Thursday, March 7, 2013


I used to be the girl with the rose colored glasses, until they cracked.  Then I became such a sour puss that it was no wonder I had such trouble in my life as well as an attitude about it.  I learned to be very cautious with myself (thanks to the ex) in respect to others and always see what they "wanted".

To be on the spiritual path, you can't be like that.  Spiritual = FAITH.  Have faith that things will work out.  Have faith that not everyone is out to scam you.  One way to have that faith is to find joy in your life.

You ever come across "perky" "perpetually happy" people?  How do they make you feel?  For me, it depends on are they in my face or just themselves.  Thinking back, I have a feeling I might have been that type, but oh how time changes.  For me, calm happy is alright.  They find joy, they might smile at you and you feel happy around them.  In the face type, makes me want to slap.  I know.. not real spiritual -- but the truth :D  That type always seems to want you to be happy to and heaven forbid if you're not!  Hey!  We're human and we have ups and downs.  And guess what!  It's OK to be that way.

So thinking about this topic makes me think back to when I was a kid.  I remember finding joy in a lot of things.  I realized recently that I need to get back to that part.  One, because I remember how good it felt to be that way.  Two, because getting to Joy and Love puts you at a higher vibration and brings those things to you more frequently.

Anyone is who has heard of Law of Attraction knows the basic principal == Like attracts Like.

Today, I'm grieving and feeling a bit guilty.  Why?  Because I just found out that my daughter who will be 3 in April and I knew was delayed, is delayed even more than I thought.  So I'm grieving that part of it.  I'm then feeling guilty because I should have pushed harder for her to have more services.  My husband has been a major block on this whole issue with her.  (My Lesson)  I pushed at 14 months to finally get her PT services.  I pushed him to take her to eye doctor because I saw an issue (turns out I was right).  Now, since her eye surgery, she's made huge strides in our eyes, but according to the tests they did on Tuesday, she's VERY delayed.  So I'm taking a moment to feel these feelings, but not to wallow in them.  What's past is past and I can't change it.  So I now need to focus on the here and now.

From here on out, I will be pushing my husband to do more with her (he's the one at home all day).  Will be pushing to get her services that she qualifies for and most importantly, be pushing her.  She beyond her medical issues, is a lazy child.  With lazy children, you have to make it a game for them to want to participate.  I ought to know, I was the lazy child :D

So I'm getting my FAITH on that everything will work out the way it's supposed to for her and for me and my husband.  That's not denying their is an issue, that is being positive that she will turn out fine for her and keeping it positive for all involved.

How are you finding your faith/Spirituality in difficult situations?

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