Monday, May 12, 2014

Card for Monday, May 12, 2014

Your Card - “The Chariot” - Congratulations! This card means you’ve successfully balanced a recently challenging situation! Your ability to see both sides, take action, and make decisions has garnered you approval, respect, and gratitude. So, bask in the joy of what you’ve accomplished!

To me the chariot card means moving forward.  What have you done recently that would make you feel proud of yourself?  That's really what this card is telling you to do.. be proud and pat yourself on the back.

I'm very much an easy going person.  Probably too much so.  I hate confrontation, so if I can help it, I try to stay far far away from it.  That doesn't mean though I can't stand up for myself of someone I love if necessary.  In fact, I'd like to think I do that very well.  For myself, if past history is anything to guide from, I tend not to.  But I have been making strides in speaking up for myself.  As much as it goes against my nature, I'm finding myself calling people out who have been doing things that I normally would have just let go. 

When people say things under their breath about you .. to you .. stuff that ultimately is hurtful, that's negative energy being directly sent to  you.  After awhile, you start believing it and it does wear you down.

I try to be a more positive person wherever I can.  Guaranteed, sickness and pain, can wear anyone down eventually.  But on top of that if you get someone that claims to love you doing this stuff to you, it's time to stand up to them.  So I started doing that for my kids initially, but lately have been doing it for me.  If I don't show my kids that I can stand up for myself, how are they going to learn?  Better yet, how can I look at myself if I don't do it for me, who is worth something.  To often we're in situations which whittle away at our belief in our self.  And every day that it happens, more is gone from the core that makes you.  Don't let it happen.  I let it happen once to me.  Just because it's easier not to address, doesn't make it a good thing to do. 

So if you have been doing things to help yourself in making good decisions, letting go of those things that don't help you along, good for you!  This card is telling you that your making progress and to be happy for yourself.  You may still grieve for what's been the "norm" in your life but over all leaving bad things behind will eventually lift you up and in the future you will see how dark of a place you may have been in and wonder how you ever stood it.

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