Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Card for Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We all need to nurture and be nurtured - whether or not we give ourselves permission. The card Nurture refers to nurturing the emotional, physical, social and spiritual self.


We are social creatures, so it is important to build and nurture our relationships. Take the time to go for lunch with a friend, to go on a date with your beloved, or a weekend away with the girls/guys.


Nurture your spiritual-self as well. Journal, meditate, take time alone in nature, or go to a retreat to journey into your spiritual-self.


Touch is an important aspect of nurturing – in both giving and receiving. It is a way of communicating affection, passion, care, support and love. We all like to be touched in varying ways and amounts. Therefore when touching another, it is best to be mindful of how, when and where the other person likes to be touched. Be sensitive to the other person’s level of comfort. And for others to truly feel nurtured, give without expectations of reciprocation.

Eating healthy, movement, hygiene, sleep and relaxation are other aspects of nurturing your body. You may have pulled this card to remind yourself to nurture these aspects of your physical being. Heal any physical wounds that you may have been ignoring.
Also you may have forgotten to give your mind the necessary nourishment of intellectual exercise. Remember to find ways to stimulate your brain. Take a class, read a challenging book, write an article for your local paper..etc.


Nurturing your emotional body includes honoring your childlike joy and wonder, along with accepting and your hurt, fears and frustrations. Sit quietly and connect with how you truly feel inside, giving yourself full compassion and support. Feel the all parts of yourself that still need love, understanding and a sense of joy and happiness. Share your feelings with a trusted friend or partner without blame or judgement. Blaming someone for negative feelings and trying to get them to fix it only distracts you from recognizing the opportunity to expand peace, love, learning and happiness. Having someone listen can be truly nurturing. Emotional health comes when someone close to you witnesses your tears of joy and your challenges, and listens with genuine interest and compassion - without judgement or advice. You can only cultivate nurturing in your relationships when you are fully capable of feeling and accepting your feelings. If you are not comfortable with exuberant joy or fear, it is very hard to accept these emotions in others.

It is time to nurture. When you nurture your whole self and others, you will improve your health, happiness, and your relationships!

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