Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Card for Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Your Card - “Damara” - You are good at helping, counseling, and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.

This card is kind of a different card to have.  Especially if you don't have children or around them.  But this card is telling us we all have a path to guide children.  If we don't take the time to show them how to be, what will our world be when they grow up.

I myself have had 4 children.  On a daily basis I'm guiding them to be productive citizens of this planet.  I've been told by many that have been around my children on how well behaved they are or how kind they are.  That's such a lovely feeling to have as a parent.

But even if you don't have kids, know they are part of your path.  Sometimes you may be put in a position to help some neighbors out with their kids, maybe it's that you become a big brother/big sister, or maybe it's just helping out with the children in your church.

I also like to think of this card as us.  To often as adults we don't take the time to have the pleasure we used to as kids.  When is the last time you went outside and just looked up at the clouds? Or danced for the sheer joy of it?  Or something that you did as a kid that you haven't done in a long time.  We need to feed and guide our inner child as well.

So take time today and along your future and do something fun for kids and yourself :)

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