their groups.  As a kid, it felt bad being left out.

Then I get to where I'm trying to learn the psychic stuff.  OMG.  Talk about labels.  "What" are you?  I'm like huh? Then it turns to what can you do?  Again, umm... heal.  Well how do you heal...?  How do you label something that is so a part of you that you can't describe it?  To top it off, all the different terminology and trying to remember what they are.

Heck when someone does readings for me and they throw a label in there I don't understand, I have to go look it up.  Why?  Because to me labels aren't important.  It's a "thing".  I'm not a thing.  I am a person that feels other emotions.  I get gut feelings about things and sometimes I just know -- but have no idea why I know.  I can also hear my guides as well as get images from them and sometimes spirits.  I know I can heal.  I've seen the proof.  I can usually connect to other's pain, which helps in the healing.

So what label is that?  Beats me.

Sometimes it's just nice to talk to someone who talks on your level and plainly.  Does not give you all the labels and things you must work on and you must do it with me.  I figure if you connect with me, great.  If you want to continue with something great again.  But if you don't.  No hurt feelings.  Sometimes I can't connect.  It happens.  I feel if you have to label me as a "psychic" -- I will be there to help you the best I can.  But in the same instance, you have to want to be helped and listen to the information.  Besides, what I see for a future is only a potential future.  There are TONS (technical term) of different steps to do to get there.  If you miss one, you get a total different outcome.  Why?  Because the future is liquid.  It does not solidify until it's the present and at the moment it's supposed to be.

Think about it.  How many of you have "made plans" (even for the next day) that don't happen because something comes up?  **Raises Hand**  Happens to me a lot.  All we can do is visualize for that ending and pray it comes up.  Heck, you might wanting to go in a direction to find out something else comes across your path at a different moment in time that will set you on a different future.

Like -- OMG.. I'm so in love with him/her.  I'm going to marry them.  Get engaged and the closer it gets the more panicked you get until you stop the whole thing.  Or worse get married and then divorced.

It's all part of the plan. Things happen to you for a reason.. don't ever doubt that.  We just don't always see it in the moment we are living it.  This coming from a 40-something-year old who's looked back on her life and her "moments".

So back to the topic - "Labels" -- if someone wants to give you one -- tell them something along the lines of Awesome, Individual, Supreme Being -- or just weird like I do.  Who wants to be "normal" ?  Just be YOU.  Nothing less, nothing more.  And when looking for a psychic, find one that can talk to you like a normal person and not be above you.  That's what it's all about.

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