Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Card for Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Values are personally held beliefs, principles or qualities that are important to us. They are part of what guides our behaviors and our decisions. Our values influence our choice of friends, employment and the activities we pursue.

There is no right or wrong set of personal values, though there are cultural and society norms embracing certain values as correct. As adults, we can give thoughtful reflection to see if our values are a true reflection who we are, and we can take note if our values are in alignment with our actions and lifestyle. As a result of discernment and life experiences we may discard some values and add others.

Discover what you value most.
The following list of values will help you identify and clarify your own personal values and help you to consciously live a value-based life.

From this list, select 15 qualities and 15 elements of life that are most important to you. Feel free to add any values of your own to this list.

Abundance    Acceptance    Accomplishment    Accountability     Adventure    Affection

Ambition    Appreciation   Authenticity     Awareness   Balance    Beliefs    Belonging

Career    Challenges   Change    Choice   Clarity   Comfort   Commitment  Communication   

Community   Confidence  Conviction   Cooperation    Compassion   Courage  Creativity

Competence   Competition   Democracy   Dependable   Direction   Disciplined   Dreams

Education   Empathy   Entertainment   Enthusiasm   Environment   Ethics   Excellence

Excitement   Exhilaration   Exploration   Faith   Fame   Family   Flexibility 

Financial  Security    Focus    Forgiveness   Friendships   Freedom   Fun   Gratitude

Giving/Helping   Growth   Happiness    Harmony    Heroism    Humor   Health    Honesty

Imagination    Independence    Influencing   Others    Ingenuity   Inner Harmony   Insight

Inspiration    Integrity    Intellect    Intimacy   Involvement    Joy   Kindness   Knowledge

Leadership   Listening   Loyalty   Love   Maturity   Mastery   Mindfulness    Money

Nature   Openness    Optimism    Order   Passion    Patience   Peace   Persistence   Playfulness

Pleasure   Power   Privacy   Prosperity    Purpose    Recognition    Reason    Reflection

Relationships   Relaxation   Religion   Reputation   Responsibility   Resourcefulness

Safety   Security   Self-worth   Serenity   Service   Solitude   Sanctuary   Spirituality   Stability

Status   Success   Truth   Trust   Understanding   Values    Variety    Virtues    Volunteering

Warmth   Wealth    Where   You Live   Wisdom   Wonder

Now that you have 15 qualities and 15 elements of life, imagine that you are only permitted to have 7 of each. Which ones would you give up? Cross them off. This exercise will help you to define what is most important to you.

Clarifying and integrating your values into daily life will bring meaning, purpose, integrity and direction…and it will enable you to fulfill your dreams!

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