Thursday, January 23, 2014

Card for today

I did a one card pull from the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.  As you can see this is the card that came up.  Now, it gives a brief blurb about what this card could mean.  But, I've run across people where they dislike children.  So what would I say to them about drawing this card?

Be the child you're trying hard to forget.  You may be too busy being the adult, that you're not taking time to enjoy your life.  See the rose?  Why not smell them?  See how the little girl is looking up?  Take time to enjoy your surroundings.  See the butterfly wings on her back?  Dress up or doing something fun and outrageous.

I think that's really the overall message here for all of us.  We've been too cooped up, busy with our lives that we forget we are still children of God and it's alright to want to have fun from time to time.  So take a moment to do so, the fairies are wanting you to rediscover fun in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful card and very spot on for me. Thanks Harmonize <3
