Thursday, May 8, 2014

Card for Thursday, May 8, 2014

Your Card - “Pray” - Sometimes Indigos don’t realize how powerful their thoughts and words are. This card reminds you to pray and think positively, because negative thoughts and words can actually block you from living your purpose and dreams. This is especially true if deep down you believe you don’t deserve what you want or that achieving it is unrealistic.

Interesting card today.  Now even though it says "Indigos" it could really mean all of us.  How often have we prayed for something and then tell ourselves it wasn't going to come true or we weren't good enough in some way for it to come true?

Prayer is a powerful thing.  There are many different ways to pray.  Whether it's to a God you believe in, or to another entity, or to the universe in general.. it really is positive intent and energy when you pray.  The trick to prayer is you have to believe in your soul/gut that what you're praying for will come true.  There's a trick to prayer as well.  God/universe will answer, but usually not in the way that you expect.  We ask, we will received, but we're not in charge of how it will happen.  Besides God/Universe knows the best thing we need, rather than what we may want.  But God/Universe can not do anything until we ask for it and that's what prayer is for.  What can you pray about for yourself or better yet someone else or the world?

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