Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Heavy Heart

I'm sitting here shaking my head almost at a loss for words.  The Boston bombing, the shootings, 9/11 -- not to mention other things in other countries that probably no one even knows about.  What is this world coming to?

As much as I like the stories of people helping others in these times of need -- these are usually the same people that are helping others in their daily life anyway.  We can learn a lot from them and if we can get a few people to affect a few more.. then maybe our world has a chance.

I look back to when I was growing up and how much freedom we had to do things and because of the media and other things -- how I worry when sending my kids out in my own back yard.  When I was a kid -- and lived in the country -- we would be gone most of the day.  We didn't have cell phones so parents could keep tabs on us.  We didn't have cable.  We didn't have computers/internet.  Heck Atari was the up and coming thing.  We never really worried about strangers or bad things happening in the world -- or as a kid I was completely oblivious about it.

So as a parent in today's time, I worry about my kids. There are so many restrictions on them and they have a wide at your hands technology that gives them so much more access.  When the shooting happened in Connecticut, I didn't want my girl who's 6 to be so terrorized about going to school that I didn't say anything to her.  I was prepared for her to talk to me about things if she heard it from other kids, what I wasn't prepared were other adults talking to her about it. 

I worry that my kids are going to grow up too fast -- not get to keep the innocence around them due to all the media available to them.  So we limit things.

But as things keep escalating around the world, I just wonder what future my kids and their kids will have if the world keeps at this pace.  This makes my heart very heavy.

So I ask that all of you, once a day, send LOVE out into the world.  Think it, believe it, feel it, pray it -- doesn't matter how.  Let's try and raise the vibration from the evil things to the positive and good things and hopefully if we do this bit by bit, maybe we'll have a chance for our kids.

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