Monday, July 7, 2014

Card for Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Your Card - “Metamorphosis” - Butterflies earn their wings through great effort. The process of change is often painful, for it is never without losses and sacrifices. If you are to transform from one form to another, a part of you needs to die.

Well I like and dislike this card.  I dislike the word die.  I prefer changing.  But that's just me.  Through test and trials will you become stronger and better for it.  None of us like to hear that kind yof statement but it's true.

I've gone through many things in my life and when people hear about it, they keep calling me strong.  I probably am, but like anyone I have time swhere I wish I didin't have to be so "strong". 

Each of the things I've gone through I think has made me a better person.  Changed my outlook on life and I'm able to relate to people more.  Many are surprised when I tell them some of the things that have happened to me and usually brings up something painful in their life.  Those things and dealing with them helps them to heal and move on.  Changing who they are at the core level.  Making them a completely different person.

So embrace those terrible things in your life as they have made you into the wonderful and wondrous person you are today.

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